Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 106: Turning against guests

Facing Dazheng's proposal, Shengshu shook his head firmly and refused: "I have already explained the truth clearly! Now I will reiterate it again!

Konoha's dispatch of 1000 reinforcements this time is already the psychological limit of the major powers!If it exceeds this number, it will not be a deterrent negotiation but a direct declaration of war on the major ninja villages!Once the Second Ninja War breaks out in the Kingdom of Uzumaki, it will be impossible for the Uzumaki clan to escape intact!Even if the Uzumaki clan finally wins the war, it will be difficult for them to survive!

What we can do now is to win a strategic war, thereby intimidating the four major ninja villages, and then use the sealing ninjutsu as a bargaining chip to reach a peace agreement with the four major ninja villages through negotiations!This is the only way to save the Uzumaki clan!With the minds of all of you sitting here, you should be able to understand the truth?"

Naoki took a closer look at Omasa and Yokota, who were bowing their heads in deep thought, and found that their eyes were not calm and completely inconsistent with the emotions they had deliberately shown just now.

He knew that although the two people had already had conflicts, but now that the enemy was in front of them, it was impossible for the two people to break up in front of outsiders so easily.So the two of them were just acting!Naoki knows this kind of red-and-white-faced routine very well, and he just performed it once yesterday in front of Uzumaki Taketori together with the senior management of Konoha. How could he be frightened into making concessions by them?

The corner of Naoki's mouth raised slightly, and he glanced at the top leaders of the Uzumaki clan with a playful look, as if to say: "Stop acting, I can't be fooled by you!"

Uzumaki Omasa felt that Naoki's eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, and he said with a somewhat unnatural expression: "But... how can the leader of Naoki win this war with 1000 ninja troops and intimidate other countries?"

"I already have a comprehensive plan for the next war!

Before that, I need to correct an erroneous statement made by the Dazheng patriarch.We don't just have 1000 reinforcements from Konoha!Now in the Uzumaki Country, there are 3000 to 4000 Konoha reinforcements and ninjas from the Uzumaki clan combined!

And only by concentrating all our forces together can we have the possibility of victory!

I believe everyone should know that I have had the experience of commanding an S-class war mission? Therefore, I ask that you give me the command authority to command the Ninja Army in the Land of Whirlpool! "Naoshu took the opportunity to express his thoughts.

Uzumaki Damasa frowned and said nothing when he heard Naoki's request. He pondered for a moment and then gave Yokota a vague wink.

"What? It's not enough for Konoha to want our land and people? Now the leader of the Naoki clan wants our ninja army? It is impossible for us ninjas of the Uzumaki clan to accept the command of outsiders!" No matter whether Naoki sees it or not. What? Yokota objected to it to the end.

"Elder Yokota is serious! I just want the command of your country's ninja army in this war. I will return it naturally after the mission is over. It will be difficult to win this war if the ninjas on both sides cannot unified command!" Shu didn't get angry because of Yokota's sarcasm, and looked like he was explaining patiently.

"No matter what the reason is, as a guest, you actually ask the host to obey orders. Don't you think it's too much for the Shengshu clan leader?"

"Although it sounds a little unreasonable, I ask for your understanding in order to complete the rescue mission!"

Seeing Naoki's righteous look, Yokota showed his trump card with an angry smile: "Even if we don't agree to your request, in order to complete the mission, you must ensure the safety of our Uzumaki clan! As far as I know, in In all major ninja villages, the consequences of mission failure are very serious!"

Naoki raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Is Elder Yokota threatening me? Does Chief Dasheng mean the same thing?"

This time, Uzumaki Dasheng did not continue to play red face, but said with a serious face: "The requirements of the leader of the Rope Tree are too harsh. It is impossible for us in the Kingdom of Uzumaki to hand over our ninja army to the command of another country! If the leader of the Rope Tree has You can tell us what your plan is, and we can fully cooperate! But if you want the command of the ninja army... it’s really hard for you to obey!"

After receiving Omasa's support, Yokota said with a proud expression: "I have said long ago that Konoha has no sincerity at all. With the age of the Nezhu clan leader, what good solution can he come up with?

In my opinion, since Konoha doesn't keep its word, there is no need for us, the Uzumaki clan, to abide by our agreement and join Konoha!

Why don't we throw out the entire Kingdom of Whirlpool and the sealing ninjutsu now, and let the Kingdom of Fire compete with the major countries!

In order to complete the war mission of the Daimyo, Konoha will definitely fight to the death with the major ninja villages.We, the Uzumaki clan, can take this opportunity to move to a neutral country!With our strength and financial resources, we can re-establish a Ninja Village in any small country. It is much better than relying on others to act based on others' faces!

We would also like to thank the leader of the Shengshu clan for coming up with such a wonderful idea for us!But you may not have thought that we, the Uzumaki clan, can completely abandon Konoha and save ourselves in our own way! "

Yokota proudly stated his plan to burn bridges across the river. The elders of the Uzumaki clan all nodded in agreement. Even the Uzumaki leader was a little moved. If he could continue to be a leader, who would be willing to surrender to others as a subordinate? Most people would rather do that. Chicken heads are not made into phoenix tails.

It's just that if he really does what Yokota says, Konoha will be hit the hardest, and the prestige of the clan leader's line will also be challenged by the branch line.Therefore, Dazheng did not express his position immediately, but chose to wait and see what happens.

When the Jounin from Konoha heard this, their expressions changed drastically, their expressions were either worried or angry, and those with impulsive personalities were ready to explode into violence.

But at this moment, Shengshu suddenly laughed loudly: "Hahaha..."

Shengshu's laughter was high-pitched and sharp, sounding a little nervous. If there are time travelers present, they will definitely hear that this is Stephen Chow-style laughter.

Everyone present was attracted by the strange laughter of the rope tree. They didn't understand why the mature boy who had always behaved calmly and calmly burst into such hysterical laughter?

But Shengshu didn't care about other people's eyes at all. He threw his head back and laughed unscrupulously. He laughed endlessly and continued for a long time without any sign of stopping.

After hearing this kind of permeating laughter, everyone inevitably felt a little panicked. The top leaders of the Uzumaki clan also became suspicious. What was so funny?

"Ahem, I wonder why the leader of the Shengshu clan is laughing?" Uzumaki Dasheng felt a little guilty because of his laughter, and couldn't help but ask.

"You finally asked, I laughed so hard

It's itching..." Nao Shu cursed while continuing to act. He wiped the corners of his eyes and flicked the non-existent tears with his fingers. He gasped and said, "Haha... ha... I'm sorry!I've lost my composure!But what Elder Yokota said just now is really... so funny!Hahaha...I'm sorry...I can't help laughing just thinking about it, let me laugh a little longer...Hahaha..."

After hearing what Naoki said, Yokota said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Huh! You're just trying to be mysterious."

Naoki took a deep breath as if to calm down his emotions, and then said with a smile in his eyes: "The neutral country mentioned by Elder Yokota refers to the Country of Rain and the Country of Grass, right? There are currently three countries in the east, south and north of the Whirlpool Country. All directions are surrounded, and the only way out is the Fire Country to the west. Have you ever thought that if the Uzumaki clan betrays their covenant, Konoha will easily allow you to cross the border?"

Of course Yokota had considered this issue, and he said without hesitation: "As a condition attached to the Kingdom of Uzumaki, the daimyo has promised to ensure the safety and property of the Uzumaki clan! Does the leader of the Nogeki clan want to violate the mission and take action against the Kingdom of Uzumaki?"

Naoki shook his head and said: "After all, the Uzumaki clan is closely related to the Senju clan. Although you are unkind, I cannot be unjust... But without the cooperation of our Konoha reinforcements, how could the Uzumaki clan ask other countries to endure the pursuit like wolves and tigers for years? ?And Konoha will not let traitors into the country!"

Yokota retorted disapprovingly: "What the four major ninja villages want is the sealing ninjutsu of our Uzumaki clan. As long as they achieve their goal, they will not pursue us. As for the other small country ninjas, they are not worried at all. The Country of Fire If you want to get the territory of the Uzumaki Kingdom, you must fight with the ninjas of all countries. By then, Konoha will have no time to take care of itself and how to stop the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan. We are just taking advantage of it..."

Naoki interrupted with a smile: "Haha... Elder Yokota is too naive. Without the deterrence of Konoha, you are just fish and meat to the major countries. With the current economic situation of each country, they will let the whirlpool go. The clan’s property? Unless you are willing to give up everything and leave home! How can you rebuild the Ninja Village without wealth? By then you will not even be able to feed your clan members!”

Naoki glanced at the ugly Yokota and continued to attack: "As for Konoha will fight to the death with the four great ninja villages for the Kingdom of Whirlpool? That is just your wishful thinking!

I might as well tell you that the mission assigned to us by the daimyo is indeed to protect the Uzumaki clan and assist the daimyo's army in occupying the territory of the Uzumaki Country. However, the mission scroll does not specify the time and number of rescuers!

Konoha only needs to block the docks along the Fire Country to seal the Uzumaki clan's retreat!After that, we can just sit back and watch the various countries siege the Uzumaki clan. The ultimate goal of the four major ninja villages is to seal the ninjutsu and the wealth of the Uzumaki country, which is not inconsistent with our mission.They will naturally retreat after they get what they want!

At that time, we only need to defeat the armies and ninjas of small countries stranded in the Country of Whirlpool to help the Daimyo obtain the land of the Country of Whirlpool!

However, how many people will be left in the Uzumaki clan after a year and a half? But you can rest assured!In order to complete the rescue mission, we will definitely send all the old and orphans from the Uzumaki Country to Konoha, and help the Uzumaki clan continue their bloodline inheritance!It's just... I'm afraid everyone sitting here won't be able to see that scene!Elder Yokota did not hesitate to bear the infamy and violated the covenant but dig graves for his own people. This is really ridiculous! "

After hearing Naoki's response, Yokota said with a cold sweat on his head and a livid face: "You actually want to use the loopholes in the mission rules to restrict the Uzumaki clan? You have already thought about this, right? It's really sinister and despicable!"

Naoki smiled with contempt: "Haha... Elder Yokota should reflect on his behavior before saying these words, right? If the Uzumaki clan didn't want to betray the alliance first, how could I use this method to deal with my allies? What? This is just a last resort measure, after all, it is necessary to be on guard against others."

Just as Yokota said, the rope tree has long thought of ways to restrict the Uzumaki clan. He has always speculated on these politicians with the greatest malice. What if there is no chain to tie them up and they bite back? Now the chain has turned out to be true. Came in handy.

If Naoki does what he says, the Uzumaki clan will be in an extremely unfavorable situation. The fate of this island country has never been under his control.

Seeing that the situation was unfavorable for him, Uzumaki Damasa secretly rejoiced that he had not spoken out rashly before, while continuing to save the situation with a red face, "Don't get me wrong, Chief Nezuki, those just mentioned are just the thoughts of Elder Yokota, and he does not represent the Uzumaki clan! We and Qian The Hand clan has been friends for generations and became allies when Konoha was founded, how could they do something treacherous?"

"Oh? Does Chief Osamu mean that Elder Yokota wants to destroy the alliance between the Uzumaki clan and Konoha? Shouldn't you give us Konoha an explanation for such a bad behavior? You can't just use your words again. For such a reason, let’s expose the matter, right?” Shen Shu couldn’t let the other party off easily this time.

Uzumaki Damasa said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, Chief of the Roshu Clan, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"Elder Yokota deliberately broke the alliance between the Uzumaki clan and Konoha, and it is a heinous crime to bring injustice to our clan. In recognition of his hard work and merit, I have decided to remove Elder Yokota from all positions and make him shut up and think about his mistakes as punishment! Do you have any objections?" Uzumaki? Dazheng announced his verdict with a serious face. He also wanted to take this opportunity to attack the branch's arrogance, so he did not hesitate to regard Yokota as an abandoned son to calm the matter.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. This is a political rule. If Yokota succeeds in subduing Konoha today, his reputation will greatly increase and he can even replace the Uzumaki lord's position to gain the highest say in the Uzumaki clan. But now he has failed. A corresponding price must be paid.Therefore, no one would intercede for him, and the elders of each branch expressed their approval and drew a clear line with Yokota to avoid being implicated.

Even Yokota did not defend himself, but chose to accept the punishment. Although he temporarily lost all his positions, he was still the helmsman of the strongest branch. As long as the strength of his clan members was not damaged, the connections he had established over the years he had been in power As long as he is still there, he will still be the core of all branches, but he will just hide behind the scenes.

"Is the Shengshu Clan leader satisfied with this punishment?" Dazheng asked kindly.

Naoki knew that the Uzumaki clan would not be able to substantively punish a powerful elder like Yokota for what happened before. The best result has been achieved now, so he did not intend to entangle any more, "I admire the fairness and strictness of the leader of the Dazheng clan. I admire him before." We will pretend that this has never happened. The agreement between the Uzumaki clan and Konoha is still valid, and we will do our best to rescue the Uzumaki clan.

However... for the safety of the Uzumaki clan, I still have to ask the leader of the Omasa clan to hand over the command of the Uzumaki Country Ninja Army to me. "

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