Pokémon's Apostle

Chapter 64 Zhang Dou’s invitation again

After getting off the Elf Space, I had a good sleep.

When I woke up early in the morning, I was surprised to see Mo Shikong sleeping in the dormitory.

However, Cheng Xi didn't pay attention to him, but when she raised her head, she saw Tang Gong typing on the computer.

Although Cheng Xi knew all the words on it, they were all connected together. Cheng Xi didn't know what was written anyway.

"This time, your performance in the quarterly exam was outstanding!" Tang Gong glanced at Cheng Xi and said.

"Really?" Cheng Xi nodded, but said to Tang Gong, "Did you also read our quarterly exam yesterday?"

"Well, your performance in the Elf Space has been cut out of the video and released on the school network."

Tang Gong said, "Although your elf is not strong, especially in the later stages, there is almost no trace of you fighting.

But your performance in the early stage of actively organizing exam students to hunt down lord-level elves will definitely fall in everyone's eyes.

So someone should be interested in you. "

"Research Institute..." Cheng Xi was slightly startled when he heard Tang Gong's words, with a serious look on his face.

"Yeah!" Tang Gong nodded, "I think at least the Insect Research Institute and the Fighting Research Institute will ask you."

Cheng Xi frowned slightly when he heard Tang Gong's words and said,

"Actually, Teacher Li Changming said that a trainer like me who is prepared to play multiple attributes is not suitable for the Insect Research Institute.

Because my elf is not just an insect type, he thought it would delay me.

As for the Fighting Academy, I feel it is for the same reason, because my future elves are not only fighting-type elves. "

"Do you want to take the path of multi-attributes?" After hearing Cheng Xi's words, Tang Gong thought for a while and said, "These research institutes in the school also want it. If you need it, I can make a form for you.

Based on your performance in the quarterly exam this time, I think most research institutes will have some interest in you. "

"I reported Riolu's refresh point, so I will have my own credits in the future. I think the teachers should all know that."

Cheng Xi thought about telling Tang Gong that he might be jealous compared to others.

But for a guy like Tang Gong who could research drugs and sell them in school, to be honest, Cheng Xi didn't think he would be jealous of his few credits.

"Damn it, bring your own credits! You can join my Poison Dragon Pond Research Institute!" Tang Gong said with shining eyes.

Cheng Xi remained silent and stared straight at Tang Gong.

Tang Gong looked miserable, but he took out a form and handed it to Cheng Xi, saying,

"This is almost the same as the school's more than 100 research institutes. Some are large and some are small. Choose whichever one interests you!"

Cheng Xi frowned slightly when he heard this and said, "After joining the institute, is there any so-called factionalism?"

"It depends on whether you plan to stay in school or not!" Tang Gong said, "The so-called factional struggle, in the final analysis, refers to the competition for resources distributed by the school.

If you plan to stay in school, then choose some large research institutes and study in them. You will be more suitable for taking important positions in the school, and it is not impossible to even run for the president in the future.

If you don't stay in school, it has nothing to do with what faction you choose or what actually happens.

After all, when you meet an alumnus in society after graduation, why don't you still want to find out which faction he belongs to? "

When Cheng Xi heard Tang Gong's words, he immediately understood what Tang Gong meant.

For a kid like me, it's actually too boring to think about factions.

After all, he might graduate in four years, no matter what faction he belongs to.

Therefore, if students join the institute simply for learning, it doesn't matter whether they belong to a faction or not.

In this case, Cheng Xi is interested in the Fighting Research Institute, because after his Riolu grows into Lucario, his future path will definitely be much easier in the Fighting Research Institute.

Tang Gong said, "All you need is the inheritance from the school. Generally speaking, there are credits, and most inheritances can be purchased in the school.

What cannot be purchased are basically things that are still being studied in various research institutes.

As long as you have enough credits, you don't need to worry about not learning anything. After all, this is a school and it must be relatively open. "

Cheng Xi nodded when he heard this and said to Tang Gong: "Thank you, Brother Tang!"

Cheng Xi walked while looking at these research institutes, among which Li Changming's Insect Research Institute ranked eighth.

In fact, this ranking is quite good. Not to mention the attributes of the eighteen elves, there are research institutes representing eighteen different attributes, and there are also many strange research institutes.

For example, there are the Qi Research Institute, the Mind Research Institute, and even the Alien Beast Research Institute, in short, there are hundreds of weird ones.

But the results of various research institutes are marked on the list, and the first one is the Blue Ocean Research Institute.

This is a water system research institute that focuses on water elves, and their research institute's contribution accounts for a quarter of the school's contribution.

Whether it is the Pearl Tower boundary design or the current Yangtze River Estuary Island Defense Line structure, these were independently researched by the Water System Research Institute and are a very important energy utilization research base in the entire Magic City.

Cheng Xi was very interested in these research institutes. He flipped through the pages page by page and unknowingly came to the insect class.

At this time, most of the elven apostles looked at Cheng Xi with some brilliance in their eyes, especially those students who had survived and gained fifty, six, seventy, or even more than a hundred credits.

Although these people did not crowd up, they looked at Cheng Xi with the eyes of curious babies.

To them, Cheng Xi is a living legend to some extent because he led them to victory.

Cheng Xi also knew that this kind of attention would fade away after seven or eight days, and he would become a has-been internet celebrity.

However, Li Changming didn't pay much attention to Cheng Xi. He continued to attend class as usual. He didn't give Cheng Xi any preferential treatment because of his excellent performance in the quarterly examination. After the course, he only reminded his classmates to exchange for credits. .

However, when Cheng Xi finished the insect class course, the fighting teacher he saw last time appeared in front of Cheng Xi again.

This time, he said seriously to Cheng Xi, "Classmate Cheng Xi, the teacher invites you to join the Fighting Research Institute again."

"Teacher...although I own Riolu, I have no intention of taking the fighting path alone!" Cheng Xi said seriously.

"I think Cheng Xi has misunderstood!" Zhang Dou smiled slightly, but saw the corners of his mouth raised, and his white teeth seemed to be shining at this moment, at least Cheng Xi's eyes were shining.

If Zhang Dou still had those exaggerated thick eyebrows, then Cheng Xi would suspect that he had entered the wrong set.

But it's a pity that Zhang Dou's face is quite normal, with bronze skin and well-proportioned strong muscles. He looks like he exercises regularly.

Zhang Dou said: "Classmate Cheng Xi, I did not ask you to enter the Fighting Academy because of the fighting department.

Rather, I hope to teach you the orthodox knowledge of energy, energy, and spirit, and give you the advanced version of physical training techniques.

Not only can this technique be exercised, but Lucario can actually practice it as well, which is a benefit given to you by the institute.

Of course, in addition to this, if you become a student of our institute and use your credits to redeem resources within the institute, you can enjoy a 20% discount. If the resources are under our fighting institute, you will enjoy a 10% discount.

At this point, it's quite cost-effective. "

"Other research institutes should be similar. In other words, the only discount I get when entering is the advanced version of the physical refining technique. If this is the case, there is really no way to make me excited!"

Cheng Xi looked at Zhang Dou and couldn't help but blinked and said, "Teacher, I am a student with my own credits, and I still have extra Riolu every year. Why don't you consider adding more?"

"When you purchase a piece of research results from the Fighting Research Institute, you can enjoy a 50% discount on the cost price at most."

Zhang Dou looked at Cheng Xi and said, "I am very reasonable."

"You did show extremely good qualities in the quarterly examination, but one thing must be made clear. In that battle, you showed your own talent, not the elf's talent.

Therefore, there are not many people who are willing to let you enter the graduate school like the teacher.

Unless you can still perform well in the next midterm exam and even prove the elf's strength.

Only in this way can you get more preferential treatment. "

Cheng Xi heard Zhang Dou's words, thought for a moment, and said to Zhang Dou, "Teacher, if I want to be able to obtain all the information and resources on Lucario's road to the lord, what kind of ranking will I need?"

"In that case..." Zhang Dou actually wanted to say that this was impossible.

But Zhang Dou looked at Cheng Xi's serious expression and thought about it seriously, and said,

"I have the information on Lucario's path to the lord level here.

Because this is the most orthodox system, it even has a path to the King of Heaven.

As for resources, I can only provide one regular resource, but it actually depends on luck for the elite level elf to attack the lord level, and sometimes it takes many times.

In exchange, you must reach the top ten in the school in the next monthly exam.

If you can't do that, the resources you get will be worse than what you get now.

Of course, if you bring your own credits, I will definitely not refuse you to join, but the conditions are not that good. "

"Teacher, no matter how many you get in the next quarterly exam, I will be happy to join the Fighting Academy. I can confirm this to you."

Cheng Xi looked at Zhang Dou and said seriously, "Because I feel deep sincerity from the teacher's many invitations!"

Zhang Dou patted Cheng Xi on the shoulder with a serious look and said, "Tell the truth!"

"Cough cough cough!" Cheng Xi coughed and said, "Because there are many things in my future planning route for Riolu that require the help of the Fighting Academy.

No matter what, I always have to strive for more for myself. Although it has to pay a price, what if my dream comes true! "

"You kid!" Zhang Dou couldn't help but said with a bit of laughter and tears when he heard Cheng Xi's words, "I was looking forward to seeing you get the eleventh place!"

Cheng Xi glanced at Zhang Dou silently and couldn't help but think, "Teacher, your curse is too poisonous!"

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