Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 184 Escape

After making the decision, Kirigakure and Kumogakure sent two people, Suikoyama Fuguki and Dodai respectively, to Konoha as negotiators.

At the same time, the top leaders of the two villages also issued orders to Drewbi and Yagura respectively, asking them to take the opportunity to lead the small country's army to evacuate together.

After detailed analysis by the wise men of the two villages, they came to the conclusion that guerrilla tactics could not be broken, and even if they doubled their troops, they would have no chance of winning.

So they immediately decided to agree to Konoha's request to avoid the joint revenge of the three major ninja villages later.

Drewbi and Yagura reacted differently after receiving the evacuation order from their senior management.

As the younger brother of the Raikage, Drubi has excellent qualifications, but because he has been suppressed by a more perverted brother for many years, the vigor in his heart has long been worn away, and everything is safe. This also leads to his relatively poor overall ability. He is excellent but does not have any outstanding talents. He looks mediocre and it is almost impossible to become a film-level actor.

After receiving the information about Konoha, he had given up hope on the prospect of this battle, and the evacuation order from above was exactly what he wanted.In his opinion, there are two negative examples of Sun Ninja and Mist Ninja who were wiped out. As long as he can evacuate the high-level people safely this time, there is no reason to punish him, and it will not have much impact on his reputation.

So after receiving the order from his superiors, he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately ordered to pack up supplies and evacuate completely.

Yagura, who has an arrogant personality, became even worse after learning that his opponent in this battle was actually a kid much smaller than himself. He felt that if he ran away like this, he would be a lifelong shame.

However, after receiving the stern order from above, he had to swallow his breath and order a retreat.

However, what the two people did not expect was that shortly after issuing the order, they received another, even worse, bad news.

All the materials originally stored in the warehouse have disappeared!Since a batch of supplies had just been distributed yesterday afternoon, and even yesterday's batch was used for today's breakfast, the truth was not discovered until the two of them issued the order to retreat.

The first reaction of the two people after receiving the news was that it was impossible!After repeated inquiries and confirmations from their subordinates, the two responded completely differently this time.

After Drubi calmed down, he immediately realized that the theft of supplies must have something to do with Konoha, otherwise they would not have suddenly changed their tactics this morning.

After figuring this out, Drewbi immediately ordered his subordinates, the Cloud Ninjas, to block the news. They would never allow the theft of supplies to spread in the base, and would silence all those in the small country coalition forces who knew about it.

After issuing this order, he immediately reported the situation to the senior management and waited for the next order. He responded in a well-behaved manner, which was in line with his personality.

It's just that it's safe and secure, but a lot of time is wasted between sending and returning this letter. The opportunity to fight is fleeting. By the time new orders are issued from Yunyin Village, the opportunity may have been missed.

On the other side, in the Mist Ninja base, after being hit by a series of bad news, Yagura could no longer hold back his emotions. On impulse, he led a group of guards to the warehouse angrily to check.

As the supreme commander, he led a group of people through the base in a swaggering manner, which naturally attracted the attention of the ninjas of the small country and the coalition forces. Many people followed quietly to see what was going on.

When Yagura looked at Sora

After wandering into the warehouse where there was no hair left, as if he had been silently mocked, the extremely angry man went crazy and picked up the coral stick in his hand and smashed the two small country ninjas who were responsible for guarding the warehouse to death.

The sharp iron hook at the front of the coral stick penetrated the bodies of the two ninjas and sprayed bursts of blood mist in the air.

The blood-soaked boy looked like a demon with a ferocious face.

This sudden change caused a commotion among the onlookers from the small country's army. After witnessing the truth about the stolen materials, everyone immediately fled in all directions for fear of being killed and silenced.

News of the stolen supplies and the mad commander quickly spread throughout the base, and people in the Mist Ninja Base soon became panicked.

The coalition forces from various countries who were already wary of each other quickly fell apart. Coupled with the war pressure brought by the consecutive losses on the battlefield in the past two days, the psychology of nearly [-] ordinary troops completely collapsed, and the entire Mist Ninja base was completely in chaos.If this happened at night, the camp would probably be bombed, causing heavy casualties. Even the current chaos was beyond Yagura's control.

Tsunade, who led the army to surround the Mist Ninja base, how could she miss such a good opportunity after discovering the enemy's commotion? She immediately ordered the entire army to launch a general attack.

The huge slug took the lead, spraying acid wantonly at the enemies in the base.

The allied forces of various countries were caught off guard and were completely defenseless against the menacing attack.

Seeing that the situation was over, Yagura finally regained some sanity and led more than 700 fog ninjas under his command to quickly break out to the east of the base. This direction was the only unobstructed way out.

Yagura led a group of fog ninjas to kill everyone on sight. Anyone who stood in front of them was an enemy.

In this situation, saving his own life and that of his subordinates is the most important thing. These fools from small countries are not worth his time.

He must now lead his men to the dock to the east as quickly as possible. There are a large number of ships parked there, which is their only escape route.

He remembered that there was a small amount of unused food left in the cabin. If they were all collected together, it should be enough to last them until they returned to the country.

At the speed of a ninja, if it were on land, it would take up to ten hours to cross the distance between the Kingdom of Whirlpool and the Kingdom of Water. However, the chakra amount of most fog ninjas on the sea is simply not enough to support such a distance. Distance treading water running.

Their only option for returning is to take a boat, and the simple wooden boat built with the shipbuilding technology of the Naruto world sails very slowly. Taking a boat is far less than the speed of a ninja using his legs to travel. It takes at least [-] years to reach the land of water. Prepare dry food for three days. If you are unlucky and encounter wind and waves, this time will be extended.This is also the biggest reliance that the Water Kingdom and Kirigakure Village can rely on to ensure their own safety by staying alone overseas.

But now this advantage has caused huge trouble to the Kirigakure Ninja Army on the expedition.

Therefore, without supplies, the Mist Ninja took nearly [-] ordinary troops to sea by boat.

Yagura now felt that it would be a good thing to leave them at the base as they were now to buy time for the Kirito ninja to evacuate.

With the speed of a ninja, it takes less than half an hour to reach the east dock. If we carry these burdens, whether we can escape the enemy's ninja army's pursuit before dark is a question.

More than 20 minutes later, when Yagura led a group of fog ninjas to the dock, they found that in addition to the boat, there were two figures who had been waiting here for a long time.

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