Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 239 Reactions

Following the command from Shengshu, a transparent light screen appeared in his field of vision:

Host: Senju Rope Tree

Blood Successor: S+ Level Blood Successor: Perfect Ashura Wood Release, S-Level Blood Successor: Sharingan (Currently Open Three Magatama) S-Level Blood Successor: Corpse Veins (Elementary)

Forbearance: 1020

Body: 903

Magic: 850

Fine: 567

Print: 10100

Force: 879

Speed: 880

Yin: 10000

Skills: Slight + Peacock Magic

Title: Slightly + Skywalker

Reputation: 12620

Willpower: 6298000

Seeing that his various qualities, except for the amount of chakra, were already close to the elite jounin, Naoki was quite satisfied, but he still asked doubtfully: "System, why has the essence attribute, which represents the amount of chakra, grown so fast in the past 10 days? Why do I feel like the amount of chakra in my body hasn’t increased much?”

"Ding! The chakra in the host body is transforming into the star chakra. The chakra becomes more condensed. It seems that the volume does not change much, but due to the increase in density, the amount of chakra is increasing significantly."

"Why do I feel that this star chakra is becoming more and more like Qi? Can it also become condensed?" Shen Shu complained silently in his heart.

"Ding! Chakra is another name for true energy in Buddhism. There is not much difference between the two."

"Okay! I am ignorant. With the current progress, how long will it take for the chakra in my body to be completely converted into star chakra?"

"Ding! It will take at least three months. It is recommended that the host get closer to the radiation source to speed up the cultivation progress."

"I know! Today's breakthrough is amazing enough. To be on the safe side, let's start moving forward tomorrow as the Third Star Shadow said!" Shengshu secretly laughed in his heart: "I just hope he won't be scared by then."

A day that usually makes the star ninja feel very difficult passed quickly with everyone's thoughts on it.

As usual, Nao Shu followed Xinghe's habit of walking alone and at the end, away from the crowd. But this time when he walked out of the temple gate, he was no longer an orphan. Most of the adult star ninjas were waiting at the door. They Some claimed to be old friends of Xinghe's parents, while others simply greeted him in the name of Xinghe's friends whom he had not seen for a long time.

It all means the same thing: We are your elders, and we are very sorry for the death of your parents. If you have anything to say in the future, feel free to mention it!

Of course Naoshu knew the reason for the concern and greetings that suddenly appeared after a few months.

Although these people's actions were so ridiculous and snobbish, Shengshu did not directly laugh at them, but nodded indifferently according to Xinghe's habit.

The Hoshi-nin who greeted him didn't have any unpleasant emotions because of his coldness. The other party was an avenger with deep hatred. Even if he faced the third generation of Hoshikage, wouldn't he be just as cold-faced? What if he smiled at himself? On the contrary, it's even weirder, right?

And some little girls of the same age labeled the indifferent genius as cool and handsome, treating him as a revenge.

Prince Qiu came to worship and admire.And their parents, instead of stopping it, looked happy to see it happen.

On this day, Shengshu's way home was particularly lively. Everywhere he went, people took the initiative to say hello with a smile on their faces, and they were followed by a group of "little friends" who were not traveling the same way.

Even if he didn't say a word to these "children" who suddenly became enthusiastic, they still followed their parents' instructions and stayed with "Xinghe" to try to repair the friendship between them that had been broken for several months.

It wasn't until the rope tree closed the door hard that the little guys who kept talking along the way left in frustration. Many of them even had a bit of resentment on their faces or whispered complaints. After all, they were just children, not adults. Good acting.

Of course, not everyone changed their attitude because of Xinghe's sudden change in identity. For example, the male Xinghe who kicked the real Xinghe several times at the door of the house was scared away by his wolf-like eyes.

After the afternoon training ended, he called a few familiar Hoshi-nin and left in a hurry.

That night, in a dark cabin, several sneaky figures gathered here, discussing something excitedly.

"What? You said there was a conflict when you sent the death notice to that brat named Xinghe?" The speaker was a coquettish-looking woman. She pointed at the male star ninja next to her with her sharp nails, with a look of complaint on her face. He said sharply: "You are really stupid! Now this brat has been accepted as a disciple by Master Xingying, and he is very likely to become a shadow-level powerhouse in the future! At that time, you only need to coax the other party well, and you can definitely keep one Very good impression! You actually offended him?"

"You idiot! Idiot!" After scolding the male star nin in a few sharp words and keeping silent with a sullen face, the woman felt that she was still angry and stabbed the man's chest several times with her sharp nails.

The male star ninja took a few breaths after being poked. He had to grab the woman's wrist in pain, "That's enough! What happened has already happened, what's the use of talking about it now!"

"You are so confident when you do something wrong? I have never encountered a good thing since I married you, a loser! Now that you have offended the other party, even I will be dragged down! Let me go!" The woman struggled and stretched out her left hand to the other party. The palm of his hand grabbed his wrist and grabbed it.

The sharp nails scratched a few bloody marks on the back of the man's hand, and the man pushed the woman to the ground in pain.

"Okay, you have no conscience and you dare to hit me! You'd better be killed by that brat quickly, so that I can go to Xingying to breed! Maybe I can also give birth to a blood step ninja!" Female The star ninja quickly got up from the ground and said without hesitation!

"You..." The male Hoshinobu pointed at his wife opposite him with a red face and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Ahem! Let me tell you two, if there is any conflict between husband and wife, you can go home and quarrel! We are not here to watch you quarrel today!" A deep voice interrupted the farce between the two.

This person's identity seemed to be unusual. After hearing what he said, the Ninja couple who were originally furious actually suppressed the anger in their hearts and sat back down honestly.

The tall figure who just spoke nodded with satisfaction, and then asked the male Hoshi-nin in a low tone: "Tell me about it, Maeda! How much did you offend the other person? Children of this age should not hold grudges too much... ..." At this point, the man seemed to think of something and coughed awkwardly: "Ahem... I mean, if it's not a big conflict, you can apologize to us in person, or even make compensation and ask for forgiveness?"

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