Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 302 Rope Tree Fills the Hole

"This reason is indeed very good. It is impossible for Hanzo to agree to such harsh conditions. When the time comes, Konoha will have the right to fight against the Land of Rain.

In this way, other countries will have no reason to step in and stop it.Moreover, the Ninja Village has a certain degree of autonomy in military operations. In addition, the Daimyo government wants to launch a war. The Fire Nation will definitely support us." Koharu affirmed from a diplomatic perspective.

Men Yan took a deep look at Shengshu, his eyes full of appreciation and even admiration. As a consultant who advocates strategy, Shengshu's generous move this time was really in line with his wishes. This was something he wanted to do but couldn't do. "There is really no problem in the name of justice. It's just whether choosing the Country of Rain as the target is in line with the actual strategy."

There are demigods and half-zodiacs in Amegakure Village. Even if Konoha wins a battle with it, there will still be battle damage. Once the damage is too big or the war becomes stalemate, will the other four major ninja villages feel that they have an opportunity to take advantage of it? , and then besieged the Kingdom of Fire

Konoha has lost its leadership position in the first ninja war, and now it has the power of the Nine-Tails. In addition, the wealth of the Fire Country has been coveted by various countries. Once the war breaks out, it is likely to be besieged by various countries. "

After hearing Men Yan's analysis, all the senior officials nodded. They felt that this situation was very likely to happen. The four great ninja villages had been coveting the Fire Nation for more than a day or two.

Although Konoha seemed to have swept the entire ninja world during the Uzumaki Country War four years ago, in fact everyone understood that it was just a local war, and none of the countries invested all their strength. Once a full-scale war really started, with Konoha's current strength Not comparable to the combined power of the four major ninja villages.

"Hum, even if we don't take action first, the four major countries will let us go," Danzo retorted coldly.

Men Yan nodded and said: "It is indeed unlikely that the four major countries will change their strategies, but we don't need to fight Hanzo first and lose both sides, right?

Except for Hanzo, the top powerhouse, the Kingdom of Rain is adjacent to the two major countries of Wind Kingdom and Rock Kingdom. If you are not careful, you will fall into siege.

From a strategic point of view, the most suitable target is the Kingdom of Tian due to the north. Not only does this country have no strong people, but its neighbors are the two small countries of Tang and Iron. "

Danzo was speechless when he heard Men Yan's words. If the goal was to expand the territory, the Land Country would be the most suitable, but the Rain Country was a tough nut to crack, so he looked at the rope tree in embarrassment, "Yes. Ah, why did you choose the Country of Rain instead of the Country of Fields?"

Of course, Naoshu would not say that this was for plot needs, but solemnly stated the reason he had already thought of: "The Kingdom of Tian is located in the northernmost part of the continent and is close to the sea. If the Kingdom of Fire takes over this country, it will be equivalent to completely removing the country from the middle. Dividing the entire continent into two can easily block the connection between the north and the south of the continent. All countries in the ninja world will not allow this to happen. Then our enemy will not only be the four major ninja villages, but the entire ninja world.

Relatively speaking, although Yu Ren Village is located at the junction center of the three major countries, it is not that sensitive.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Rain is only the breakthrough point we choose. Konoha does not have to declare war on it to promote the outbreak of war. "

Everyone present was confused by what Roe Shu said. You even prepared your reasons and now you say you won’t declare war. Are you lying?

The third generation couldn't help but ask: "If Konoha doesn't declare war, how can it promote the outbreak of war?"

Naoki said with an evil smile: "Ame Gakure is indeed a tough nut to crack. Let Sunagakure and Iwagakure help us loosen the bones first, and then reap the benefits."

Everyone was even more confused after hearing this. The third generation frowned and asked: "It's a good idea, but how could Sunagakure and Iwagakure listen to you and attack the Land of Rain for no reason?"

Shengshu raised his eyebrows proudly: "Of course I can make them listen to me. Do you still remember the economic strategy I mentioned a few years ago?"

Upon hearing the four words economic strategy, Danzo's one eye flashed: "You mean to let the Konoha Consortium carry out an economic blockade?"

Naoki glanced at Danzo in pretense of surprise and nodded in admiration: "It seems that the leader of Danzo has also studied economic strategy, and he can hit the nail on the head.

Now Konoha has monopolized the cross-border trade of the Fire Country, and various countries have become dependent on the Fire Country's import and export trade.

The Kingdom of Rain is also the only way for trade between the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Fire.

What would happen if the Fire Nation imposed an economic blockade on the Rain Nation?"

Danzo said with excitement: "The Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth will not be able to conduct cross-border trade. These two countries have many materials that must be obtained through imports. After a while, their economies will have problems."

Naoki nodded in agreement: "What Leader Danzo said is right, and the matter is far more than that.

Originally, this kind of economic blockade would take a long time to take effect, and at most it would only cause economic regression in both countries, but now the situation is different.

Due to the economic crisis, the price of food in the entire shinobi world is now low. Businessmen from the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth have hoarded a large amount of their own specialties and are worried about how to sell them. Naturally, they will not hoard large quantities of food that cannot be stored for a long time. The country currently relies entirely on imported food for daily use.

Therefore, once the economic blockade begins, not only will the economic crisis break out at an accelerated pace, but we will also fall into a terrible food shortage in a short period of time.

If we deploy troops at the border of the Kingdom of Rain at this time, we will act as if we are going to launch a massive attack.

What do you think Sunagakure and Iwagakure will do?"

Men Yan looked at Nao Shu with a dull look in his eyes: "They will definitely attack the Kingdom of Rain first and solve the domestic dilemma through massive plunder. If the war continues, the hungry ninjas and even the civilians will not let this go. As a result, even if Hanzo adopts guerrilla tactics, it will be useless. The entire Kingdom of Rain will destroy all living beings, which is more terrifying than hell."

The senior officials present shuddered when they heard Men Yan's description, and looked at Naoki with even more strange eyes. They have now determined that Yokota's defection must be under the control of Naoki. Otherwise, if there are so many countries in the ninja world, why would Yokota go to Rain? country

Now, the Country of Rain is the most suitable target, both in terms of justice and strategy.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world? Could it be that God is helping Konoha?

Rather than believing in God, it is better to believe that the Skywalker in front of me has single-handedly made all this happen. Whether it is economic strategy or Yokota's defection, he dug the hole in advance. Now that the enemy has entered the hole, he has begun to fill it.

How sinister is this young man? You must not offend him in the future.

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