Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 175 Return

After watching Hatake Sakumo leave, Nawaki finally felt light and relaxed completely.

He took out a soft big bed from the tree space and placed it in the center of the tent. Then he lay on it comfortably and fell into a deep sleep after a while, his breathing gradually becoming soft and inaudible.

It is his first time to lead troops in combat. Even if his mental age is over 30 years old, he will inevitably experience psychological stress.

In the past two days, Shengshu appeared to be confident on the surface, as if he could cope with everything with ease, but in fact, there was a tight string in his brain. Although he was fine physically, he was quite exhausted mentally.

Now that the war has finally come to an end, everything that needs to be done has been done. After completely putting aside all worries, his mind has never been more relaxed and peaceful, and he has entered a state similar to Zen. Coupled with the two days of war, this Tightening and loosening has a significant effect on improving mental strength.When he wakes up, he will find another unexpected gain that this war has brought him.

A few hours later, Hatake Sakumo, who led the ANBU team to escort the top-secret letter, arrived in Konoha. After handing the scroll to the third generation in the Hokage's office, his mission was officially completed.

This was the easiest A-level mission he had ever completed, and even now he feels guilty about cheating.

The third generation who took the scroll had already learned about the current general situation of the Uzumaki Country from Hatake Sakumo in advance.

After learning the news that the rope tree had won a great victory, he was in a good mood and did not open the scroll immediately. Instead, he ordered the ANBU to summon the top management of Konoha. Of course, this kind of happy event must be shared with everyone.

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw Hatake Sakumo's unnaturalness at a glance, and with his understanding of his confidant, he instantly guessed the reason, "Although I haven't opened the scroll yet, I know that based on the course of this war alone The tactical value of the mission, and the intelligence you brought back this time must also be very important. That guy from the rope tree designated this escort mission as A-level, which is completely in line with the regulations. And your ANBU team is indeed the most suitable person to carry out this mission, so Sakumo, there’s no need for you to mind.”

After hearing the third generation's personal affirmation, Hatake Sakumo finally felt relieved. He also wanted to understand that sometimes the task level is not determined by the difficulty of execution.

"Yes! Hokage-sama! But no matter what, I have to thank Mr. Naoki for trusting me!" At this time, Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but think of the previous conversation when he and Naoki exchanged ninjutsu, and the care he had for himself after that. He believed that Shengshu and he were completely like-minded confidants.

This time, I entrusted this seemingly easy but very important task to him probably out of trust in myself. I was moved and couldn't help but say the above words.

Instead of being displeased with Hatake's performance, Sandai nodded with great pleasure. Among his four disciples, only Orochimaru and Nawaki's talents were the ones he admired the most.

It's just that Orochimaru has a cold personality, and his thoughts are very dangerous and deviate from the right path. However, Naoki has shown an ideological spirit that is completely in line with the will of fire since he was a child. Therefore, in his mind, Naoki is the most suitable candidate to inherit the position of Hokage. .

Nowadays, Hatake Sakumo, the younger generation of strong men whom he is optimistic about, also recognizes this disciple, which further proves that he is not wrong about the person. Naoki is indeed the most suitable candidate to inherit the position of Hokage.


Although it is still early for Sarutobi Hiruzen to abdicate at his current age, the world of ninjas is full of dangers. No one can guarantee that he will not have an accident. Wouldn't even someone as powerful as the first and second generation Hokage die in battle?

For the inheritance and stability of Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen must pave the way for the next generation of Hokage in advance. He does not want the struggle between himself and Danzo to happen again. Konoha can no longer withstand the second turmoil.

Therefore, Hatake Sakumo, a future strong man, was happy to see the recognition of the rope tree.

The two people, each with their own thoughts, were silently thinking about their own concerns in the office.

A few minutes later, the top management of Konoha who received the notification from the ANBU gathered in the office one after another.

Busy with his training, Danzo was the last to arrive at the office.

In recent years, with the smooth progress of the Rope Tree Tax Plan and the Student Loan Plan, the number of civilian ninjas in Konoha has continued to increase.

Under the leadership of the Konoha Foundation, the economy of Konoha Village is also developing continuously. After the economic conditions of the villagers improve, it is natural to expand the scale of industry. Konoha Village has also continued to expand to the surrounding areas in recent years, and its scope and population have reached the same level. It is comparable to ordinary city filling, which has also led to an increasing number of mission requests from villagers, so these new genin have no worries about running out of missions to accept, and a virtuous circle of mutual promotion is formed between the two.

Of course, Konoha cannot continue to expand indefinitely like this. Sooner or later, one will reach the limit. By then, will the number of Konoha ninjas that have exploded face the crisis of "unemployment" and "inflation"?

Rope Tree has already considered this and has made a series of response plans.However, Naoki, who is familiar with the plot, knows that in the next ten years, Konoha will experience two ninja wars in succession. The number of ninjas will only be too few and not too many, so at least in these ten years, he does not have to think about it. Ninja's "inflation" problem, after peace comes, he can naturally solve the problem calmly.

With a large number of civilian genin as the foundation, in addition to the ninja family, the strength of various departments of the Konoha Hokage family has naturally increased greatly, and the roots led by Danzo have naturally taken this opportunity to expand their strength.

However, his main targets were orphans with no background and members of concubines and branches of various ninja families.

Ninjas with truly innocent family backgrounds and outstanding talents will be captured by the Hokage family.Even the orphans have a strong competitor like the Senju Branch, so the members absorbed by the root are not the largest in terms of quality and quantity, but even so, the manpower of the root has increased explosively, and the group has Zang was extremely busy.

After everyone sat down, Danzo first asked: "Hatake Sakumo, as the captain of the ANBU, why did you return to the village alone? Hiruzen, you are so eager to summon us. Could it be that something happened to the rope tree in the country of whirlpool? Bar?"

Although Konoha's top brass received information yesterday that the war situation in the Country of Whirlpool was stable, they did not know what the specific situation was.

This time the enemy was the four major ninja villages. Although Naoki was extremely talented, it was his first time to lead an army in combat and he only had 1000 ninja troops. Soon after he set off, many senior officials had already vaguely regretted agreeing to Naoki's request. Well, if this defeat occurs, it will be a heavy loss for Konoha, and Danzo is one of them.

Now seeing Hatake Sakumo returning alone, he inevitably had bad thoughts.

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