Pokémon's Apostle

Chapter 29 Blue Alert

The next day, Cheng Xi and Gui Ying rented a yellow and white dress from a store that rents ritual attire at this time every year.

This yellow and white dress was highly recommended by the staff. It had no other drawbacks except that the rent was a little more expensive.

This dress gives people a velvet-like texture, which softens Onizakura's originally sharp temperament.

Oni Sakura-senpai didn't resist, and just let the store staff make the decision.

After finishing dressing up, Cheng Xi took Oni Ying to the festival to go shopping.

Along the way, the two of them enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the Osmanthus Festival. People were coming and going on the street, and it was really lively.

Osmanthus flowers are placed at the door of almost every house, and the sultry floral fragrance permeates the entire city.

Cheng Xi bought some marshmallows, sweet-scented osmanthus cake, sweet-scented osmanthus stuffed wine, etc. and the two of them walked around and ate, which was quite pleasant.

Oni Sakura ate marshmallows in big gulps, which made her cheeks look extra big. She no longer looked as cold and handsome as before, but looked more like a hamster eating marshmallows.

"Hey, Cheng Xi, you actually hid such a beautiful girlfriend!" came a slightly exaggerated voice.

Cheng Xi raised his head and saw that Leng Changyue was also hanging out at this moment, and Zhang Linlang was walking over holding his hand.

"There is a rumor in the class that you two are a couple, it seems true!" Cheng Xi couldn't help but said when he saw the two of them.

"Is there any? How come it is spread in the class? Why don't I know? Please tell me in detail." Leng Changyue said.

Zhang Linlang flirted with Leng Changyue, holding down his seemingly aloof personality. Although he didn't speak, he was full of majesty as a wife.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Xi smiled slightly and said, "Where are you going to study in university?"

Leng Changyue said, "Modu University, after all, I got a place to apply for the top university, so I have to try anyway.

As for Linlang, he will also apply for the Shanghai Affiliated School. If he performs well in the future, he can also enter the Shanghai Academy. "

Linlang nodded, rolled his eyes, looked at Gui Ying next to Cheng Xi and said, "Where is this beautiful sister?"

"Senior Oni Ying is a student of Modu Academy. Because she came to Changqing to visit, Teacher Li asked me to help welcome her!"

Cheng Xi said frankly, "I won't disturb your world. I'll go to the front and take a look."

After hearing Cheng Xi's teasing, Leng Changyue remained calm and calm, but Zhang Linlang had a bit of embarrassment on her face.

After all, the Osmanthus Festival is a very important festival in Changqing, and many students who applied for schools in other places came back during this time, so Cheng Xi met his classmates several times.

And they are not very interested in Cheng Xi, the guy who got the quota. At most, they just say congratulations.

Instead, he took a few more glances at Guiying beside Cheng Xi, although most of them were just eating.

After eating, drinking, walking and shopping, and buying a lot of useful and useless things, the night gradually fell.

But even so, the number of pedestrians on the road did not decrease at all. Cheng Xi and Gui Ying found a dessert shop, sat down by the window, and ordered two cups of mung bean soup to relieve the heat, and Some preserved fruits and chatting while eating.

"How are you today?" Cheng Xi asked, "The Osmanthus Festival is quite interesting."

"There are a lot of people, and the food tastes quite delicious." Guiying thought carefully and replied to Cheng Xi.

"There will naturally be a lot of people at the festival, and it will be lively when there are more people." Cheng Xi said, "In the evening, there will be special moon-viewing spots for people to enjoy the moon on a sunny day like this. This day will be very lively."

At this time, Oni Sakura's expression suddenly changed, she raised her head and looked into the sky, saying, "Blue!"

"What blue?" Cheng Xi was slightly stunned and looked behind Gui Ying.

At this moment, behind him, he saw a group of shining blue light appearing in the sky, constantly flashing and extinguishing.

"Blue flash?!" Cheng Xi's eyes suddenly widened, but his face darkened, looking extremely ugly.

The flash skill is one of the more common skills in the elf system, and it is quite simple to master.

To make the elf emit blue light shows that he has certain attainments in flash skills.

The main use of flash for elf apostles is to convey information and location as quickly as possible.

Especially when encountering some irresistible alien beasts in the wild, using scientific equipment or the like to transmit may be interfered with. Even many alien beasts can capture information about these magnetic fields like GPS positioning points, but using flashlight to Conveying information can effectively convey the information.

Therefore, the flash skill is a skill that all hunters must master, especially the elf guard's sentry.

But this time it was not in the wild, but in the Elf District, or even in Evergreen City.

This does not mean that someone is asking for help, but that the city is under threat. The blue flash is a blue alert.

"Blue Alert...could it be misplaced?" Passers-by who were also in the dessert shop looked at the Blue Alert in disbelief.

And just as he finished his words, he saw a second blue flash of light flashing across the city again.

This time everyone knew clearly that this was not a misplacement, but a real blue alert!

The alert is divided into four levels: yellow, blue, blood and ink.

Yellow alert is the easiest. Basically, as long as the elf can only flash, it can shine with yellow light.

Cheng Xi had experienced a yellow alert, almost three or four years ago, when a group of three to four hundred demon wolves migrated. They passed through Changqing City, but even so, Changqing City took them seriously.

In the end, the wolves had a fight with the Elf Guards in Evergreen City and then evacuated, but not all of them were wiped out.

What the blue represents today is that the number of strange beasts encountered must be more than a thousand.

And how long has it been since Changqing City encountered a blue level alert? To be honest, even Changqing City itself has forgotten it.

But at this moment, the blue light in the sky is not diminishing, and even in the ears of everyone, there are continuous sirens. Obviously, this thing is not an illusion.

"Let's go!" Guiying reacted immediately and said to Cheng Xi.

"Where are we going?" Cheng Xi heard Guiying's words, but was a little unresponsive.

"Go to school! After the blue alert, all elf apostles must immediately go to relevant organizations to be on standby!" Oni Sakura said.

Cheng Xi was stunned when he heard this, and then he reacted, nodded to Guiying, and took action immediately.

When an orange alert appears, the elf apostles can ignore it and do whatever they have to do.

Because the government elf guards will solve the problems at the orange alert level, but if there is a blue alert, the elf apostles are obliged to go to their respective organizations to be on standby.

Based on the progress of the crisis encountered, it is decided whether these people's next action is to go to rescue or to disband on the spot.

For example, student elf apostles go to school, elf hunters go to hunter organizations, and so on.

After Cheng Xi and others arrived at the school, they saw that most of the students had already arrived.

Obviously compared to Cheng Xi, others are much more aware of the elf apostle after encountering the blue alert.

Principal Wang Fan said eloquently at this moment: "Let's not talk about the high-sounding words.

Our school will organize a team of 100 people to go to the civilian areas to help clean up the strange beasts that are causing damage everywhere in the civilian areas.

Anyone who is willing to come can just sign up. In an hour, a team led by Teacher Zhou Tang will go to support us. "

After hearing this, there were quite a lot of people signing up, and the students were quite enthusiastic, especially the civilian students.

This world is different from the previous life. Although it is said that there are students in this world who are the seeds of the future, these students will not be excluded from danger when something happens.

On the contrary, when encountering any danger, a certain number of places will be reserved for the school, allowing the school to send its own people to face it together.

Here are the reasons why the school, the hunter's union, and the government's elf guards are in conflict.

Another very important point is that the school itself has the idea that whether a student is a dragon or an insect can be known just by walking on the battlefield.

The school invested a lot of resources, only to produce a giant baby who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

Those trainers who have performed well on the battlefield against alien beasts will basically be listed as key training targets by the school. To a certain extent, this is also an important reason why civilian students are willing to participate and work hard.

And Cheng Xi knew that since he was here, he would definitely not be able to escape.

Others may not have to sign up to participate, but I am the first in the graduation exam. If I don't even have the courage to stand up, I'm afraid I will be looked down upon when I go to the Magic City University in the future.

After all, there is really no need for a person who dares to stand up at a critical moment.

Therefore, Cheng Xi decisively signed up, and Guiying also successfully signed up and joined the team.

After all, Oni Sakura is a student of the Magic City Academy, so she is much more reliable than the students present.

Now every extra point of strength is good, and Guiying becomes teammates with Cheng Xi and joins the team.

Cheng Xi's teammates include Leng Changyue, Song Ming, Yang Zi, Zhang Linlang and other outstanding students in his class, and the leading teacher is the head teacher Ren Xia.

It was obvious that although the Magic City Academy organized its manpower in a panic, it arranged it in an orderly manner.

At this time, only by being surrounded by familiar people can these students display their fighting power.

The school also knew that it would be very dangerous for these people to carry out alien beast missions, so it arranged a team of teachers to protect these people.

However, the school's help only goes so far.

If you keep protecting these people and not letting them face the alien beasts, then when they really need to face the alien beasts themselves, they will just be dumbfounded and not know what to do.

"Principal, let's go!" Zhou Tang said to Wang Fan respectfully.

"I don't care how many achievements I get, but I must bring every child back!" Wang Fan solemnly said to Zhou Tang.

"Yes!" Zhou Tang nodded and solemnly promised Wang Fan, "I will definitely bring them all back."

"set off!"

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