Long Ao Marvel

Volume 1 Urban War Clouds Chapter 6 Master and Disciple Father and Son

Thousands of miles away from Qiantang, in the northwest of Dengfeng County, Henan Province is Shaoshi Mountain, one of the Five Mountains. It is surrounded by mountains, with towering peaks, flowing streams, and lush forests. The environment is very elegant.There is an ancient temple at the foot of Wuru Mountain. Because it is located in the forest of Shaoshi Mountain, it is called Shaolin Temple.

The Shaolin Temple was first built in the 19th year of Taihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty (495). Emperor Xiaowen Tuobahong ordered it to be built at the northern foot of Shaoshi Mountain in Songshan Mountain, opposite the capital Luoyang, in order to accommodate the Indian monk Batuo who came to teach Theravada Buddhism. Thirty years later, Bodhidharma, the 30th and eighth generation disciple of Sakyamuni Buddha, traveled to the Central Plains to preach his yoga. One day, he passed by Shaolin and found that the bells and spirits here were beautiful and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth rushed directly to the bullfight. He wanted to stay and practice, but at that time The abbot refused his request.

Bodhidharma did not go there, but climbed up the mountain to find a cave and meditated in it for nine years.It is said that during these nine years, he spent most of his time sitting facing the cave wall, and even his shadow remained on the stone wall forever.

Finally, the Shaolin monks were moved by his perseverance and allowed him to enter the temple.Bodhidharma became the first founder of Mahayana Zen in Shaolin.

During the nine years of visualization, Bodhidharma always insisted on exercising, so he was in good health. He found that all the monks here were skinny and weak, so he combined his Indian yoga skills with the martial arts that were popular in the local area and the army at that time. He created the legendary martial arts and gave it to the monks to practice.

Since then, the Shaolin Temple has pioneered the path of integrating culture and martial arts, and the Shaolin monks have written countless legendary stories in the history of more than 1000 years.

Shaolin Temple, the ancestral temple of Zen Buddhism and the birthplace of Chinese martial arts, has now become the world-renowned No. 1 temple in China, attracting tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists every day.

However, the real Shaolin Temple has long been hidden in the secret realm of Shaoshi Mountain, and only a small part of it is open to the world.

The Shaolin Temple in the secret realm is different from what we see in reality. Everything is more primitive and natural. There are no modern facilities on both sides of the mountain road entering the temple. The gaps between the stone steps are covered with moss. The not-so-wide temple gate is hidden in the Among the towering pines and cypresses, one can see the exposed eaves of the temple from the top of the treetops.Without the disturbance of tourists, the Shaolin environment is quiet and peaceful. Apart from the rustling of leaves in the wind, only the sound of monks chanting can be faintly heard from a distance.

The young man in white clothes climbed up the stairs, his steps steady and unhurried.The cool mountain breeze made his clothes rustle and his turban fluttered in the wind. Every step he took was as steady as a mountain, with almost no change in speed and span.

On the stone platform in front of the mountain gate, I don't know when a fat monk stood there. He was dressed in apricot yellow monk's robes, with his left arm exposed, and his fiery red cassock fluttering in the wind.The monk frowned, his lips tightened, and he had a majesty overlooking all living beings. When he saw the young man approaching slowly, he shouted loudly: "Shang Qi!"

The young man in white clothes was just getting angry. When he saw the monk calling him, he quickly walked a few steps and climbed onto the stone platform. He clasped his hands together with his right hand and respectfully returned the greeting: "Senior Brother Shang Ping."

The monk Shang Ping nodded slightly and punched without saying a word. Shang Qi had already expected it and raised his hand to receive the blow without any panic.The two of them started fighting in front of the mountain gate. Shang Ping changed from fists to palms, and from palms to claws. He changed into three or four different martial arts routines in a dozen moves. It seemed that he was quite proficient in Shaolin martial arts. , while Shangqi only used the strange boxing technique Liu Zheng had seen to face the enemy, supplemented by Luohan Fist. Every move seemed ordinary, but it contained great power.The two people's surging internal energy shattered the howling mountain wind, forming many small cyclones on the stone platform. The ancient trees on both sides of the mountain road swayed with the flow of internal energy, and countless leaves and pine needles fell down, not even close to the stone platform. The figures on the stage flew away again.

Shang Ping and Shang Qi exchanged three palms in a row, making a thunderous sound. The fallen leaves on the ground flew in all directions, and soon there was nothing on the ground centered around the two of them.Shang Ping flew back a few meters with the power of his palms, landed lightly, and stood still without attacking again. Shang Qi knew that his senior brother's test on him was over, so he also stopped attacking.After dozens of moves, the two of them stood facing each other, their auras undisturbed at all.

Shang Ping finally had a smile on his serious face at this time. He clasped his palms together and said: "Use the Half-step Beng Fist in conjunction with the Luohan Fist. From simple moves, you can learn the unchanging fist intention to cope with the ever-changing changes. It's very Good! Junior brother has been down the mountain for a few years, and his martial arts has improved again."

Without waiting for Shangqi to salute and express his thanks, Shang Ping changed the topic again and said: "It's just that Xingyiquan and our own Luohan Quan have formed a fixed system, so when you make a move, you can't escape Master Guo's influence on you. Influence. Shang Qi, I know your ambition, if you want to break through your own shackles and reach the pinnacle of martial arts, you can only create your own way."

Shangqi put his hands together and saluted again, thanking his senior brother for his teachings.Shang Ping waved his hand and said with a smile: "Your martial arts will be as good as mine in a few years. You can only make your own way to create your own martial arts. Okay, now come to the temple with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two young monks pushed the mountain door open.Shangqi followed Shang Ping into the temple and slowly walked deeper.The furnishings in the temple are no different from those three years ago. The morning training has ended, so there is no one in the spacious martial arts field. The monks are all doing morning lessons in the Zen courtyard. From time to time, the sound of chanting sutras floats into Shangqi's ears.Shang-Chi spent his entire childhood and most of his youth in this temple, and everything here made him extremely familiar.

Shang Ping brought Shang Qi to the Sutra Pavilion and left. His task was just to greet Shang Qi.

When the anger comes in, there is someone else who wants to see the angry person.Shangqi climbed up the steps and as soon as he walked into the courtyard gate, he saw an old monk sweeping the floor. He waited quietly aside. It was not until the old monk swept all the leaves in the entire courtyard that he softly called: "Master Zhengzu" .”

The old monk did not look back, but walked towards the bungalow next to the Sutra Pavilion, and Shangqi followed him into the house.The room was well lit, warm and dry. Apart from the simple beds, tables and chairs, there was only a Buddhist altar burning sandalwood.The old monk fumbled to make tea, then turned around and handed Shangqi a cup.

He is very old, his face is full of deep wrinkles, his two snow-white eyebrows hang down long, and his eyes are closed tightly. The respected Zhengzu Master of Shaolin Temple turns out to be blind.

Shangqi thanked him, took the tea cup, and the two sat on the floor.Zhengzu said: "Shang Qi, I already know your purpose of coming."

Shangqi clasped his hands together, bowed and saluted: "My disciple is stupid, please ask the master to clarify my confusion."

Zhengzu did not answer Shangqi's question, but asked: "Do you still remember what is written on the plaque in front of the main hall of our temple?"

Shangqi opened his mouth and answered: "Dharma bumps into the wall and faces the wall, asks the wall, knocks the wall, breaks the wall, and the wall stands in the three thousand worlds; the Buddha Dharma becomes empty, but lives in the void, walks in the void, realizes the void, and becomes the void, and observes the sand of the Ganges River in the void for thousands of kalpas. "

"Look, the answer has always been right in front of you." Zhengzu was very satisfied with Shangqi's answer, nodded and smiled, "Since you have encountered a 'wall', why not face it, think about it, and then break it? Family ties are also Well, be it love, all fate will eventually come to an end, so why not take advantage of the good times to experience it, understand it, and turn it into a part of your life?"

Shangqi carefully understood Master Zhengzu's words and frowned.After a long time, it seemed that he had made a very important decision. He put his hands together and saluted again, and asked humbly but loudly: "Master, I have been following you since I can remember. You gave me the name Shang Qi and raised me up. In my disciple's heart, you are my father. You taught me principles and martial arts since I was a child. Although you were a master and disciple, you firmly refused to allow me to become a monk and did not officially accept me as a disciple. I knew that you What is expected of me is definitely not to be an enlightened monk. Now that I have grown up, I want to explore my own path, but Master, that thing has always been a grudge in my heart. As long as it is there, my mind cannot be understood. .”

Shangqi solemnly saluted Zhengzu: "Master, I just want an answer now: why did my biological father, Fu Shenzhou, abandon me back then!"

Zhengzu did not answer his question immediately, but asked: "How much do you know about your father?"

Shangqi shook his head and said nothing.

Zhengzu sighed, with an expression of longing for memories on his face, and said slowly: "Your father, Fu Shenzhou, is the descendant of a mysterious sect. His abilities are extraordinary and weird, and are unprecedented in the world. . In addition, he has an eccentric personality, scorns all the common etiquette in the world, and only acts based on his heart. Therefore, within a few years of his debut, he has attracted many well-known figures. These people are not his opponents, but they spread the word about your father in the world. He is a master of the evil sect who practices demonic ways. He needs to be eliminated as soon as possible to prevent the success of his demonic skills from causing disaster to the world.

There are many people in the world who claim to be righteous or just want to make a name for themselves, so they go after your father, but they are all defeated and run away. Therefore, the reputation of this devil is increasing day by day, and the people who want to go after your father are also More and more.He was so disturbed that one day he was angered and killed 25 martial arts masters in one battle, thus becoming a public enemy of the Chinese martial arts.

As a master of martial arts, Shaolin naturally could not ignore this matter, so Lao Na went down the mountain to look for this person, and finally met him one day. After some twists and turns, he found out that he was not the so-called evil leader at all, but had been misunderstood by the world.

After Lao Na returned to the mountain, Shaolin posted hero posts widely and held a martial arts conference to explain the cause and effect of the incident to fellow martial artists all over the world, and finally gave your father justice.

Lao Na and he didn't know each other before, so they became close friends.

In the next few years, your father restrained his nature a little and managed to get along with various sects. Then he met your mother and had you a few years later. He lived a happy and peaceful life.

You will know what happens next, Amitabha... A monk should be pure in his six senses and ignore worldly things, but I have been friends with your father for decades, and his lifelong entrustment to me must be completed even if he is shattered into pieces.When he did that, he really had unspeakable reasons, and he definitely did not abandon his family as you think.Why, I naturally know the reason, but it’s not for me to say this.

Don't be impatient, your father will soon tell you everything that happened back then. "

When Shangqi heard this, he no longer hesitated and kowtowed to Zhengzu three times, then stood up, clasped his hands together, walked backwards out of the room, and strode away.

Zhengzu laughed, with a look of approval on his face. He was blind but not blind, and everything around him could not escape his grasp. Shangqi's steps were heavy and light, and it seemed that he had broken through the mental barrier. It's really valuable.Zhengzu sat for a while, then raised his hand and waved, and the two yellow papers in front of the Buddhist niche flew into his hand.He folded the yellow paper into a paper crane, stood up, walked outside the door, and threw the crane into the air.

The paper crane flapped its wings as if it were alive, circled around Zhengzu's head, and flew toward the west at an extremely fast speed.

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