Douluo's Blue Dragon

Chapter 43 The Arrival of 2 Ming

Oscar obtained the third spirit ring, and Tang San broke through the twenty-ninth level and entered the thirtieth level. It can be said that everyone is happy. After all, such a result was obtained on the first day of entering the Star Dou Forest. It was enough to satisfy everyone. Even others whose own strength had not improved much had gained a lot of knowledge after entering the forest. The relationship between everyone was also getting closer in this crisis.

Zhao Wuji did not let everyone rest where they were because he was afraid that Duke Long would find them back together with Snake Po after he appeared, although the possibility of this was very small. But we have to guard against it. That night. He took seven Shrek students and walked another ten miles in one direction, after covering up all traces. Then he settled down.

Of course, Zhao Wuji's worries were of no use. The night was uneventful, everyone was full of energy after a night of repair.

So in the early morning of the next day, everyone once again set out on the road to find the soul beast.

As for what kind of spirit beast to choose for his third spirit ring, the master had already planned it for Tang San.So Tang San thought that it would be easier for him to find the spirit beast than Oscar.after all.Among the several soul beasts planned by the master.Some of them are relatively common, and as long as they practice in the right year, they can become their third soul rings.

But contrary to expectations, two full days passed.Although everyone searched carefully under the leadership of Zhao Wuji.But he still couldn't find a suitable soul beast for Tang San.

This is actually a very normal thing, just like when you are looking for something, you can’t find it no matter how hard you look for it when you need it, but you find it all of a sudden when you don’t need it. The same principle applies to searching for soul beasts, so it’s better to search slowly!

Of course, they still encountered many soul beasts in the past two days, many of which had thousand-year soul beasts, but none of them were suitable for Tang San, let alone those that were hundreds of years old.

Two days passed.Although food supply is not a problem for everyone, living in a dangerous forest every day is still very stressful.Feeling tired more easily.

but. Enter the Star Forest. It is precisely because of the existence of this crisis. The cooperation among the students gradually became tacit. Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, and Ma Hongjun were responsible for fighting after encountering the spirit beasts, while Zhu Zhuqing was responsible for investigating within a certain distance. Oscar and Ning Rongrong are supporting actors in the play, even without the help of Zao Wou-Ki. As long as it is not a soul beast that is over a thousand years old. There is no threat to their small group.

Tacit understanding requires continuous cooperation to fight. Being in this dangerous environment is obviously the best training. Being able to enter Shrek Academy has proven that these students are excellent and the monsters are geniuses. They successfully turned pressure into motivation. Coupled with Zhao Wuji's guidance from the side, there was no change in the speed of their soul power progress. However, actual combat experience and comprehensive strength are constantly increasing in a subtle way.

Ye Xuanyun is completely fine. He just eats, travels and sleeps every day. Because they could handle the soul beast Tang San they encountered, Ye Xuanyun could only start raising pigs. As for the tacit understanding, people who are about to leave do not care about the tacit understanding. Since he had already told Zhao Wuji, Zhao Wuji didn't care about Ye Xuanyun. After all, it was about Wuhun, which was not a trivial matter.

As night fell, it was time to rest, and it was not allowed to light a fire in the Star Dou Forest.Although most soul beasts are afraid of flames, there are also a small number of soul beasts who like flames very much, and among this small number of soul beasts.Most of them are fatal existences.

There is no need for Zhao Wuji to direct anymore. The male students are responsible for setting up temporary tents, and the female students are responsible for getting some food, of course.Oscar is an exception.They were directly classified as female students by Dai Mubai, Tang San and others.

The tent is not big enough for everyone to lie down and sleep, but there is no problem for everyone to sit and practice. For them, maintaining the best fighting condition at all times is more important than sleeping.

As a teacher, Zhao Wuji naturally completed the night vigil work.

After a quick dinner, Zhao Wuji asked everyone else to go into the tent to rest. But he called Tang San to him. Discuss the matter of finding the soul beast.

After eating, Ye Xuanyun did not rest, but stared in one direction with an unusually solemn expression. Finally, Ye Xuanyun sensed something, his eyes were pointed in a certain direction, and he said: "Here he comes."

At the same time, Zhao Wuji also had a serious look on his face. He grabbed Tang San's shoulder with one hand and pulled him to his side. An extremely cold breath spurted out from Zhao Wuji, and with a low roar, he directly summoned him. After releasing his martial soul, the powerful Vajra Bear was instantly possessed.

"Everyone get out of the tent. Quick." Zhao Wuji growled. A rich sound spread into the tent. After several days of cooperation, the students had already reached a certain tacit understanding and quickly emerged from the tent.

"Teacher Zhao, what's wrong?" Dai Mubai came to Zhao Wuji's side with a quick stride. asked in confusion.

Zao Wou-ki didn't answer his question, "Everyone come behind me. If something happens later, you don't care about me, leave here immediately, go out of Star Dou Forest first, Mubai, when I'm not here, protect everyone The heavy responsibility is entrusted to you."

Whether it's Dai Mubai, Tang San, or anyone else. Don't understand what happened. It actually made Zhao Wuji, who always relied on his own strength, so nervous.

At this moment, they suddenly saw a strange scene. Right in the direction where Zhao Wuji was looking. Two tall trees suddenly and slowly separated to both sides, and a huge figure walked out from there quietly.

Seeing this huge figure, everyone instantly understood what Zhao Wuji was worried about. It exists like a mountain. The dark hair all over his body shone faintly under the weak light of the stars and moon. Even though it was on all fours. But the shoulder height is definitely more than seven meters.

If it stood upright, the height would probably be fifteen meters away. From the outside. This is an existence that looks like an ape or a chimpanzee. Except for a pair of eyes as big as lanterns that shine like topaz, the whole body is dark. If it is not moving in the night, its body cannot even be seen clearly. .

The body of this big guy is too majestic.It was unbelievably majestic, not only was its body huge, but every part of its body was covered with powerful muscles that were more terrifying than granite.The raised ground is like a small hill.But such a huge guy didn't make any sound while walking.Not even the sound of breathing.

Seeing it, Tang San was the first to recognize it.Relying on the knowledge instilled in him by the master.He recognized the type of this big guy almost immediately.

"Titan ape, the absolute king of soul beasts" is naturally powerful in the soul beast world, and his bloodline is arranged, but no matter which kind he is, Titan ape is a dominant-level existence in the soul beast world.

They possess unparalleled strength and speed. There are almost no flaws in attack and defense, and the most terrifying thing is. They can also perform skills similar to soul skills. No one knows what the real skills of the Titan Ape are, because the humans who saw these skills are already dead.

In fact, to be precise, it should be a domain, a domain belonging to the soul beast. Every hundred thousand year soul beast will domain its own domain at some point. This is their symbol.

Whether it's Tang San or Zhao Wuji. They couldn't imagine it. Why would the King of the Forest and the King of Soul Beasts, who should live in the core of the Star Dou Forest even if they exist, appear here?

Of course, except for Ye Xuanyun, he knew from the beginning that the Titan Ape would appear, but could he tell? Obviously impossible.

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