Pokémon's Apostle

Chapter 74 The Appearance of Team Rocket

As the Dark Gray Gym and the Cerulean Blue Gym formed roadblocks, a large number of elf hunters were intercepted.

At this moment, although all the elf hunters were cursing, they did not dare to openly violate the rules of the Elf Alliance.

So although they surrounded this place and did not leave, they did not attack this layer of guards.

At this time, Dawu came here generously and took out a badge and handed it to Wu Neng who was guarding the roadblock.

Wu Neng had a bit of surprise on his face after checking the badge, but he didn't stop Dawu and said directly, "Sir, please!"

Cheng Xi was led by Dawu into Yuejian Mountain. It was so simple and incredible.

"Who is that young guy? Why can they get in?" Soon someone started making noises.

Obviously, we don’t worry about scarcity but inequality. Why can others get in but I can’t?

Of course, some experienced elf hunters naturally know that since the other party can enter so generously, there must be a convincing enough reason. Otherwise, even the gym leader cannot blatantly break the law and cause public outrage.

Wu Neng said: "I don't need to explain to you who he is, but he has the league's championship badge!

If you can also show the championship badge, then we will definitely let you go. "

Upon hearing this, the elf hunters immediately shut up.

To a certain extent, the champion is the guardian pushed to the front by the league, and the champion represents the face of the league.

The holder of the championship badge must be a champion, or have been a champion before.

"You came in so easily!" Cheng Xi followed Dawu and was a little surprised. He turned to look at the two gym leaders and said, "I thought they would stop us and not let anyone in!"

"No!" Dawu shook his head and said, "The Cerulean Blue Gym and the Dark Gray Gym are just to keep out some elf hunters who are not strong enough and don't know the truth, so as to prevent the elf hunters from forming a flow of people and attacking Yuejian Mountain. ."

"I understand, their existence is just a red line to warn elf hunters not to cause trouble today, but they are not the ones who are really responsible for guarding Yuejian Mountain and protecting the Pipis!" Cheng Xi said with understanding after hearing what Dawu said.

"There's nothing wrong with what you said!" Dawu nodded as he walked in front.

"But they blocked the road. If we don't break through from there, where will we start from?" Cheng Xi frowned.

"Who told you that there is only one road in Yuejian Mountain!" Daiwu said, "Don't use normal people's thinking to speculate on elf hunters. Many roads that we think are impossible to walk are just like walking on plain ground for them."

At this time, Dawu also brought Cheng Xi to the Pipis.

"Pippi!" A large group of Pippi appeared in front of Dawu and Cheng Xi, preventing them from moving forward.

"Looks like we can only go here!" Dawu looked at the Pipis blocking his way forward but was not upset at all.

He accepted this very calmly and said to Cheng Xi, "Let's go up!"

"Huh?" Cheng Xi frowned slightly when he heard this. At this time, Dawu summoned Metagross.

Under the influence of the giant golden monster's telepathy, Cheng Xi and Dawu floated directly and flew towards the high rock formations!

Dawu sent Cheng Xi to a platform on the cliff. Standing on this platform, he could see everything below.

At this time, Cheng Xi discovered that there was an open-air platform about a hundred meters away from him.

There was a huge rock with hazy brilliance on the platform, and Cheng Xi knew almost instinctively that it was the Moon Stone.

Dawu said, "It's a pity that the huge moon stone is a sacred object of the Pipi people, and generally no one is allowed to approach it.

Otherwise, I really want to study this moon stone and see how it is different from ordinary moon stones. "

Cheng Xi could feel Dawu's enthusiasm for the moon stone.

But even though he was so enthusiastic about stones, Daiwu did not rely on his own strength to destroy the Pipi clan and then take the giant moon stone as his own.

Everyone who has strong power and knows how to restrain it will become a former champion, but it is natural.

"Did the Pipis make that huge moon stone?" Cheng Xi looked at Dawu and asked curiously.

"Even if I have to study the Moon Stone before I can answer your question!" Daigo said thoughtfully,

"However, according to the information I have collected, before each huge moon stone appears, there will basically be an epidemic in Yuejian Mountain, and sometimes there will even be a large meteor shower."

"Yuemi Mountain...Meteor shower?" Cheng Xi looked a little surprised when he heard this.

"Yeah!" Dawu nodded and said, "So I suspect that the material of the huge moon stone is none other than meteorites!"

"However, in a place as big as Guandong, why do meteorites only hit Yuejian Mountain!" Cheng Xi said with a bitter smile.

"Maybe it's because of the power of the universe!" Dawu said to Cheng Xi, "I have been to many places for mining, and I often find that there are often elves who master the skill of the universe appearing next to materials such as moon stones and star sand.

Maybe the elves who have mastered the power of the universe can communicate with space through the skill of cosmic power. "

"It's really amazing!" Cheng Xi didn't know how to complain when he heard Dawu's words.

At this moment, Daiwu looked at the exposed entrance of the cave, and the moonlight in the sky became brighter and brighter.

Along with the bright moonlight, each Pipi began to circle around the huge moon stone and danced their dance.

To be honest, Cheng Xi couldn't appreciate Pipi's dance.

But as the Pipis danced, Cheng Xi clearly saw that the originally white moonlight was dyed pink under the Pipis' dance.

Pink light shrouded the giant moon stone, and the moon stone also turned pink little by little, becoming more gorgeous.

"The special effects are really good!" Cheng Xi couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

But as the ceremony began, this bright light turned into a beam of light and reached the sky.

Everyone in Yuejian Mountain knows that this moon ceremony belonging to Pipi has officially begun.

"I don't know how these guys will do anything!" Dawu muttered at this moment.

"Huh?" Cheng Xi was slightly startled when he heard Dawu's words, and couldn't help but look towards Dawu.

Dawu smiled calmly and said to Cheng Xi, "As long as you stand on this high platform, you won't be in any danger!"

It is obvious that Dawu does not want Cheng Xi to participate in this giant moon stone competition.

Of course, if Cheng Xi seeks death on his own, even Dawu cannot save Cheng Xi.

After all, Dawu has fulfilled his promise to bring Cheng Xi over to see the giant moon stone.

At this moment, the sound of a helicopter rumbled in the sky.

At this time, trainers wearing R-shaped uniforms jumped down from helicopters in the sky.

They controlled gas bombs or double-egg gas bombs and jumped directly from the open hole.

A woman in a white pantyhose uniform said loudly, "This moonstone belongs to our Rockets from today on!"

The next second, their gas bombs and double bombs directly sprayed out thick black mist, covering the entire cave.

Cheng Xi, who was standing high up, looked at the thick black fog present and could not see what was inside at all.

"Aren't you going to take action? The Rockets want to snatch the giant moon stone!" Cheng Xi said to Dawu with concern.

"Pipis are not as weak as you think!" Dawu said with a smile, "And the alliance also sent people!"

Cheng Xi was slightly startled when he heard Dawu's words, but didn't say much because the Pipis had already displayed their signature skills.

Flick your fingers!

One by one, the Pipis shook their fingers, and the sounds of "Pipi! Pipi! Pipi! Pipi!" came out rhythmically.

At this moment, the Pipis collectively exerted their mental strength through the finger-waving technique.

The radiance of spiritual power suddenly swept across the thick black mist.

No matter whether the Rockets in the black mist were seen by them or not, at least under the influence of this strong mental force, the thick black mist could not give them enough cover at all, and they were directly overwhelmed by this strong mental force.

"The command skills can be so unified!" Cheng Xi looked at the scene in front of him and it was incredible.

No matter whether the Pipis used the Finger Swinging Technique to draw out the strong mental thoughts or not, they were possessed by the European Emperor, but so many Pippins used the Finger Swinging Technique together, and all of them were able to display the same skill. This is a very amazing scene in itself. .

Perhaps feeling Cheng Xi's surprise, Dawu smiled and said, "This is the magical place of Pippi and Pixie.

Although they cannot solve the randomness of the finger-wielding skills, they can find ways to unify the finger-wielding skills of their companions and their own.

In particular, they seem to have received feedback from the Moon Stone, further increasing the power of their finger-waving skills. "

As Dawu said, although the mental strength displayed by the Pipis has a single trick, it is getting stronger and stronger.

In the blink of an eye, the black fog was continuously eliminated, and the gas bombs and double-bomb gases fell under the influence of this strong mental thought.

This group of Team Rockets who came in to attack with great energy were immediately suppressed by the Pipis.

"I always feel like these Rockets are just out to die!" Cheng Xi said as he watched this scene.

"These people are just bait!" Dawu said calmly, looking at everything in front of him.

As soon as Daigo finished his words, another group of trainers rushed out of the underground water.

At the same time, a group of people also rushed out from the underground.

People on both sides were wearing Team Rocket uniforms.

But after the two parties met, they didn't have any trust as companions. Instead, at this time, they themselves confronted each other!

The two leaders were both women. At this moment they spoke:

"Who are you!"*2

"We are Team Rocket!"*2

"We have received the mission to obtain the giant moon stone!"*2

"Let's go together!"*2

Cheng Xi, who was on the high platform, saw this scene and felt a sense of absurdity that made him laugh and cry.

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