Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 209 The Action Begins

After three months of training, the rope tree has completely digested the gains from the war in the Kingdom of Whirlpool. The amount of chakra has skyrocketed again, and various physical qualities have also improved.

The ninjutsu that Naoki now masters is very comprehensive. The only thing that restricts his improvement in strength is the amount of chakra and physical fitness. In fact, if he is willing, he can spend his will energy to exchange for various attributes and make up for his shortcomings in a short time.

It's just that this kind of exchange is the same as training, it's just about developing the potential in the body. Excessive overdraft of potential before the body is fully mature will affect development. He doesn't want to be like Yagura, carrying a young body and never growing up.

Now 8 years old, the rope tree has officially entered the stage of rapid development. As long as he is trained properly, his physical fitness will also improve rapidly. Therefore, before the potential of this body is fully developed, he will not waste his willpower points to directly exchange attributes.

Since becoming the head of the ANBU, Naoki rarely stayed at the Senju Clan's residence during the day, and would only go home after getting off work at night to accompany Mito Uzumaki, who had only a few days left.

The reason why he did this was not only because he couldn't bear to watch Mito Uzumaki age like this day by day, but also to avoid some overly enthusiastic visitors.

Since the first day after returning to Konoha, the Uzumaki clan, the neighbor of the Senju clan, has come to visit under various names.

At first, Shengshu was very happy to receive them one by one. After all, everyone is a relative. This kind of visit is very beneficial to enhancing the relationship between the two clans and completing the blood fusion plan.

However, as more and more people visited more and more frequently, Shengshu gradually realized that something was wrong. The real purpose of these people's visits seemed to be simply himself, rather than the friendship between the two families.

Because later on when these people visited, they would bring their own lolita with them and make sure to introduce them to Mito. Naoki felt that he might have been missed.

In the end, even Uzumaki Omasa came to visit every day with four-year-old Kushina, and after the topic of marriage was brought up in front of Mito intentionally or unintentionally, Naoki was even more sure of his suspicions.

When Naoki watched the four-year-old Kushina, under Omasa's deliberate inducement, call her "Mito" affectionately, her face began to twitch.

He realized that he had really underestimated the integrity of these people. According to seniority, you, Omasa, are my cousins. If your daughter is called Grandma Mito, wouldn’t she be of the same generation as me?

After learning about the sinister Eishin of the top brass of the Uzumaki clan, Nasaki rolled his eyes wildly in his mind. As an "adult" with a mental age of over thirty, how could he fall in love with a four-year-old girl? Even a lolicon is not so perverted. Bar!

Moreover, the little pepper in front of you and a certain yellow hair are official matches, okay? Uzumaki, if you mess up like this and destroy the child of destiny, leading to the end of the ninja world without anyone to save it, can you bear it?

But seeing Mito holding Kushina in his arms, hugging and kissing her, Naoki couldn't express his objection directly.

In the end, Naoki, who went to all the trouble, had to leave early and come home late on the pretext of being busy with official duties, and hid out of the house, allowing Mito Uzumaki to enjoy family happiness with a group of red-haired lolita.

Every time Shengshu thinks about this, he feels inexplicably sad. Who would have thought that the famous Skywalker would become homeless because of a group of lolita? Education reform must be carried out, and kindergarten training classes should be added to make these people who like to wander around the house All the children are locked up in school!

At eight o'clock in the evening, Shengshu, who was silently angry because he was homeless recently, exuded a cold aura, which was very suitable for his current status.

In the ANBU underground base, more than 1000 ANBU members are already here according to orders.

Assembled, on the high platform, Shengshu was wearing a white hooded windbreaker and a white mask, playing the role of Tianxing, the leader of the intelligence team.

This costume covered his whole body so tightly that even the most familiar people could not recognize his identity from his physical features. Coupled with the bartering technique that could change his own chakra aura at will, he The disguise is perfect.

Looking at the quiet ANBU standing in the audience, Naoki deliberately changed his voice and said in a low and hoarse voice: "According to the order of the Minister, I will be in charge of this mission. The goal of the mission is to capture all spies in Konoha Village."

"The security intelligence team has locked down all target locations. Hound, it's up to you to introduce the specific situation!"

ANBU codename Hound Tsujiu responded: "According to our team's investigation, most of the spies from various countries sneak in as businessmen. According to Konoha's policy in recent years, all companies registered in Konoha and their employees can buy in Konoha. They live in residential areas. Therefore, most of these spies hang out in the newly built neighborhoods to the east. Due to the complex occupations of spies, they gather and disperse, and there are many people, so it is recommended to round them up separately."

Nasuki sighed in a low voice: "With the newly built neighborhood, it seems that the development of Konoha has attracted a lot of insects!"

Then he gave an order in a stern voice: "I order: The guard brigade completely blocks all important intersections in the east block. Your mission is to ensure the safety of the villagers and prevent spies from escaping!"

"The Security Intelligence Brigade and the Assassination Brigade cooperate with each other to secretly arrest scattered spies at the same time. If there is any resistance, they will be killed without mercy!"

"Other personnel will join me in conducting raids on the contact points of spies from various countries!"

"Do you understand everything?"

As the rope tree issued a series of orders, the ANBU present responded in unison: "Yes!"

Seeing the unified movements of ANBU in uniform uniforms in the dark audience, Naoki felt very satisfied.The discipline shown by ANBU today is the quality that a regular army should have.Compared with the temporarily summoned ninja army during the previous war in the Kingdom of Whirlpool, they were just a bunch of rabble.Naoki's vision for Konoha's future military professional reform has become even more determined. This is the power he wants!

"Very good! The pest eradication operation has officially begun! All departments are acting as planned! Let's go!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" Following the order from the rope tree, more than 1000 ANBU members lined up neatly and quickly sprang out from the hidden exit of the underground base, quickly disappeared into the secluded streets, and went straight to the bustling east block. go.

Eight o'clock is when Konoha's nightlife has just begun, especially in the newly-built closed area to the east. The bustling streets are lined with various shops and pedestrians are everywhere.

The sudden appearance of more than a thousand ANBU members did not cause any panic, but instead caused many villagers to stop and watch.

They looked at the ANBU and pointed with relaxed expressions.

"That's the legendary ANBU, right? It's the first time I've seen so many of them!"

"The costumes they wear look really scary, a bit chilly!"

"No! I feel cool and handsome!"

"So many ANBU suddenly appeared, it seems something big has happened!"

"Then should we go home quickly? It would be bad if we get implicated!"

"What are you afraid of? Don't you know that the current ANBU Minister is Lord Skywalker? He will definitely protect us! Such a big scene is rare to see!"


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