Simodox mages at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 At the Pig Head Bar

Compared with the old drinks in the Pig Head Bar, these novelties always touch the hearts of young people more.

So young customers, especially Hogwarts students, began to flow to the Three Broomsticks.

He also tried innovation and even imitated the Three Broomsticks, but his brain really didn't have the ideas of the Three Broomsticks guy.

The business began to decline, and only old drinkers would frequent her store. Later, some old customers stopped coming often, and they were all attracted by the Three Broomsticks.

Fortunately, he made a lot of money, enough for her to spend a peaceful old age.

So he took care of the shop less and less. When he was happy, he would clean it and wipe a few cups.

The store gradually became messy and poor, and some of the regular customers stopped coming often. As a result, this place became the first choice in a gray area for all kinds of people.

The sun would set in an hour or two, something he knew all too well.

He picked up a glass he had cleaned three days ago and filled it with wine.

There were several other cups on the table, which he had accumulated over the past two days.

The clear and clear wine rolled with water and fell into the cup.

This is a light fruit wine, perfect for drinking.

The boss shook his glass, but he didn't take it. A black figure he had never seen before appeared at the door.


Ley walked to the door of the Pig's Head Bar and took a look inside.

Three words, dirty and messy

There were several tables scattered in the bar, some of which still had traces of the drinks from last night, or maybe several nights.

The crooked chairs were also very dirty. There was a wine glass stacked upside down on one of the chairs, and there was still transparent liquid remaining in the wine glass.

There was a pool of wine on the ground under the wine glass, which was obviously poured out of the wine glass.

This is the Pig's Head Bar where Hagrid won the dragon egg bet

Rye took a step back and glanced up again.

"Pig's Head Bar" has four big characters.

Then it's confirmed.

Ley walked into the bar, went to the bar, and knocked a few times.

The "Dementor" boss made a confused and frightened voice. The black cloak in front of him, his whole body shrouded in darkness, did have some terrifying and weird aura.

Rai heard something strange.

I've never heard of dementors.

No, you have to pretend, eh

"No, I am a dark dwarf." Rai said.

The boss breathed a sigh of relief. It was good if he could speak. Although his voice was a bit strange, he was not a dementor if he could speak.

He was indeed overly nervous just now. Dementors would suck away the happiness, but he didn't feel this way before.

He then asked: "Then who are you? I have never heard of such a creature...race as the black dwarves."

He tried his best to make his voice sound more powerful, but it still seemed a little lacking in confidence.

Although the other party was short in stature, nothing could be seen except the deep darkness inside the dark hood, and the whole person was shrouded in a mysterious dark aura from head to toe.

"Eli," Ley said simply and forcefully, "a businessman."

Well, yes, this dialogue is compelling and mysterious enough.

"Hello, Mr. Eli," the boss extended his hand in a friendly gesture.

Rai also extended his hand and barely shook it.

"May I ask what Mr. Eli wants to do?" the boss asked tentatively.

"Businessmen, do business."

Rye answered shortly.

So mysterious, is there any...

Lai boasts about himself.jpg

Doing business, yes, that's right, the way Ley just thought of was to use the things on Ximodak to negotiate business with the boss.

Rai took out three crystals from a leather pocket on the right side of his black cloak.

It was the three pieces he had carved before.

If little Harry were here, he would definitely recognize this kind of thing. It is almost exactly the same as the gift Rye gave him.

He found a cleaner place for the three crystals, placed them on the table, and lined them up.

"What is this?" The boss looked at the three crystals on the table curiously. Some strange lines were engraved on the crystals.

"It's called Hanmang Coin. Please give me a glass of wine."

Out of curiosity, the boss poured a glass of the fruit wine he just drank and pushed it in front of Rai.

Rai picked up a crystal piece and threw it into the cup.

The crystal immediately glowed with a beautiful pale blue light.

5 or 6 seconds later, the outside of the cup was covered with a layer of white frost, and the faint blue light made the whole cup of wine look very beautiful.

The blue light gradually went out, and Rai made a gesture of invitation to the boss.

The boss picked up the wine glass, and a chill suddenly came from his hand.

He took a sip.

With many years of experience, he felt that the temperature was just right and the taste was slightly better than normal temperature.

"It's a bit like a fairy's enchanted item, but a spell, like quick freezing, can also do it." The boss said calmly.

It seems... different from what I imagined

No way

"Then what about light? Use a light spell in the cup," Rai retorted eagerly.

"Of course, this thing still has its benefits. Light is naturally impossible, wandless casting, delayed casting, I can't do either of these, and this thing can perfectly replace ice cubes." The boss said.

"Shouldn't the ice cubes be frozen using a quick freezing spell?" Rai asked.

"'s actually better to use ice cubes, because the power of rapid freezing is difficult to control at temperatures above and below zero. This kind of wine tastes the best. It requires extremely high control of magic. Anyway, I can't do it. .”

"Is that all?" Rai said, "I think the function of this Hanmang coin is far stronger than that of ice cubes. Ice cubes will melt and cannot maintain the temperature for a long time, and will dilute the wine and affect the taste, while Hanmang coins Coins don’t have these problems;

The most important thing is that its selling point is not here. Beautiful things always attract people, right? I believe that this novel and beautiful thing will definitely attract the attention of young people, which will bring you a large number of young people. Consumers, if I remember correctly, every weekend, there would be a large number of students from the school next to Hogsmeade. "

A perfect and incisive speech.

After listening, the boss fell into deep thought.

After so many years of decadence, he has almost lost his sensitivity to "innovation", but if he can't seize the opportunity after the other party talks about it, then he is not worthy of being a bar owner.

He seemed to see in this Hanmang coin the hope of attracting customers and leading the Pig Head Bar back to its former glory.

"How much"

The boss decided to ask the price, and if the price was not too much, he would definitely buy it.

A smile appeared on Rai's lips, and he understood that the boss was moved.

"It's not expensive. Each one costs one gold galleon. It would have been more expensive, two. However, I have to make a request."

"It's really not expensive. If you have any requirements, please tell me." The boss said quickly.

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