Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 343 Regret

In the camp, after Orochimaru made such a fuss, the senior officials who were originally in agitated mood calmed down.

Naoshu didn't care what these people were thinking, but directly stated his next plan: "Everyone, the current situation is very beneficial to us. According to the information I know, our strength is enough to defeat Kong Zhi." The country is crushed.

Therefore, our goal in this battle should not just be simple revenge and destruction of the country. We must eliminate their ruling class, seize their technological wealth, occupy their land, and take over their population.

We need a quick and hearty perfect victory. To achieve this goal, we must conduct a surprise attack or even an assassination inside the enemy.

Therefore, it is most appropriate for me to lead the ANBU to complete this battle."

After hearing Naoki's plan, while the top brass of the Ninja Army were excited, some people also felt strong reluctance.

Although the Kingdom of Kong is just a small and inconspicuous country, once the goal mentioned by the rope tree is achieved, then this will be a war of annihilation that expands the territory and expands the territory.

This kind of achievement and glory is unprecedented for Konoha, and it will be equally rare in the future, but now, as the supreme commander, Naoki tells them that they cannot participate in it.

They have been here for more than a month and have done almost nothing except repeated boring training.How can I be willing to stand by and watch when I finally get a chance?

The Uchiha clan leader couldn't help but speak first: "After all, Mr. Naoki's enemy is a country, and he has many novel technological weapons. With more than 2000 ANBU, the manpower is a bit thin. If something goes wrong, it will be easy and impossible to make a decision in time. In response, as a commander of an army, your personal safety affects the entire army, should you mobilize more troops to respond?"

Looking at his worried look, he had completely forgotten who had just confidently stated that the rope tree could defeat a country by himself.Other senior executives also nodded in agreement, looking worried.

Hearing this, Naoki shook his head and said: "The total military strength of Kong Country is less than three thousand. Two thousand Anbu members are just right. Sometimes too many people can cause trouble. And the most important thing about this sneak attack is to quickly conceal our generals." Use the time and space ninjutsu to directly teleport the ninja troops into the enemy's imperial city, so the number of people is limited. It would be a warning, and it is not suitable to send ninja troops to respond on the periphery."

Seeing Naoki's resolute attitude, the Uchiha clan leader no longer insisted on sending more troops, but instead fought for opportunities for his own people: "Naoki-sama, the elite ninjas of the Uchiha clan are equally capable of carrying out sneak attacks and assassinations with the help of the Sharingan." , and the illusion ability of the Sharingan is more suitable for capturing people alive. If you take us with you, the operation will be smoother."

Not to be outdone, the Hyuga clan leader said: "The Byakugan of our Hyuga clan is equally effective in sneak attacks and assassinations. It is said that the effect of soft fists on capturing prisoners alive is not weaker than illusions at all."

"Ahem, Master Naoki, the illusion skills of our Kurama clan are also not weak. We are guaranteed to make the enemy lose consciousness silently."

"The insects of my Aburame clan can also achieve the same effect, and they are more concealed."

"The ninja dogs of my Inuzuka clan are also good at sneak assassination and move quickly."

Seeing that the patriarchs of each family began to promote their family's assassination capabilities, Shengshu was filled with dark thoughts.Since you are so capable, why didn't the Anbu see you sending clan members to respond when they expanded their manpower? I heard that Danzo's roots have recruited several "confidants" from ninja families.I would rather let that old guy carve a curse mark on his tongue than work under me. This is obviously not giving me face.Now that I can see that I can get some credit, I suddenly

Become so positive.How can it be such a good thing to give you all the credit you have earned?

Shengshu looked at these clan leaders who were working hard to promote themselves, and nodded with relief: "The unique blood inheritance abilities and secret techniques of each clan do have their own advantages in sneak attacks and assassinations.

But this time the target is not an individual, but an entire army. Therefore, this operation must have strict discipline and tacit cooperation to achieve the desired results, and these are exactly what your tribesmen lack.

In this regard, the Anbu have undergone long-term professional training. Their individual abilities may not be as good as your family secrets, but if compared with a collective combat effectiveness, they are definitely the most elite troops in the ninja world.

I believe that with the ability of each tribesman, if you can join the ANBU, you will definitely be a very good elite, but now compared to the untrained "elites", I still trust the well-disciplined ANBU more."

The higher-ups sitting there were speechless after hearing the reason for Naoshu's rejection.

The meaning of the rope tree is very obvious. No matter how powerful your tribe is, they are still a bunch of rabble. They are not as easy to use as the ANBU under you.

The higher-ups couldn't do anything about this kind of aboveboard favoritism, and they also heard their dissatisfaction from Shengshu's words.Some clan leaders also began to regret not placing bets in advance, which resulted in them missing such a good opportunity today.

Today, the vast majority of ANBU members are composed of branches of the Senju clan and civilian ninjas. There are very few who are from ninja families. There are only small family ninjas with few members such as Hatake, Moonlight, and Uzuki.

The main reason for this situation is that since the Anbu reformed the Anbu and established a strict confidentiality management system, the entire Anbu has almost completely become the power of the Anbu alone. Once anyone joins it, it will be absorbed by the strict system of the Anbu. The patriarchs of the families whose assimilation is controlled by the Rope Tree are naturally reluctant to give away the people they have trained to others as their subordinates.

More importantly, Naoki's use of curse seals to expand the Senju branch aroused the fear of all ninja families.If members of the ANBU family are also used by Naoki to carve a curse seal using his authority and bring them into the Senju family, wouldn't their blood and secret techniques flow out to the Senju family?In the long run, all families will be swallowed up by the behemoth Thousand Hands Clan.

There is no simple person who can sit in the position of clan leader. Realizing the key, the clan leaders of each clan ordered their respective clansmen to reject the invitation of ANBU in a tacit understanding.

Some families would rather give their members to the uglier Danzo than take the risk of letting them join the ANBU, because Danzo's ability cannot threaten the inheritance of their entire family, but the rope tree has the ability to kill them whole with their skin and bones. Swallow.

But today's situation has made many family patriarchs feel regretful.The inheritance of the small ninja families in the ANBU is no worse than theirs, especially the secret techniques of the Hatake clan, which can reach the Kage level. However, until now, there has been no case of Naoki taking advantage of others or forcibly annexing a certain family. matter

On the contrary, today more than 1000 Anbu members who can use Moon Steps suddenly appeared. This shows that after joining Anbu, instead of losing nothing, you can gain a set of precious secret techniques.

They know Konoha Six Styles very well. This is a set of A-level physical skills and has the potential to be further developed. It is no worse than their own family's secret skill inheritance.

Coupled with the fact that Shengshu mentioned this matter openly today and expressed his dissatisfaction with them, it shows that the other party has no evil intentions.

There must be some restrictions on those six postures and they cannot be spread easily. But today, because of their suspicion, they missed such a good opportunity. How could they not regret it?

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