Pokémon's Apostle

Palm 8 Meditator

In the elf battle, the effect of Fa Jin combined with Qi Fist is impossible to achieve in a turn-based game.

Of course, psychological warfare and good character trigger the paralysis effect separately, but in fact this tactic is not practical.

But in real combat, for many fighting elves, Fa Jin combined with Zhen Qi Fist is particularly effective.

Because even though this numbing force did not paralyze the opponent, it also slowed down the opponent's speed.

For elves who have undergone special Qi boxing training, this gives them enough time to gather Qi!

The most important thing is that it will be very difficult for the paralyzed elf to use displacement tricks such as shadow clones and flashes of lightning to quickly dodge the attacks of the Zhenqi Fist. After all, the movements are no longer sensitive.

"Flying Mantis gathers energy and prepares to defend!" Cheng Xi ordered the Flying Mantis at this moment.

The Flying Mantis calmed down after hearing Cheng Xi's order. Instead of attacking rashly, it defended itself.

Seeing that the Flying Mantis was consciously defending instead of attacking, Yang Zi's expression changed slightly.

Originally, she thought that the Flying Mantis would rush forward at all costs and interrupt the Kung Fu Weasel's Qi Fist.

At that time, Flying Mantis's active attack will create the biggest loophole, and his Kung Fu Weasel will take advantage of the situation to attack, but it will maximize the defensive counterattack that his Kung Fu Weasel is best at.

By now, Yang Zi clearly knows that Kung Fu Weasel's greatest advantage lies in counterattack, rather than taking the initiative to attack.

And he did not hesitate to let the Kung Fu Weasel and the Flying Mantis collide head-on, but also paralyzed the Flying Mantis. This was indeed to complete the combined system of Fa Jin and Zhen Qi Fist.

But Yang Zi understands better that using this combination is not enough, and she has to bring the situation back to the area where she is good at.

Therefore, the whole plan is all foreshadowing, which is to use Zhenqi Fist as bait to let the Flying Mantis take the initiative to attack!

But unexpectedly, in this situation, Cheng Xi actually asked Flying Mantis to choose defense instead of taking the initiative to attack!

Doesn't he know that as long as the Flying Mantis attacks the Kung Fu Weasel, the Kung Fu Weasel's Qi Fist will be interrupted!

He gave up on such a gamble without even taking a gamble. How cowardly is this!

"The reason is very simple. Cheng Xi is gambling. Kung Fu Weasel's Qi Fist cannot instantly kill his Flying Mantis!"

Zhou Tang looked at the situation on the field and quickly made a corresponding judgment.

"Although Cheng Xi doesn't know that the Yang family's common method is to strike from the back, they can even use the opponent's strength to counterattack.

But it has to be said that the Flying Mantis's ability to remain unchanged in response to all changes really makes it difficult for Kung Fu Weasel to ride a tiger. "

"Because speed is no longer an advantage, I decisively gave up my fighting habits and chose another advantageous attribute on the battlefield, attribute advantage!" Li Changming couldn't help but sigh, "This kid's decisiveness is so strong! "

"Do you really want my Kung Fu Weasel to be fully charged?" Yang Zi waited patiently for the result, but it was a bit unbelievable.

But after letting Kung Fu Weasel's Qi Fist fully accumulate strength, Yang Zi could only let Kung Fu Weasel punch out!

After all, it is impossible to charge up the energy and then dissipate the Qi Fist. How stupid that would be!

"And how powerful is the Kung Fu Weasel's fully charged fist? Can the Flying Mantis really be able to withstand it?" Thinking of this, Yang Zi strengthened her confidence and said to the Kung Fu Weasel, "The most powerful Zhenqi fist attack!"

In an instant, Kung Fu Weasel took a deep breath, continued to gather his Qi fists with all his strength, and then attacked the Flying Mantis!

But at this moment, Kung Fu Weasel's sense of smoothness and ease as he came from a martial arts family completely disappeared, leaving him with only clumsiness and distortion.

"Out of control!" Yang Cheng, who was watching Yang Zi's performance on the ring, couldn't help but whisper.

Yang Cheng could see that Kung Fu Weasel's Zhenqi Fist gathered almost all of Kung Fu Weasel's power.

This made Kung Fu Weasel's punch extremely terrifying, but Kung Fu Weasel was unable to fully control this powerful concentrated Qi fist.

In Yang Cheng's view, if this out-of-control Zhenqi punch comes out, he can only defeat the flying mantis with one punch.

If this punch fails to defeat the Flying Mantis, then the reaction force of this punch will act on the Kung Fu Weasel.

Of course, the Flying Mantis can choose to dodge and avoid this punch to avoid being hurt.

At the same time, the paralysis effect of the body also made it impossible for the Flying Mantis to catch the Kung Fu Weasel's attack and was dodged.

If the Flying Mantis chooses to dodge, it will be the best situation for Yang Zi's Kung Fu Weasel.

However, Cheng Xi did not choose to let the Flying Mantis dodge, but chose to let the Flying Mantis catch it head-on!

"He actually chose to pick it up hard. This is his true trust in the Flying Mantis!" Yang Cheng thought in his heart.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on this confrontation.

Almost everyone instinctively felt that the result of this punch would determine the outcome of this fight.

Either Kung Fu Weasel defeated the Flying Mantis with one punch, or the Flying Mantis started to fight back from this moment.

Kung Fu Weasel's Qi Fist hit the Flying Mantis, and the Flying Mantis' crossed arms were in the shape of a cross, blocking Kung Fu Weasel's Qi Fist. The impact of this punch made the Flying Mantis retreat quickly, and even retreated to Edge of the ring.

But, that’s it!

The Flying Mantis successfully resisted the attack of this Zhenqi Fist!

"Still...failed?" Seeing this scene, Yang Zi couldn't help but show a bit of disappointment on her face.

The Kung Fu Weasel suffered the reaction of Zhenqi Fist and needed to take a breather.

After all, the maximum amount of zhenqi fist made the punch so powerful that he even lost control of it.

This reaction force is almost similar to the reaction force after the ultimate impact is cast, and the elf needs to take a breath.

But for Flying Mantis, what he needs is a chance for Kung Fu Weasel to breathe.

In order to create this opportunity, he even received a punch from Kung Fu Weasel with almost full strength of his Zhenqi punch.

Therefore, at this moment, facing the Kung Fu Weasel who was close to his body, the Flying Mantis showed no courtesy and directly used its wings to attack!

The flying energy is condensed on the wings of the Flying Mantis, and with the attack of the Flying Mantis, it attacks Kung Fu Weasel!

Kung Fu Weasel could only rely on instinct to raise his hands to block.

However, the Flying Mantis' energy-gathering state allowed the Flying Mantis to easily control the position of its wings to attack, avoiding the Kung Fu Weasel's hands and slashing hard at the Kung Fu Weasel's abdomen!

In an instant, a long wound appeared on Kung Fu Weasel's abdomen.

Before Kung Fu Weasel, who screamed in agony, could react, Flying Mantis had already used Lightning Flash to finish off Kung Fu Weasel.

Let it completely lose its combat effectiveness!

"Kung Fu Weasel loses the ability to fight, Flying Mantis wins, and the winner is student Cheng Xi!" the referee announced.

The Flying Mantis' sword arms were crossed on its chest, and the wind seemed to be particularly noisy, making the Flying Mantis look very proud.

"I lost..." Yang Zi's spirit was obviously very decadent, and she immediately took the seriously injured Kung Fu Weasel back to the spirit space.

The elf can enter a dormant state in the elf space. In this process, not only the injury can be cured, but the injury can at least be stabilized.

"What a pity that punch was!" Yang Cheng fell in front of Yang Zi and said to Yang Zi.

"Dad..." Yang Zi had a bit of embarrassment on her face, but she quickly became determined and said, "I want to learn boxing skills!"

"Think about it, learning boxing is very hard!" Yang Cheng asked Yang Zi back when he heard Yang Zi's words.

"But if Kung Fu Weasel had mastered his fist strength, I wouldn't have lost this match!" Yang Zi said firmly.

"Then work hard!" Yang Cheng smiled slightly. If Yang Zi is really willing to learn boxing skills, then the loss will be worthwhile.

Yang Cheng glanced at Cheng Xi, only to see Cheng Xi feeding the paralyzed cherry fruit to the flying mantis.

Obviously, although this little guy is a civilian, he is quite well prepared for this competition.

Cheng Xi thought: "The flying mantis was relieved of its paralysis, and then sent to the infirmary for treatment by Geely Egg.

After a good rest, the Flying Mantis should be able to recover and be able to fight against Li Sin's Swamp King in the afternoon! "

At this time, Song Ming also came over, looked at Cheng Xi with a disappointed look on his face and said, "It's you who got promoted!"

"Are you disappointed that I got promoted?" Cheng Xi asked Song Ming after hearing Song Ming's listless words.

Song Ming said to Cheng Xi: "Li Qing's Swamp King crushed Zhang Tingsheng's Pikachu with electric beads.

If Yang Zi faced off against Li Qing, there might be a chance of winning, but with you, I'm afraid there's no hope at all!

He and his Swamp King are both really strong, so strong that it makes people feel hopeless. "

"Being strong doesn't mean he will definitely win!" Cheng Xi said, "No matter how you say the flying system is immune to the ground system!"

"You will know after watching his battle with Lei Tingsheng!" Song Ming said, "You really can't win!"

"Huh?" Cheng Xi heard this and scratched his head when he saw the despair on Song Ming's face.

However, Cheng Xi was not nervous. After all, the game was in the afternoon, and Cheng Xi had enough time to watch Li Qing's game.

Cheng Xi watched the match between Li Qing and Zhang Tingsheng while he was treating his Flying Mantis at noon.

Then, Cheng Xi felt bad all over.

Because the opponent's Swamp King has incredible control over water and ground skills.

Zhang Tingsheng's Pikachu is already quite good in terms of speed and attack power. This Pikachu even has a grass knot specially designed to target the Swamp King.

But after Li Qing's Swamp King casts Rainmaker, his control over the power of water and ground is simply unbelievable.

This is not only the power of the Marsh King, but also the help of Li Qing himself.

Because Li Qing is a meditator in the three major systems inherited in this world, and he also has mastered the power of telekinesis.

To a certain extent, he is the superpower of the elf world.

Although his superpower seems to have just awakened, it is not very powerful.

But in the graduation competition, he was almost on a different level from other elf apostles, a desperate level.

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