Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 206 ANBU Reform

Three months later, in the recently established ANBU office in the Hokage Building of Konoha Village, Nawaki in casual clothes sat on the main seat and talked with several ANBU wearing suspender uniforms and animal masks.

Since the high-level meeting of Konoha three months ago, Nasuki immediately took office and officially became the ANBU minister.

Since Naoki returned triumphantly with a great victory, the position was recognized by the third generation personally or unanimously approved by all senior officials. No one in the ANBU who was absolutely loyal to Naruto expressed any objection to this appointment.

Under the witness of the third generation, all ANBU members simply loyal to the rope tree, and no negative emotions were found during the whole process of using the secret of perception.

The process was so smooth that Rooshu couldn't help but wonder if he was the protagonist of time travel!According to the general routine, shouldn't a blind villain take the initiative to provoke you at this time, hold a grudge after being slapped in the face, and then stage a bloody plot of betrayal, conspiracy, vendetta, etc. that is hundreds of thousands of words long?

Although he found that the reality was completely different from his imagination, Roeshu still happily accepted the result.

As the saying goes, the three things a new official should do when he takes office, after the handover was completed, Nao Shu spent just one night researching the information of all Anbu members, and used the system to create a special detailed file for each person, and put their various information together. Ability, personality, task situations, and interpersonal relationships are all recorded.

So at the ANBU meeting the next day, the ANBU members who were usually known for their mystery discovered that their new boss knew each of them very well. There were even some things that even they themselves had vague memories of, but the other party knew everything about them. .

This feeling of being penetrated will make everyone feel a sense of awe, especially for Anbu like them who pay attention to hiding their identity. This feeling is particularly strong.

Although Naoki's expression was very sunny and gentle when he spoke, the strong murderous aura he inadvertently revealed made the hair stand on end of the ANBU who had been fighting for a long time, and they even broke out in cold sweat.

After Naoki casually showed off his skills, he was able to overwhelm all the Anbu, and the contempt that some people had in their instincts due to Naoki's age immediately disappeared without a trace.

They realized that this talented boss could easily crush them in terms of strength and status.Thinking back to this cruel method of slaughtering thousands of ninjas on the battlefield of the Whirlpool Kingdom, if I don't do my best, not only will my future be affected, but my life may be in danger.

After establishing his prestige and truly subduing all his subordinates, Naoki immediately reformed the ANBU according to his own ideas!

With the internal and external cooperation of the Third Hokage and White Fang, the outstanding veteran ANBU captain, Naoki's reform of the ANBU has gone very smoothly, and has been very effective in the past three months.

The ANBU office in the Hokage Building is one of the results of the reform. Originally, the ANBU was directly under the leadership of the Hokage, so it has never set up an independent headquarters base like the Roots. In other words, their headquarters is the entire Hokage Building. This is always possible in the original work. He saw the reason why the ANBU team was disappearing in the Hokage's office.

The first thing Naoki did after taking over the ANBU was to choose a hidden location in a strategic location in Konoha Village and establish the ANBU headquarters base.

This base covers a huge area, and most of the space is underground, filled with

Various strict barriers and traps, whether in the sky or underground, there is no blind spot in the 360-degree space within a hundred meters around the base!Even with the Rope Tree's Mayfly Technique, it's difficult to sneak in silently without alerting anyone!

In addition to strict defense measures, various facilities in the headquarters are very complete, integrating training, combat, life, and office!The size of the secret database alone is comparable to that of the Hokage Building!

In addition to the intelligence and secret files collected by ANBU, there are also various secret techniques passed down by ANBU!The rope tree generously put copies of the various ninjutsu of the Senju clan into it, and established a strict internal merit exchange system for members of the dark arts to redeem and practice!

When there are no tasks on weekdays, ANBU members can practice individually in the headquarters, and the rope tree has also established a rule that all ANBU members must participate in group training at the headquarters at least once every three days in their free time!

This rule was unanimously supported by all ANBU members. They no longer had to waste time in the Hokage building when they had no missions as before.

In this way, you can not only enhance your strength, but also become familiar with the fighting styles among your colleagues, cultivate the tacit understanding and probability of the entire unit, and make ANBU truly become an ace special forces unit.

Although the headquarters has been established, since the ANBU also has the main task of protecting the safety of the Hokage and Konoha, Naoki established an ANBU office next to the Hokage's office.Not only can it be used as an office location for the ANBU to hide from others, but it is also convenient for protecting the safety of the Hokage and receiving orders from the Hokage. Its function is similar to the guard room in the previous life.

In addition, after the rope tree took over the ANBU, it was discovered that the internal organization of the entire ANBU was very roughly divided. There were only simple teams and captain units, and there was no clear division of labor among the teams!How could this simple structure really support a power department with such diverse functions as ANBU?

So Naoki immediately reformed the internal organization of ANBU. Although Naoki didn't have any experience in this kind of partial management, in his previous life, in addition to anime, he also watched a lot of various spy movies!

Although I have never understood the specific structure of our party’s underground organization, I am indeed familiar with a certain party’s spy organization!

So the rope tree simply imitated the structure of a certain system and combined it with the situation of the ninja world to create a structural system for the ANBU.

First of all, the basic unit of the team composed of four to five ANBU members remains unchanged.

There are two departments under the Minister: Intelligence Group and Operations Group.

The intelligence group was then divided into: military intelligence brigade, security intelligence brigade, and communications intelligence brigade.

The action groups are divided into: Guard Brigade, Assassination Brigade, and Interrogation Brigade.

There is no distinction between these two groups of six brigades except for their different professional tasks, and they are required to maintain the same frontal combat effectiveness. The specific functions are as the names suggest, so I will not explain them one by one.

According to the plan of the rope tree, each group is composed of 30 to 40 ANBU squads, and every ten squads form a squadron led by a squadron leader. The entire ANBU has at least a thousand members. In the future, if conditions permit, he will still be in his country Create branches with enemy towns.

The structure of the branch is similar to that of the headquarters, but the scale is smaller. The top officer of the branch is called the "webmaster".In addition to distinguishing himself from the minister Nao Shu, it was also to satisfy his own bad taste.

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