Simodox mages at Hogwarts

Chapter 26 Xiaolong “Vegetable”

The wind dog jumped up from the ground at some point and slammed Xiaolong onto the table.

The wind dog glanced at Xiaolong threateningly, then lowered his head to enjoy the fried pork chop.

After eating half of it, the wind dog touched the tomato in front with his paw, and then thrust his paw into it.


Bright red juice spurted out from the tomatoes and landed drop by drop on the white plate.

The wind dog stepped forward and took a sip of the juice, then suddenly his eyes lit up, he pounced on it, and ate half of it in one go before stopping.

The wind dog actually likes to eat tomatoes. Could it be that he is a vegetarian?

The wind dog took another bite of lettuce and chewed it.

Then it suddenly showed a look of disgust and spat out the lettuce.

Well, okay, I only like tomatoes and meat for the time being.

emmm...and dragon egg white.

The wind dog was only about the size of two tomatoes. He was already full after eating so much, so he lay down to rest.

The crippled dragon was indeed a crippled dragon, and now he dared to step forward to eat.

It extended its mouth towards the pork chop in front of it.

The first place in a dragon's diet is definitely meat.

When the wind dog who was resting on the side saw this, he suddenly jumped up and slapped the little dragon with his paw.

Xiao Longchao let out a roar, seeming a little angry.

Hey, Xiaolong, are you going to resist? As expected of a handsome dragon, he finally dared to resist.

The dragon used its standard move, spraying a mouthful of flames at the wind dog.

The wind dog didn't seem to expect that Xiaolong would dare to resist. He was caught off guard by the spray and quickly vaporized.

The heat of the dragon's flames made the airflow somewhat unstable, and the little wind dog was not able to control the airflow very well. He had to float sideways in the air for a short distance before materializing, and he was almost burned.

The little dragon roared again and prepared to spray flames.

The wind dog turned his head and glared angrily.

Xiaolong immediately took a few steps back, and the remaining flames that had not yet been sprayed out were choked back.

Hey, a useless dragon is still a useless dragon. Even if you can beat the wind dog, you are still afraid of the wind dog's look.

Rai sighed as if he hated the iron.

So Xiaolong had no choice but to eat lettuce under the discipline of Wind Dog.

Xiaolong finished the lettuce in frustration and looked at Rai with pitiful eyes.

Be good this time, you know I am the boss, right?

Ley went downstairs again and took out a basin of leftover mashed potatoes and a cucumber from the refrigerator.

When the wind dog saw the new food, he decisively stepped forward to have a taste. After using his paws to pick up a handful of mashed potatoes, he neither looked disgusted nor excited. He just chewed and swallowed it. The same was true for the cucumber.

Rai took out a small book and wrote "Wind Dog Recipe" at the top of page 1, and then wrote below the 6 kinds of food the Wind Dog ate today and their rankings, as well as what happened after the Wind Dog ate the food. reaction.

The wind dog didn't stop Xiaolong from eating cucumbers and mashed potatoes this time, probably because he really didn't have much interest in these two things.

"Da da da"

Rai looked up. Outside the window, an owl was pecking at the glass, with a yellow envelope tied to its feet.

Hey, how could an owl come here?

Ley opened the window and let the owl fly in. The little dragon who was eating mashed potatoes suddenly raised his head and stared directly at the owl with burning eyes.

In the novel, Hagrid uses chickens to feed Little Dragon Bonno, and the owl has two legs and a pair of wings. It is so fat and strong that it is like a fat chicken...

Rai slapped Xiaolong's head hard with his hand.

How can you, a vegetarian, have such dangerous thoughts as eating owls?

Xiaolong was still reluctant, raising his head and looking at the owl, his eyes full of desire, and his mouth seemed to be drooling.


Another slap.

Xiaolong still couldn't restrain his desire for meat and stubbornly raised his head again.


Xiaolong raised his head.


look up.



Huh, I'm so angry. It makes you want to eat an owl. I photographed you and you're convinced.

Finally, no matter how many slaps it was, Xiaolong finally chose to lower his head and continued to eat mashed potatoes and cucumbers...

Well, that's right. How can you think about eating meat?

If you eat too much meat, don’t spend enough money.

In order to commemorate this, I will give you a new name and you will call it "Vegetables"... Fruits are a bit expensive... Bah, this name is a bit long, so I will call you "Vegetables" for short.

Only then did Ley untie the envelope.

The envelope read, To Mr. Eli.

Well, can an owl find this owner without using his real name?

He had always thought that owls could deliver messages because owls in the wizarding world were born with the ability to divine names. The word "name" had been around for a while on the West Modak planet, and had even become mainstream.

People of the name school believe that any thing or magical phenomenon has its corresponding "name", and as long as the name is expressed in some form, the power in the name can be invoked.

This theory is somewhat similar to the magic spells in the wizarding earth world. As long as you wave the wand in a specific way and call out the name of the magic spell, you can use the magic spell.

Rai always thought so when reading the novel.

Although the school of names has been overthrown, the world is full of wonders and wonders, and there may be such magic.

However, when he learned about the concept of wandless casting, he rejected this idea. When casting a wandless spell, there is no need to make any sounds or specific movements.

Therefore, spells and gestures only play an auxiliary role, rather than the core of casting spells.

As for name divination, it is a theory that has not been overturned even on the Simodak planet. It originally belonged to a branch of the name school. After the name school was overthrown, it became independent from it and became a separate science.

Name divination means that an individual with a soul, such as a human, a dragon, etc., will have a corresponding name.

The person or thing corresponding to the name can be divined through various connections between names.

Ley originally believed that owls in the wizarding world used this kind of name for divination, so they could find the owner of the letter through the name.

This kind of name divination is not affected by factors such as the same name.

For example, there are so many Mr. Weasleys in the world, so when a person writes a letter to Mr. Weasley, he only needs to write "Mr. Weasley" to send the letter to the Weasley he wants to send it to. Mr. Lay.

This is because "Mr. Weasley" contains the word Weasley, and there are so many Weasleys in the world that do not correspond to the same "Weasley".

It can be understood that one person corresponds to "Weasley No. 1", another person corresponds to "Weasley No. 2" and so on.

Name Divination can infer which Weasley it is through the connection between the person and Mr. Weasley who receives the letter.


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