Long Ao Marvel

Volume 2, Showing Power in a Foreign Land, Chapter 26, Returns Strongly

Instead of going home immediately after get off work, Lawrence Wilkins stayed at work for several hours, celebrating his impending victory.

Today is a special day. Ward Meacham contacted him privately, hoping to get his own severance package alone. For this reason, he would rather reduce the amount greatly, only 3000 million is enough.

Severance pay was not an issue, and any amount was acceptable as long as it could drive the Meachams out of the company completely.But what made Wilkins unhappy was that he originally thought Ward was the more difficult one among the siblings, but he didn't expect that he was the one who gave up first.

But it's okay, since my brother decided to withdraw first, I believe my sister won't be able to pull any more tricks.

God, these brothers and sisters have always taken care of each other. He saw it in his eyes, and to be honest, he was very jealous.But seeing that these two people were willing to undermine each other for a little money, he couldn't help but feel contempt in his heart, and he really saw it wrong.

As an old man of the Rand Group, he had enough qualifications and abilities to lead the company on the right path and gain more profits. However, the boss passed the inheritance rights to his two young people, which made him very unhappy.It must be said that these two little kids are very talented in business. The group's performance in recent years has been good, which gave him no reason to have an attack.

But Danny Rand is back!As the only son of the company's founder, Wendell Rand, and the legal heir to the Rand Group, this guy is a complete layman on business. Ever since he became the majority shareholder, the company has been in a state of confusion and chaos!

Some people will never make 20 US dollars in their lifetime. Danny Rand, on the other hand, made a few random decisions and suffered a net loss of 20 billion US dollars! !

Damn, that’s 9 zeros!The legacy that the older generation had worked so hard to build was enough for him to struggle through several times!

But it doesn’t matter, these hateful brats are going to get out soon, and the Rand Group from now on will belong to me, Lawrence Wilkins!

Thinking of this, the old black man became a little more excited, and the strength in his waist increased again. The blonde on the table made a sweet cat sound, and quickly reached out to cover his mouth.

Half an hour later, he returned to his office satisfied.

"Did you have sex with the assistant in the copy room again?"

The sudden voice startled Wilkins.

"What? Who is it!"

There was only one desk lamp turned on in the office, and he could barely see two dark figures on the other side of the sofa.

He quickly adapted to the darkness, but the sight that greeted his eyes caused him great fear, so much so that the documents in his hand fell to the ground and scattered into a pile, and he still didn't know: "...Harold?! "

"Surprised to see me, I know."

"How...how is it possible?" Wilkins' eyes widened and he couldn't believe what was happening.

"Oh, it's a long story, and none of that matters now. Uh..." One of the black figures wanted to say something, but felt it was inconvenient, so he turned his head and said to the person next to him, "We have to talk alone. , don’t let others disturb us.”

The tall dark figure next to him seemed to be a bodyguard. He immediately carried his bag and went out, and even closed the office door behind his back.

The room fell silent except for Wilkins' huffing and puffing breath.

The dark shadow left behind said in a brisk tone: "Maybe you want to see the documents I put on the table."

Wilkins walked to the desk in a few steps, where a thin document was lying.

He picked it up and looked at it. Those documents were all bank statements, which clearly recorded his recent large transfers.

There was some sweat on his forehead, but he still pretended to be calm: "I...I don't understand."

"Don't play dumb with me, of course you understand. Recruiting, molesting subordinates, embezzling employees' pensions, and transferring money to your private account in the Cayman Islands. Oh, Lawrence, you've done some of this over the years. What's going on?"

Wilkins felt his eyes were a little sore, so he stood up, took off his glasses and put them aside: "I don't know what this means, or...how is this possible?"

The shadow stood up and walked slowly towards him, and the light began to illuminate his face.

Harold Meacham was still the same person as Wilkins remembered him from decades ago, and it seemed that he had not changed at all.

No, it's not completely unchanged.

Eyes, yes, those were his eyes, straight and shining with crazy light.They were no longer human eyes, but more like two gray-blue flames that wanted to burn everything in sight.

"Of course it's for the legacy." Harold grinned, showing two rows of white teeth, "The legacy I left in the company."

"What? I do not get it..."

"If you think it's so easy to kick my children out of the company and take for yourself the results that our family has worked hard for two generations to achieve, then you are sadly mistaken." Haro De sat down across the table from Wilkins.

Wilkins suddenly realized a problem, that is, from a legal perspective, Harold was dead. He did not enjoy all rights in the world, no shares, no control, and even no way to call the police, because as long as he showed up In front of the public, he will be prosecuted for serious fraud first.

This reality suddenly gave Wilkins the courage to fight against him.

"You are blackmailing and you will not succeed!" He shouted angrily.

"Yeah, of course not, because I didn't even think about blackmailing you. I came here to talk about our children - and what we owe them as fathers." Harold croaked Laughing, sounding like a night owl.

Wilkins became more and more courageous. He no longer planned to tangle with this person any more. Maybe the person in front of him was just a liar who looked very similar to Harold. He didn't know where he got the money, and he was ready to take advantage of it. To blackmail him at night.

Thinking of this, he grabbed the phone on the table and prepared to call the security guard downstairs.

"...It's really hard work. You think we didn't send them away and tell them that the company will be doing routine maintenance tonight? Come on, Lawrence, use your brain."

The phone line must have been cut, and Wilkins couldn't hear any tone on the phone.

He finally realized that things were not that simple today, and after slowly calming down, he decided to wait and see what would happen.

"Now can we talk?" Harold Meacham adjusted a comfortable position on the sofa, "I said we all agree that our children and their lives are the most important, and that's right, right? ?”

"...I guess so."

"Have you ever thought about what impact it will have on the children when you (shēn) have lost your reputation and are like a street rat and everyone shouts about beating you? How will they be bullied, or be chased and intercepted by the media all the time? Can’t hold your head up?”

As Harold was talking, he saw a small picture frame on Wilkins' table and reached for it: "Oh, by the way. Look, your little Michael."

In the photo, a black boy who looks like a teenager, wearing glasses, is smiling shyly at the camera.

With fire in his eyes, Wilkins pointed at Harold's nose and shouted, "Don't get him involved!"

"No problem. He's already fragile enough. There's no cure for bipolar disorder, haha. Ah, I know, I know, I know what it's like to have a troubled son."

Wilkins couldn't bear it anymore and snatched the photo away.

Harold clapped his hands and put on his trademark toothy smile: "You see, we have too much in common. So I think it is necessary to come over and show you a simpler way."

"What it is, I'm listening." Wilkins leaned his head on the back of the chair and sighed. He was ready to accept the reality.He couldn't afford to offend this madman.

"You have to kill yourself."

Wilkins didn't expect to hear such an answer just when he was about to give in.This made him feel that he had been fooled. Anger rushed to his forehead in an instant, and his ears were pounding with boiling blood.

"Oh, yes!" He replied hoarsely, trying his best to suppress the anger that was about to burst out.

Harold, on the other hand, was completely unaware of Wilkins' change, and still said to himself: "It's very simple, you just have to do it. A powerful man, overwhelmed by life and work, You die a tortured hero and none of this will come to light.”

Wilkins roared: "You'd better get out of here! I don't know what your plans are, but I can tell you right now, I will never..."

"Really? You

Want them to see the real you? "

"I don't give a fuck!!"

"That's so sad, because a father's first responsibility is to his children..." The dangerous light in Harold's eyes grew brighter, the pale skin on his face wrinkled, and his expression became extremely ferocious, "It is to create A lie that is beautiful enough for them to live in it forever."

Before Wilkins could react, Harold quickly took out the pistol from his inner pocket, pointed it at his forehead and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Bright red blood and white brains spurted out from the back of Lawrence Wilkins' head, smearing on the wall and painting behind him.

The bodyguard just pushed open the door and walked in.

"How long will it take for the system to restart?" Harold looked as if nothing had happened, as if he had just crushed an ant to death.

"2 minutes 30 seconds."

Harold immediately stood up and threw the pistol to the bodyguard: "Be sure to clean off the fingerprints and gunpowder residue on the pistol as soon as possible. I have to leave quickly."

After saying that, he opened the office door and walked out.

"Oh, by the way. What about the woman?"

The bodyguard tilted his neck and said nothing, but his meaning was clear.

"It's so cruel. The fish in the East River are blessed tonight. That's a big beauty."

Harold closed the door with a click.

News of Lawrence Wilkins' suicide (shēn) soon spread throughout New York's financial circles.As a well-known business tycoon in New York, Wilkins' death caused a great shock, and major newspapers rushed to report it. In addition, a few days ago, Danny Rand, the son of the president of the Rand Group, was involved in drug production and sales. Pin had just been arrested, and this series of negative news instantly pushed the company to the forefront.

The board of directors exploded that day.Without the leadership of the Meacham brothers and Wilkins, there was no one with enough reputation and ability to unite people's hearts. These usually bombastic company executives stopped one morning. After receiving their own incriminating photos, they were all frightened and became headless chickens. They discussed it for several days without making any progress.

As a last resort, they invited back the brother and sister who had been driven away before to discuss countermeasures.

The remuneration is naturally enough.

Returning to this conference room again, he was in two completely different moods. Joey looked at the obedient executives in front of him, not to mention how happy he felt.

"Unfortunately, I heard rumors in the company that Lawrence Wilkins committed suicide, which has now spread. This is an emergency and we must respond, and we have recently Since then, we have been mired in controversy - with Danny, my brother and I resigning, and now this. As the media continues to report, our stock will surely plummet further unless..." Joey made the most of it His own eloquence, "You think you can reinstate the man who once led the Rand Group to create historic profits and bring order to the chaos. Let Wall Street and the world see that we are restoring stability."

"The reason why Wilkins committed suicide will be discussed a lot. At this time, the Rand Group should show our power to eliminate those fears. The Meacham family can save the overall situation, and we have this ability."

She stopped walking, grabbed the back of the chair with both hands, leaned forward, and looked at everyone present with bright eyes: "The fact is, you need us!"

Board members, you look at me and I look at you.Finally, the newly elected president, Ms. Kelly Moran, spoke: "I hereby propose that the Meacham brothers and sisters... and Mr. Rand be reinstated."

"I agree."


"fully support."

"I support."



Joy Meacham's hands on the back of the chair could not help but tremble slightly. She took a deep breath and raised her neck.

This is a pleasure that I have never tried before. It feels so good to have these idiots in the palm of my hand.

In the photos on the wall of the conference room, her father and Uncle Wendell had satisfied smiles on their faces, as if they were both looking at her.

Dad, did you see it?I can actually be a qualified person in power!

She suddenly fell in love with this feeling of being superior. Is this what a president feels like?

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