Douluo's Gourd

Chapter 12 Really?Star Forest

At noon, two carriages stopped at the entrance of Hulu Village.

"Okay, we will go back to the academy together in a month, and now we will go back to our respective houses." The seniors dispersed the crowd.

"I'm back!" Wang Xiaofeng stood at the door and shouted, "Your emperor is back!"

"That's enough, that's enough, I'm saying something I don't understand again." He Li looked at "Xiaofeng, why did you only bring such a few things back with you, what about the other luggage?" with some doubts.

Wang Xiaofeng showed a mysterious smile: "Don't say it, don't say it, let's talk about it when Dad comes back."

In the evening, Wang Daniu returned home, "I smelled the fragrance at the entrance of the village." As soon as he entered the door, he saw Wang Xiaofeng's unbeatable smile, "It turns out that you are back, why did you skip class again?"

"It's already a holiday, don't you care about your son?" Seeing that the two were about to bicker again, He Li interrupted quickly, "Okay, okay, come over and serve dinner."

After rewarding himself with the Wu Zang Temple, Wang Xiaofeng took his parents to his room, "You are so mysterious, you even closed the windows."

Wang Xiaofeng ignored the two of them, after all, words alone are not convincing.The soul power was concentrated in the right hand, and a blue gourd slowly appeared in the palm.

"Open your eyes and see clearly." Wang Xiaofeng clenched his left hand towards the mouth of the gourd. Under the fluctuation of his soul power, two small jade bottles suddenly appeared in his hand.

Wang Daniu and He Li looked at Wang Xiaofeng in surprise, constantly refreshing their knowledge, "Storage soul guide! No, it should be because your martial soul has the ability to store items." It was He Li who had more knowledge and realized it.

"This is the key point." Wang Xiaofeng handed the jade bottle in his hand to the two of them, "There are 30 drops of moon liquid in each... Oh, the moon liquid is my own name."

"Ever since my martial soul got the first soul ring, it has the ability to absorb moonlight and turn it into moon liquid"

"Taking one drop of the monthly fluid can double the speed of cultivation and last for 8 hours. Of course, taking too much is ineffective."

"Son, you will definitely become famous in the entire Douluo Continent in the future." Wang Daniu and He Li looked at each other and laughed immediately. With such an outstanding son, he must live a few more years to see him reach the top.

...... Time flies by......

Four years later, in a small town outside the Star Forest, three men and a woman were walking on the street.

The youngest boy among the four looked left and right, as if he was here for the first time, and his expression showed excitement, "It's so prosperous, I can't tell it's a small town at all, I believe it's a city"

There are many shops on the street, and there are all kinds of shops. For example, some specialize in selling weapons, armor, detoxification and recovery potions, and even clothes. Some have more than a dozen pockets, which can hold a lot of sundries , a special costume suitable for soul master adventures.

These four people are Wang Feng and Wang Xiaofeng's family.

"Okay, how old are they, but still not in shape", Wang Daniu patted Wang Xiaofeng on the head, "Go and replenish the supplies first, and leave in an hour."

The reason they came to Star Dou Forest this time is to give Wang Xiaofeng and his family a spirit ring.

Ever since Wang Xiaofeng turned on Wang Daniu and He Li's practice, their levels have gradually increased, and they reached the bottleneck faster than Wang Xiaofeng. The couple waited for a year before Wang Xiaofeng cultivated to level 20.

Wang Xiaofeng expressed his helplessness about this, he didn't know the reason, even with the assistance of Yue Ooze, the level of soul power would increase very slowly.The only thing that made him feel a little relieved was that the quality of his soul power seemed to have improved after drinking too much moonshine.

After gathering at the point, the four of them left the small town and walked towards the Star Dou Forest 50 miles away.

Finally, they came to the Star Dou Forest. The tall trees were at least 20 meters above, and this was only the outermost part. The dense forest had no paths at all, and the trees were full of shadows, so they couldn't see the real scene inside.

Before coming to the forest, the air became more comfortable, as if the temperature had dropped a little.The refreshing feeling with moist earthy aroma constantly stimulates everyone's sense of smell.

"Be vigilant now, Xiaofeng and your mother stand in the middle, Wang Daniu is in front, and I'm in charge of the last."Wang Feng arranged the formation and started to set off

The terrain in the Star Dou Great Forest is very complicated, there is no road in the forest at all, the job of opening the road naturally fell on Wang Daniu.

Wang Daniu used the first soul skill, and the layers of blue silver grass immediately paved a path.

Every time Wang Xiaofeng saw this soul skill, he was a little speechless. The soul skill provided by the blue silver grass can only control the blue silver grass, no wonder no soul master would choose the blue silver grass as the soul ring.

Everyone encountered various spirit beasts from time to time, and indeed there were spirit beasts suitable for Wang Daniu and He Li, but the age limit was not suitable, so they all bypassed them.

After chasing away a century-old tabby cat, Wang Feng felt that everyone's physical strength was obviously declining, so he said, "Everyone, let's take a rest first." "

Wang Feng's voice made the tense people relax. Wang Xiaofeng was so tired that he sat on the ground. After all, as the team's only auxiliary system, he had to use soul skills when encountering soul beasts to prevent them from sneaking up on him. So he At present, the soul power in the body is less than 3%.

He Li directed Wang Daniu to use the first soul skill to form four large hammocks on the tree, providing a resting place for the four of them. In the Star Forest, the tree is much safer than the ground.

Just when everyone rested for about half an hour or so.

"Hum", a cow's cry startled everyone.

It turned out that an iron-hoofed ox fell into a pit under the tree.Wang Xiaofeng asked strangely: "We didn't see any pits when we first came here."

"It should be a trap dug by an ant-type soul beast or a spider-type soul beast."Wang Feng said that working in the Hunting Soul Forest in the past few years was not for nothing (Wang Feng was promoted to manage a certain Soul Hunting Forest after he was promoted to Soul Master).

A piece of grass next to the pit swelled slightly, and then an ant crawled out, 6 inches in length, with sharp saber teeth emitting a cold glow, it turned out to be a soul beast that is easy to see in the forest, Fifteen Ton Ant.

Fifteen Ton Ants are a kind of soul beast with very tenacious vitality, with outstanding physical defense ability, extremely strong resistance to blows, and incomparably powerful.Has strength far beyond body proportions.

However, Fifteen Ton Ants generally do not exceed a hundred years, and they appear in groups, so they are common but most people dare not mess with them.

However, the Fifteen Ton Ant in front of me seems to have appeared alone, and the visual age is about 600 years.

"Xiaofeng, the Fifteen Ton Ant is quite suitable for you, whether it is additional power or defense, it is good."

Wang Xiaofeng's eyes lit up, there was no attack type soul master in the team before, so he didn't consider Fifteen Ton Ants, but now it seems that I am also the chosen one.

Wang Xiaofeng nodded, indicating that this soul beast is destined for me.

"Wait a minute, there is a situation".

Although the Fifteen Ton Ant is small in size, it is very strong. After killing the immobile iron-hoofed ox with ease, it bites the ox's leg and prepares to drag it away.However, at this moment, a burst of green poisonous mist floated in and enveloped it.

The four people sitting on a tree more than ten meters high said that the poison could not come up.

A moth loomed in the poisonous fog, Wang Xiaofeng could only see the scary skull pattern on the moth's wings.

"This is the Grimace Moth," Wang Feng introduced. "This kind of soul beast only eats corpses. It should be attracted to it by the blood of the iron-hoofed ox. Its poison can affect people's five senses. It is very suitable for Sister Li, so it is not Know how old it is."

The Fifteen Ton Ant under the tree shook its head, the venom of the ghost-faced hawkmoth began to affect it, only to feel the world spinning for a while, and then the saber teeth lightened, leaving only one hind leg of the whole iron-hoofed ox. Unable to tell the direction in the poisonous fog, he could only stay in place and rage.

Everyone in the tree saw a moth flying slowly out of the poisonous mist holding the iron-shoeed ox.

"It is one meter long and has two white spots on its back. It is a 1000-year-old hawkmoth with a suitable age."

"Then Xiaofeng and I will be in charge of Fifteen Jun Ants, you two go and catch the hawkmoth." He Li arranged the task in an instant.

"Let's go!" As soon as Wang Feng finished speaking, everyone immediately released their martial souls.

"The first soul skill, Ivy strangles"

"The first soul skill, Entanglement"

The first soul rings on Wang Feng and Wang Daniu's bodies lit up at the same time, and a large number of blue silver grass and green vines bound towards the ghost-faced hawkmoth.

The ghost-faced hawkmoth reacted quickly, trying to dodge left and right in a hurry, but it obviously forgot the iron-hoofed ox it was still holding in its hand, its wings were flapping wildly, but its speed couldn't increase, so it was immediately caught by the blue silver grass Tie it with ivy to form rice dumplings and fall from the air to the ground.

Wang Feng was the first to rush over. Seeing that the bound ghost-faced hawkmoth was showing signs of breaking free, he couldn't help but sneered, "Second soul skill, hardening".

The second soul ring on Wang Feng's body was bright, and then the green vines on the ghost-faced hawkmoth seemed to be dyed black, and the sharp claws of the ghost-faced hawkmoth could only wipe out a burst of sparks when they cut the green vines.

the other side………

He Li and Wang Xiaofeng looked at the Fifteen Ton Ants who kept circling in circles in the poisonous fog and felt very pitiful.

"Second Soul Skill, Hypnosis Powder"

The second soul ring on He Li's body shone brightly, and the narcissus flower in her palm grew bigger accordingly, emitting a light yellow mist that slowly melted into the poisonous mist.

The Fifteen Ton Ant was still in powerless rage, but there was a sense of drowsiness coming from its body, and then it became more and more drowsy. When it realized it, it had no strength, and then fell asleep (-_-) zzz.

Wang Xiaofeng and He Li waited for the poisonous fog to dissipate, and saw Wang Daniu and Wang Feng dragging the ghost-faced hawkmoth over.

After Wang Feng lifted the soul skill, he revealed the dying ghost-faced hawkmoth inside.Before that, Wang Daniu and Wang Feng had beaten the ghost-faced hawkmoth half to death. (Similar to beating someone with a sack)

"Mother, let's absorb the spirit ring first, it's covered by poisonous mist, and there won't be any spirit beasts coming over in a while."

Wang Xiaofeng asked He Li to absorb the soul ring first, since the Fifteen Jun Ants couldn't escape anyway.

He Li nodded, pulled out the short blade from her belt, and unceremoniously inserted it into the vital point of the ghost-faced hawkmoth.Before the ghost-faced hawkmoth died, it erupted with great strength and struggled violently, but with the rapid loss of vitality, it stopped moving after a while.

Then a lavender light condensed and formed on the dead hawkmoth's corpse.

He Li sat down next to the ghost-faced hawkmoth, raised her hand and summoned her own daffodil, and under the light yellow light, it pulled the ghost-faced hawkmoth's soul ring into the main body.

Watching He Li start to absorb the soul ring, Wang Daniu began to sprinkle snake repelling powder beside him, then sat down and waited quietly.

About half an hour passed, feeling that the fluctuation of the soul power on He Li's body gradually calmed down, and the lavender soul ring began to float on her body, and the three of them knew that He Li's absorption of the soul ring had come to an end.

Seeing He Li's eyes open, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't wait to ask: "Mom, what is your third soul skill?"

"It does inherit the poison of the ghost-faced hawkmoth, but it's not as powerful. The third soul ability is to emit a poisonous mist, and the five senses of people in the poisonous mist will be suppressed by 30%."

The narcissus in He Li's hand has changed a lot. There are a little more lines on the petals, which seem to be the skull pattern on the wings of the ghost-faced hawk moth.

"Since Lili has already absorbed the spirit ring, let's take Fifteen Ton Ants and leave here. The poisonous mist has dispersed, and the smell of blood will probably attract many spirit beasts."

Then everyone found a safe place, Wang Daniu exposed the sleeping Fifteen Ton Ant, Wang Xiaofeng stabbed it down, and the Fifteen Ton Ant died unconsciously, watching the yellow soul ring gradually take shape.

Wang Xiaofeng sat on the ground, raised his right hand, the blue light brought by the green gourd martial soul slowly appeared in Wang Xiaofeng's palm, took a deep breath, and Wang Xiaofeng summoned the Fifteen Ton Ant's soul ring.


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