Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 299 Economic Crisis

"Uh-huh," Nao Shu saw that all the senior officials present were listening attentively and felt filled with a sense of accomplishment. After clearing his throat, he said confidently: "Counselor Men Yan's previous judgment of the situation was basically correct. Given the current situation, Sooner or later, a war affecting the entire ninja world will break out.

However, we cannot look at a thing too one-sidedly. If we want to look forward to the future, we must look to the past.

Have you ever thought about why the situation in the ninja world is so tense, and why the martial arts faction is able to rise? What are the fundamental reasons?"

All the high-ranking officials in Konoha looked at each other. Does this question need to be asked? Isn't it just that the leaders of various countries and ninja villages want to expand their territories in order to satisfy their own ambitions? This kind of thing has not stopped since the Warring States Period. But looking at this person's expression, it seems that not that simple

Wise people are thoughtful, even if they don't understand something, they don't speak hastily.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Naoshu knew that he was going to teach these natives another lesson, so he stopped trying to be pretentious and said directly: "Maybe everyone thinks that the countries are competing for territory, but I want to say that this is just a superficial phenomenon. The real reason is It’s the word profit

Since the first Hokage ended the Sengoku Rebellion and established the Ninja Village, the countries in the Ninja World have entered into a long-term confrontation. Except for the Uzumaki Country War four years ago, the territories of each country have not changed.

In fact, the country of Uzumaki is a special case that cannot be repeated because the country of Uzumaki is the only country that is completely controlled by the ninja family. For countries that pursue the three-dimensional check and balance of daimyo, ninja villages, and merchants, this kind of move It is impossible for domestic affairs to happen.

Let’s not talk about it far, let’s just say that the first ninja war was so fierce. Which small country was destroyed and which big country successfully expanded its territory?

The current situation in the ninja world can be summarized by one super four. This super refers to the Country of Fire and the Leaf Village, and the top four are the other four major countries and the Ninja Village.

Any one of these five countries can easily destroy the neighboring small countries, and we in Konoha even have the strength to destroy a powerful country.

But now the five major powers check and balance each other, and Konoha alone cannot compete with the entire ninja world. Therefore, no matter the outcome of the war, no country will allow any major country to expand its territory and increase its strength. As the largest country in terms of territory, the Fire Country and Konoha It has been unanimously targeted by all countries.

Even if the power of the Nine-Tails is lost, the battle in the Uzumaki Kingdom four years ago is enough to prove that Konoha's strength is the best in the ninja world. The country with the greatest hope of expanding its territory through war is the Country of Fire.

Since we know that it is almost impossible to gain territory through war, why are the entire ninja world, big and small, including the Daimyos of the Land of Fire, eager to start a war?"

After hearing Naoki's detailed analysis, the high-level officials of Konoha who were sitting here all had a clear understanding of the situation in the ninja world. It turns out that no one can win the final victory by fighting each other and holding each other back. It seems that everyone remains Maintaining peace with the status quo is the best choice, so why must we fight for life and death? Are the top leaders of all countries getting crazy together?

Men Yan nodded and said: "Shengshu, I understand what you mean. In fact, territorial expansion is just a slogan of each country. There are other reasons for launching wars. Is it because of economic problems?"

Shengshu nodded in agreement and said: "What Elder Men Yan said is absolutely correct. The reason why countries launch wars is to solve the economic crisis, including our country of fire."

Hearing what Naoshu said, the senior officials present were a little confused. Why was it related to economic issues? Isn't the economy of the Fire Country very good?

"Minister Nasuki, I don't know what the economic crisis you are referring to specifically. As far as I know, since Konoha Financial

After the establishment of the League, the financial situation of various countries has been greatly improved.

Moreover, Konoha and the Fire Country received a large sum of war reparations a few years ago. If there is an economic crisis, it should be other countries. How could the Fire Country be involved?" Danzo has been obsessed with the economic plan proposed by the Nawaki in the past few years. Strategy, I think I have gained a lot, so I can't help but ask this question.

The top management of Konoha also discussed quietly:

"Yes, hasn't the consortium developed very well in recent years?"

"Konoha is also becoming more and more prosperous"

“The living conditions of the villagers are getting better and better.”

"But why did Minister Noshu say that there is an economic crisis in the Fire Nation?"

"Could it be a mistake?"

"I don't understand either, but Master Naoki is called Skywalker. This economic strategy and the Konoha Foundation were all founded by him. There should be no mistake."

Shengshu shook his head and said: "The so-called economic crisis does not refer to fiscal deficit.

On the contrary, countries with good fiscal conditions usually experience overcapacity and deflation, two important features of economic crises."

"Overcapacity and deflation" everyone present repeated these two new terms, not knowing how serious they were.

As a half-bucket of water, the rope tree is actually not very good at professional knowledge. I only learned about it on the Internet, but it is enough to fool this layman. "Ahem, these are two common concepts in economics, simple In other words, an irrational economic structure produces excess supply of goods that exceeds demand, which leads to a drop in price levels and even unsaleable goods. As a result, businessmen cannot make profits and can only stop production, and workers and civilians will become unemployed and less able. Buying goods, such a vicious cycle will eventually cause the entire economic system to collapse.”

After listening to Naoki's explanation, the conference room was quiet. Except for the two advisors and the Nara clan chief, a few wise men, most people seemed to understand. However, in order to show that they were not fools, most of them did not know how to pretend to understand. Headed.

Of course, as the Hokage, the third generation felt that this matter must be clarified, so he didn't care about his face and asked shamelessly: "Can you explain Naoki in more detail? We don't quite understand it yet."

Shen Sheng glanced at the senior executives who were also confused and explained patiently: "It's really hard to understand pure theory. I'll give you an example and you'll understand.

For example, our country of fire is rich in food, which not only makes its people rich, but also makes a lot of profits by trading with other countries, especially the countries of wind and earth, which are short of food."

Everyone nodded after hearing this. The Fire Country is a big food-producing country, so there is nothing wrong with it.

"Since food is profitable, the civilians of our Fire Country produce it in large quantities. In recent years, food production has continued to rise. Not only is there no shortage of food in our country, but even the Kingdom of Wind and the Country of Earth, which were originally short of food, are not short of food. Now the entire ninja world Food prices are falling seriously, especially in the Country of Fire. The price of food has dropped to one tael of silver per thousand catties, and it cannot even be sold. Over time, the food will deteriorate, and a large number of civilians will lose money. Although you can rely on food To survive, but without wage income, you cannot buy other goods. Over time, the entire economy will collapse together.”

The expressions of Konoha's top brass changed greatly when they heard this, and they had obviously realized the seriousness of the matter.

"In addition to food, there are many commodities in the Fire Country that face the same problem, such as wood. The current price is not as good as the freight.

Each major country has its own specialties, such as minerals from the Kingdom of Earth, medicinal materials from the Kingdom of Thunder, and even gold from the Kingdom of Wind is depreciating."

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