Pokémon's Apostle

Chapter 21 Lack of Money

In the next week or so, Cheng Xi followed Li Changming to practice "Dancing Youth, Flying Dreams".

The whole training is to make Cheng Xi's movements standard, his breathing rhythmic, and his concentration.

It takes almost an hour to complete one set. My whole body is covered in stinky sweat, but I feel very refreshed after washing.

For Cheng Xi, Cheng Xi really didn't feel whether this body refining technique had brought him any additional growth.

But Cheng Xi's most obvious feeling was that her appetite was constantly increasing, and before she knew it, she had eaten three large bowls of white rice.

But even so, I often feel hungry before it’s time to eat.

I don’t know if I have achieved the achievement of being weak and helpless but able to eat.

However, with what Li Changming said in advance, Cheng Xi looked at this with a normal heart and was not in a hurry.

After Li Changming taught all the movements to Cheng Xi, he said, "This week you have memorized all the routines and breathing rhythms of this set of physical skills. Now you just need to practice hard!"

"Thank you, Teacher Li, for your teaching!" Cheng Xi respectfully thanked Li Changming.

"This is the result of your own efforts, but your course ends here." Li Changming affirmed to Cheng Xi.

Then, Li Changming continued: "The assessment for the first year of the Magic City Academy is to pass this physical technique to practice punching power, breath and telepathy.

Otherwise, you can only stay in the first grade. I remember there was one person in the school who has been in the first grade for eight years. "

"Is it allowed in school not to graduate?" Cheng Xi asked in surprise when he heard Li Changming's words.

"As long as you have enough credits and keep paying tuition, the school will not force you to drop out," Li Changming said.

Cheng Xi nodded, feeling more familiar with this world. If you have money, you can do whatever you want.

Li Changming continued to ask, "Then do you have any questions?"

"Not yet." Cheng Xi shook his head and said.

Li Changming didn't say much and let Cheng Xi leave. After all, it was very interesting for him to spend a week teaching Cheng Xi.

After leaving Li Changming, Cheng Xi first went to a class reunion.

After all, they have gone their separate ways, but they still have some kind of connection and emotion.

As long as you become an elf apostle, you don't have to worry about not going to college. Basically, all elf schools will be willing to accept you.

As for those who have the qualifications to register for top schools, they still need to continue preparing to apply.

Because when the school year starts, those top schools will organize different exams, not only martial arts exams, but also written exams.

If you win, you get into a prestigious school; if you don't, you get into an affiliated school.

However, in the short term, everyone is still in Evergreen, so it is not difficult to get together.

After this party, Cheng Xi, who had a little leisure time, counted his small treasury and discovered a very fatal problem.

I don’t have much money left, I need to make money!

There was no way around it. The money he had was just his savings over the past few years. All he needed was to help him get into the prestigious Elf Apostle School in one go.

Now more than 100,000 yuan has been spent, and what is left is even a two-month ration for Flying Mantis.

If this continues, I'm afraid that in the end, I will starve to death on the streets before the school starts in Shanghai.

"You have become an elf apostle. It is impossible to work part-time as a salesperson. What's more, even the normal salesperson's basic salary of 2000 plus commission is not enough for Flying Mantis' food expenses!" Cheng Xi muttered and looked at Flying Mantis.

"Sacrifice!" The flying mantis raised its head at a forty-five degree angle. Being obsessed with oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea was obviously not something it should worry about.

Therefore, what Cheng Xi can do now is to enter the industry that most elf apostles must enter, hunters!

In addition to being a star in this world, normal elf apostles have three ways to find a job.

One is the Elf Guard who joins the national government organization. Simply put, he will serve as a soldier and receive favorable treatment.

The second article is added to colleges and sects, and also derived from the Elf Apostle Association, various temples, and gymnasium sects.

The third item is the Hunters Guild, also known as the Hunters Alliance.

It is an organization that provides a platform for some idle elf apostles to publish tasks. Especially as the Internet begins to spread, this hunter organization has become more and more prosperous, with thousands of elf apostles receiving tasks here every day.

The tasks here range from protecting people to hunting exotic animals.

But for Cheng Xi, the tasks posted here cost at least 10,000 yuan. As long as he completed a few, he would have enough food for the Flying Mantis.

For Cheng Xi, who was extremely short of money, his eyes were red after joining the Hunter Guild.

The most common one is hunting alien beasts, because the alien beast crystal core is an important material for converting items in the elven space into physical objects.

The carcasses of alien beasts are also very good ingredients for feeding elves.

However, the number of elf apostles killed by alien beasts is also the most among all hunter missions.

Therefore, the rewards for hunting exotic beasts are generally quite high.

Cheng Xi was really drooling when she saw these mission rewards, but when she thought about having to deal with the strange beasts alone?

Well, Cheng Xi directly denied it. A rookie like herself was just delivering food when dealing with strange beasts alone.

Besides, what I want now is to find a more reliable hunter team to get through the past two months.

After all, he will go to the Magic City Academy in two months, and the Magic City Academy will provide corresponding resources by then.

Cheng Xi thought of this and naturally looked around, planning to find a suitable hunter team.

In the Hunter Hall, people are coming and going in an endless stream. On the Huda LCD screen on the wall, the latest rewards, completion prices, recruitment information, and sales information are announced.

Cheng Xi glanced at those million-level bounties and passed by.

Because Cheng Xi knows that these things are not something she can touch now because she still wants to live.

"Long Fei Team is looking for an elf apostle with a poison attribute elf. He needs more than three years of hunter experience, a sense of teamwork, and the most important thing is to know how to prepare antidotes, which can alleviate highly toxic toxins during the occupation. The average remuneration is RMB 10 per month, and the task is expected to be completed within three months.”

"We need an elite flying elf. We need to lure away the magic wolf with the flying attribute. Do not disturb other elf types."

"You need to have turret-type elf apostles and join the Iron Shield team to ensure that you have a smooth output environment."


Cheng Xi glanced over and found that among the various job applications, almost all of them were for output, detection or special auxiliary elves. Almost no one wanted to call for treatment or defense elves. It seemed that As if no one wanted it.

But in fact, this is survivor bias, because those who come out to call people are basically one of these two professions.

In other words, as long as there are healing and defensive elves in the team, especially defensive elves that can serve as MT, they are almost the foundation of a team.

If there are no defensive elves to stand in front of them, then there will be no team at all. When disaster strikes, it is almost the final outcome of this team to fly separately.

However, what is more worrying for Cheng Xi is that even the elf apostles of the output type, investigation type and special auxiliary type do not have Cheng Xi's share.

Not to mention that there are a lot of these, but there are indeed many, so you must have a threshold and a resume.

The simplest threshold is the time you registered as a hunter, as well as the bounties and levels you completed while a hunter.

The very tragic thing about Cheng Xi is that as an elf apostle who has not even graduated, he really has no experience.

Therefore, when others looked at the elf apostle information registered by Cheng Xi that day, they all chose to refuse if Cheng Xi asked.

This is normal. After all, facing strange beasts in the wild can kill you if you are not careful.

A normal team would not want an elf apostle who has only logged in for a day.

After all, having this kind of elf apostle around is almost synonymous with being a burden and a pig teammate.

The smaller the team, the less they want to pay the cost to train new players, they just want to pick up what's already available.

"Damn, qualifications, qualifications, why do you still need qualifications in this world..." Cheng Xi was very angry.

However, what Cheng Xi can do is to eliminate all tasks that require qualifications and find the ones that suit him.

To be honest, some tasks require qualifications, and of course some do not. Well, the main reason is that the tasks are cannon fodder.

You need to sign a life-or-death life-or-death contract, which is basically issued by big companies.

When you need to do some preliminary investigation work, you need a lot of cannon fodder to step on mines. At this time, it doesn't matter whether you have experience or not. As long as there are enough people, someone can bring the news back. And these tasks require the most qualifications.

Finally, as Cheng Xi continued to browse, he finally found a mission that he could take on:

"You need to master the "click to reach" skill. An elf collects honey from big-headed bees. It needs to have a sense of teamwork and obey orders. During the mission, the elf food of the insect and grass types is included, and the elf apostle is provided with food and accommodation.

The remuneration is a basic salary of 2 yuan + one-tenth of the honey from the big-headed bee. The task is expected to be completed in one month. "

Cheng Xi burst into tears when she saw this task. She finally had a task that she could complete.

Although the pay is not high, it is very considerate to provide room and board during the mission, but it is a pity that it is only for one month.

The most important thing is that this task does not require qualifications, so Cheng Xi accepted the task without hesitation.

Then Cheng Xi came to the registration location. Fortunately, it seemed that not many people had signed up.

After all, a basic salary of 007 yuan a month is enough for ordinary people to fall in love with .

But for the elf apostle, the money for the elf to eat high-end rations is not enough, let alone enough money for himself!

"Cheng Xi, trainee hunter, I have mastered the flying mantis, come and sign up!" Cheng Xi said.

"Trainee hunter, we just registered today..." The trainer who was recruiting looked at Cheng Xi very suspiciously and said after a while, "Leave your contact information first, we will get it to you within three days at the latest. Reply."

Cheng Xi left the information, and when he saw the task information again, a task information was added to it,

"At least one year of hunter experience."

This world is so cruel...

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