Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 254 Kirin Form

"Ang!" The purple Kirin raised its head and let out a long roar. A large amount of radiant energy was swallowed into its belly, setting off a violent airflow in the temple and making the Star Ninja's clothes rustle.

At the same time, the color of the unicorn became thicker and thicker, and its shape gradually became solid and huge. It finally grew into a ten-meter-high monster before it stopped completely.

Although this ten-meter-tall Kirin can't compete with the tailed beasts that are often a hundred meters tall, it has surpassed all the chakramons formed by the Star Ninja's Peacock Magic and Beast Form!

But the most important thing is that this chakra unicorn wraps the caster in the body like armor, and the rope tree has no seals!

Everyone in the temple was completely distracted by the sudden change. They stared dumbfounded at the lifelike purple unicorn on the central high platform.

Even the third generation Hoshikage couldn't help but look shocked. Although this ten-meter-tall giant beast was several times smaller than the form of the Peacock Mystic Beast he used, it was stronger in both form and solidity than the one he used. Much stronger!

The third generation of Hoshikage can now do similar things without seals, but the chakra beast he condenses is no different in shape from other jounin in Hoshi Ninja Village, except that it is larger in size. They all look like crude phantoms. Generally, you can tell at a glance that it is a ninjutsu effect composed of chakra.

But the unicorn in front of me looks like a real living creature with a soul!Apart from being smaller in size, it is very similar to the legendary tailed beast.

This shows that in addition to being inferior in chakra quantity, the eight-year-old disciple in front of him is already far ahead of him in controlling the nature of chakra!

The third generation star shadow looked at the disciple who transformed into a unicorn in front of him. Although he no longer had the fear before, he couldn't help but feel envious and jealous for the first time!

Think about how much hardship he had to endure in order to enter the highest realm. It took him more than ten years to endure the hidden pain and injuries in his body before he finally succeeded. After that, he devoted more than ten years of cultivation to reach the current realm, but the other party actually only spent In one month, I have completed the path that I have traveled for decades, and I have still surpassed it in terms of realm!His only advantage now is the amount of chakra accumulated over the years, and as the opponent's body grows and develops, this advantage will be difficult to maintain.

What caused such a huge gap was the "Star Blood Successor" in the opponent's body!

Yes, after witnessing this miraculous change in front of them, not only the Third Kage, but also most of the Hoshi-nin present attributed the changes in the rope tree to the increase in blood inheritance ability!

Otherwise, no one would believe that an eight-year-old boy could control chakra as delicately and naturally as a tailed beast through training.

In fact, the reason why Rope Tree is able to achieve this is indeed the result of years of continuous practice, and has nothing to do with the blood inheritance ability!

On the battlefield of the Kingdom of Whirlpool a few months ago, Naoki's ability to control chakra had reached a very high level, and he could even combine two powerful S-level ninjutsu into a compound ninjutsu on his own. Although it takes a long time to use, there are very few people in the entire ninja world who can do this.

Today, when the chakra in his body finally completed the transformation, he suddenly discovered that not only the amount of chakra

The degree of concentration of the chakra has changed. After more and more continuous training, his ability to control chakra has also undergone qualitative changes!

He is like a true master of magic. The star chakra in his body is integrated with his body, soul, skills and will like the true energy of a wedding dress. It is not only powerful but also unshakable at will!He felt that even if Qianju Jujian was resurrected and used Wood Release on him now, he would not be able to extract even a trace of chakra, just like the Nine-level Mingyu Kung Fu absorbed the inner power of Yan Nantian, who had mastered the magic technique.

So after the breakthrough was successful, on a whim, he used the star chakra's ability to materialize like a tailed beast, and used the Peacock Magic Beast in Muji to form a unicorn outside his body!

The reason why he chose this form is because he was very familiar with the shape and structure of the Kirin because he had practiced Thunder Release Qilin before, so he really used it. Moreover, the Kirin is the king of beasts, so it is very suitable for the form of the Peacock Mystic Beast, and the two are consistent. It really worked wonders!

When the chakra unicorn took shape, Roeshu felt as if he had really received a trace of the unicorn's divine will and transformed into the unicorn beast. He instinctively absorbed the surrounding radiant energy into his body, and used the Peacock Magic method to turn this energy into his own use.

Afterwards, there was a scene of Qilin roaring and vomiting energy to grow in size.

After this action, Nao Shu felt that the chakra in the Kirin he transformed had increased several times!

What's even more amazing is that he feels that this huge body is like a living creature. It is not difficult at all to use the Moon Steps to walk through the air like a real unicorn!If it weren't for the limitations of the venue and being in the public eye, he would really like to experiment with the power of using this chakra-enhanced unicorn body to perform the six postures!

He felt that in this form, his strength had greatly increased, and even a shadow-level strongman could fight head-on. The most important thing was that he felt that the consumption of chakra in this state was minimal, and it seemed that he could do it as long as he wanted. It can continue to exist like this!

This unexpected surprise made his heart beat wildly. You must know that what has always limited his strength is his endurance. If he can really maintain this state for a long time, the chakra of the star can absorb external chakra and not be afraid of any ninjutsu attack. With his characteristics, coupled with the ten-meter-tall body shape and the coordination of the six postures, even if he cannot be regarded as a shadow-level powerhouse and a true tail striker, there is no problem in stepping into the ranks of quasi-kage level and crushing elite jounin.

Naoki, who was eager to figure out his own situation, didn't pay attention to the emotional changes of the surrounding star ninjas, and directly asked the system in his mind: "System, what is my current situation? Why do I feel that this unicorn form is similar to a tailed beast? ?”

"Ding! The host's control over chakra has undergone a qualitative change. The soul, body and chakra are completely integrated into one. Coupled with the materialization characteristics of star chakra, it can form a unicorn form similar to the way the tailed beast exists."

"So, can I abandon my body and live forever in the form of a tailed beast?" Naoshu's heart beat faster. As far as he knew, all tailed beasts have no lifespan limit. If he could transform into the same tailed beast, Can chakra life lead to immortality? Although this form is not his ultimate pursuit and he is reluctant to part with his current body with unlimited potential, it is always good to have another escape route.If he really has the ability to live forever, then he has unlimited time to accumulate his will power, and one day he can realize all his wishes!

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