Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 152 The Wisdom of Stone

"As for being indestructible...that's because the Light of Judgment has inherited the sharp characteristics of the Chidori Sharp Spear and the Hard Vortex Water Blade! Ordinary Arashi Release Blood Successor does not have this effect!"

"However, in order to ensure the attack power, the light of judgment must maintain the form of a spear and the concentration of chakra, so it cannot be divided into multiple strands and the extended distance is limited. It can only carry out medium and short-range attacks."

"Coupled with the disadvantage that the preparation time is too long and consumes too much chakra, if it weren't for this perfect opportunity, it would be difficult for the Light of Judgment to exert its maximum effect!"

Nao Shu nonchalantly told Lao Zi all the advantages and disadvantages of Lan Dun·Light of Judgment. Unless Nao Shu could obtain the blood successor of Lan Dun, the shortcomings of this combination of ninjutsu were inevitable, and Lao Zi had seen it with his own eyes. The entire surgical process only requires a little analysis to reach the same conclusion.

As for the various characteristics of Lan Dun, it is even more insignificant to Shengshu, because he is not a blood ninja of Lan Dun, and the trump card of Lan Dun: Light of Judgment is not very important to Shengshu. If it were not for restraining Melting Escape, Naoki doesn't know how to use this ninjutsu at all!

Not to mention that no one would be like Lao Zi who was trapped in a small area and waited stupidly for the rope tree to complete the ninjutsu before fighting with him head-on. Even the attack effect of the light of judgment was no better than that of a thousand ninjas for ordinary ninjas. The sharp bird gun or the hard vortex water blade are much better, coupled with twice the chakra consumption and ultra-high difficulty of control, unless the right time comes, the rope tree will definitely not use this extremely low-cost and loss-making ninjutsu.

So the reason why Nao Shu suddenly became so sincere was not because he now had the victory in his hand and he was so complacent like a villain that he said a bunch of nonsense, but because he wanted to gain Lao Zi's favor and cooperate with him to complete the next plan.

After listening to Shengshu's words, Lao Zi's doubts and unwillingness dissipated at the same time, and he was no longer so hostile to Shengshu who generously solved his own doubts, "Hehehe... It seems that I have been fooled by you little brat again." , the so-called one-shot decision is also a strategy you have thought up a long time ago, right?"

Although Lao Zi has a stubborn personality, it does not mean that he is stupid. After Nao Shu's explanation, he immediately understood the other party's plan.But looking at his expression, he didn't have the same unwillingness and anger as before. Could it be that he couldn't withstand the blow of failure and broke the pot? With Lao Zi's stubborn character, he shouldn't give up his faith so easily.

In order to ease the relationship between the two parties, Shengshu answered all Lao Zi's questions: "That's right! There is a big gap in strength between me and Lao Zi, so I can only use tactics to make up for it. This move is indeed a win without force. I hope that you will Don’t hold any grudges and keep your promises.”

In fact, although the rope tree has many methods, it is a bit mixed but not perfect. When facing a real master, he lacks the power to make a final decision, and his chakra amount and physical fitness are still his shortcomings. He has a great advantage when fighting against opponents of the same level. For an opponent like Lao Zi who has far more chakra and better physical fitness than him, no matter how many methods he uses, it will be useless. A single piece of Melting Escape Armor can make him helpless.If it weren't for the environmental advantage this time, and the use of tricks in the end to provoke the opponent to fight head-on, it would be almost impossible to win. The most you can do is use your speed and air superiority to keep yourself from being defeated (escape).

"Hmph! If you lose, you lose. I, Lao Zi, am not someone who cannot afford to lose. Besides, as you said before, wisdom is also part of strength!" Lao Zi said calmly.

Roeshu did not sense any resentment in Lao Zi's heart through the secret technique of perception, which means that the other party did not lie. In addition, Lao Zi actually used earth escape and seismic core to relieve the predicament. Roeshu felt that Lao Zi Zi seemed to have undergone some changes, so he looked good

Qiqi asked: "As far as I know, His Excellency Lao Zi's character should not like this kind of trickery behavior? I'm afraid this kind of remarks about wisdom are not in line with Shi's will, right?"

"Hahaha...are you trying to say that a rigid old stubborn like me shouldn't be able to use my brain?" Faced with Shengshu's euphemistic probing, Lao Zi bluntly exposed the other party's true thoughts, looking at Shengshu's face that had not changed at all. Lao Zi continued: "This failure made me think through some problems!"

"Although the essence of the Will of Stone is perseverance and unwavering, it does not mean that it must be stubborn and inflexible!"

"Rocks have an angular side and a smooth and accidental side. This shows that rocks also have their own wisdom. Appropriate changes are not inconsistent with the will of the stone!"

"On the contrary, only by possessing the wisdom of stone can we better realize the will of stone, otherwise sooner or later we will become a stubborn stone that loses ourselves!"

After listening to Lao Zi's insights about the wisdom of stone, Nao Shu expressed his admiration: "Your Excellency Lao Zi's remarks are exquisite and extraordinary. It seems that your faith and forbearance have been sublimated!"

Shengshu knows that Lao Zi has undergone major changes under his influence and doesn't know what impact it will have on the plot. However, this butterfly effect is unavoidable, and Lao Zi is not a key player, as long as it does not affect the general trend.

Lao Zi's change will be more beneficial to Shengshu's next plan. Lao Zi, who knows how to adapt, should be able to cooperate more easily than before.

Seeing that the outcome of the two was decided, a group of ninja troops who were originally surrounded a hundred meters away took advantage of the time when Naoki was talking to Lao Zi to return to the two.

Now that Lao Zi had admitted defeat in public and said he would abide by the agreement, and the Iwa ninja was still surrounded by heavy siege, Nao Shu simply canceled the maintenance of the light of judgment after everyone got close.

After the light of judgment disappeared, Lao Zi, whose limbs were severely injured, lost his support and fell weakly on the terrain at his feet. At the same time, the melting chakra mode was also cancelled, and he changed from red pepper to purple eggplant again.

"I'm sorry everyone, I failed again! It was because of my incompetent commander that everyone became shamefully surrendered prisoners." A large amount of blood flowed from Lao Zi's limbs lying on the ground, and the bright red blood soon It flows from the small land into the dim lake. Under the moonlight, the blood-soaked lake turns into a cold purple color, which looks strange and desolate.

"Lord Zi!" An Iwa Ninja stepped out from the crowd, stepped forward, held Lao Zi in his arms, and helped him sit up. He shouted angrily at the dozens of Iwa Ninja who were standing aside, "What are you looking at? Why don't you give it up? Please treat the wound!"

"Yes!" As this jounin shouted angrily, several other rock ninjas hurriedly stepped forward to bandage Lao Zi's wounds. Although they were not medical ninjas, they were very skilled in this simple method of bandaging and stopping bleeding on the battlefield. Because Lao Zi's wound was caused by ninjutsu, so it didn't need disinfection. He could just wrap it with a bandage.

Seeing Lao Zi's pale face due to heavy blood loss, the remaining ninjas did not express their anger at each other, because they knew that Lao Zi had tried his best, and that surrendering to the rope tree while saving their lives was the best choice for Iwagakure Village. But the shame of Lao Zi's failure and surrender still made them depressed.

"Are you okay, Naoki? Are you injured?" While Iwa Ninja was bandaging Lao Zi's wound, Tsunade also walked to Naoki with a concerned look on her face, carefully looking up and down at her pale brother, wishing he could Give him a full physical exam.

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