Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 256 Compromise and Co-optation

The First and Third Star Shadow glanced at the young man who was still unmoved after being awarded such a high position by him. He secretly rejoiced in his heart that he had guessed correctly. This talented disciple was as indifferent in nature as he just said and was not interested in fame and fortune. .

In this way, no matter how much his strength grows in the future, the threat to him will be much smaller!

Of course, the premise is that there will no longer be the same conflict of ideas as last time. Although I relied on my previous prestige and Xingying's power to suppress the matter, if similar conflicts accumulate for too long, sooner or later they will become irreconcilable. , or even cause internal strife.

In the past, he could have relied on his absolute strength to suppress everyone as before, but now that a genius with potential greater than his own appeared, he had to make a compromise.

Fortunately, the differences between the two parties were not too big, so he had already thought of a solution in advance. This was also the method he really used to win over the other party.

"The second point is about Xingying Assistant's proposal to restore the daily practice system ten days ago."

Everyone in the temple began to get nervous when they heard that the third generation of Star Shadows brought up the old story again. This matter is related to the future of their next generation!Could it be that Three Generations of Star Movies wants to take this opportunity to attack and force this temporary policy to continue?

The third generation Hoshikage had a clear view of everyone's expressions, and was secretly grateful for his compromise. This policy was indeed unpopular, and it was likely to cause catastrophe over time.

After a pause, he said with a slight expression: "I have been thinking about this issue repeatedly during this period, and found that this policy will indeed cause a lot of unnecessary sacrifices. However, Star Ninja Village is in urgent need of replenishing its combat power, so I came up with the idea I came up with a method of choice. As the saying goes, everything can only take three steps. In the future, if you try to break through more than three times and still fail to officially become a star ninja, you can apply to withdraw from the temple practice and become an ordinary village name. I believe that with the help of Xinghe, after three attempts, You can still survive, this way you can avoid unnecessary sacrifices and select excellent ninjas, what do you think?"

The Hoshi-nin in the temple did not expect that the three-generation Hoshikage, who had always been unfaithful, would make such a compromise decision. For a moment, he was stunned by the sudden surprise. It was simply unbelievable.

Before they could respond to express their gratitude to Xingying, Nao Shu spoke first: "Thank you, teacher, for your support. I think all the surviving companions will be grateful for your kindness."

I saw that this young man who had always been as indifferent as Bingjue after the big change suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a heartfelt smile.

When everyone saw this familiar yet unfamiliar sunny smile, they all felt an inexplicable warmth rising in their hearts. The excitement and gratitude they originally had for the Three Generations of Star Shadows were involuntarily invested in this eight-year-old boy.

The young man was not moved at all by the appointment of Xingying's assistant before, but now he smiles sincerely for his companions. How can this kind of integrity not move people's hearts?

What can Xingying, the third-generation ruthless dictator, have to be grateful for? Who would have had the opportunity to try three times if it weren't for this young man's blood inheritance ability? If it weren't for this genius who took the risk to give everyone suggestions, and the strength he showed made Xingying Concern arose, how could the third generation Star Shadow compromise so easily?

The Hoshi-nin present quickly figured out the reason, and the boys and girls involved were already full of gratitude to the boy who had been silently guarding them. As for the third-generation Hoshikage who forced them to practice, he was probably similar to the villain.


bsp; The real purpose of Shengshu speaking first was to take the opportunity to win people's hearts and take credit for himself. After sensing the change in everyone's mood, he knew that he had succeeded.

The third-generation Xingying, who had also planned to take the opportunity to win over Xinghe's heart, failed at this time. However, his main purpose was to win over Xinghe. After seeing the young man's heartfelt smile, he was finally relieved and did not suspect that the other party was deliberately doing this. Of.

Facing Nao Shu's thanks, Sandai Hoshikage also showed off the acting skills of a qualified politician and said kindly: "No need to thank me, it is you who everyone should be grateful to."

"The teacher punished you on impulse before, I hope you don't blame me!"

Shengshu also pretended to respect his teacher: "Teacher, this is serious! The disciple was too reckless and contradicted the teacher, so he should be punished."

Looking at the performance of the two of them, people who don't know what they are doing will definitely think that they are a model master and disciple who are in love with each other.

Seeing Naoshu's submissive performance, the Third Star Shadow became even more satisfied: "It's great that you can be so sensible. But this punishment is not suitable to continue."

"I announce the last thing. From today on, the ban on Xinghe will be lifted, and you will no longer have to go to the dungeon to be punished!"

After hearing the words of the Third Star, all the boys and girls, including Natsuhi Hoshi and Hotaru Star, cheered happily.

"Oh, nice!"

"Yeah! That's great."

"Long live the galaxy!"


It seemed like they were happier than receiving the reward themselves.

But Shengshu frowned and said, "Teacher, forgive me! There is something I have been hiding."

The Third Star Shadow raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and said tolerantly: "Oh? If you have anything to do, it's okay to say it."

Rooshu gritted his teeth and said: "I found that I can use the energy in the dungeon to practice, and the spiritual strengthening is more effective than the energy in the temple, so I hope to continue to practice in the dungeon every night."

The third generation star shadow looked at the worried-eyed young man and showed an expression that was true: "No wonder your recent cultivation speed has not retreated but advanced. It turns out that it is really a blessing in disguise. It seems that the Star Blood Successor in your body still has a lot of potential that can be tapped. , it’s not as simple as it seems!”

"So, teacher, you already knew this?" Shen Shu's eyes were a little surprised and embarrassed, and he played a simple-minded young man just right. It seems that in addition to his strength, his acting skills have also improved greatly during this period.

The Third Star Shadow nodded enigmatically: "Not just me, I'm afraid there are many Star Ninjas who have already guessed it. How can ordinary people survive such a long time in the dungeon? It's best not to hide any issues about cultivation in the future, and tell everyone. Only then can we better help you make progress!”

"Yes! Teacher." Shengshu lowered his head with regret in his eyes.

"Okay, you don't have to worry too much, it didn't lead to a big mistake anyway." The third generation Xingying said with a satisfied look: "Since the dungeon is a treasured place for cultivation for you, you will be allowed to come and go freely every night in the future. However, the temple will be closed after 09:30 every day, so remember not to walk around at will!"

"Follow the teacher's instructions!" Shengshu's eyes flashed with excitement, so the plan would go smoothly.

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