Long Ao Marvel

Volume 2: Showing Power in a Foreign Land Chapter 24: Legal Aid

After chatting about work, everyone had nothing to say, and the office became quiet.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Liu Zheng spoke up: "Mr. Murdoch, the two of us followed you that day out of curiosity. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. We have absolutely no other intentions."

Murdoch shook his head: "It's okay. New York is a free city. The most important thing is all kinds of different people. As long as they live according to their own wishes, stay within the river, and don't cause trouble, the city is willing to accept you. "

He came over, poured coffee for Liu Zheng and the others, and then asked: "So you are all Chinese superpowers? I have fought against this gentleman, and he is very powerful."

Luo Zhijie chuckled and said nothing.

Liu Zheng replied: "Yes, we came to New York mainly to help Danny."

"Help eradicate the 'Hand'?"

"Mr. Murdoch also knows about the Hand?" Liu Zheng was a little surprised.

Murdoch nodded: "The Hand and I have some issues. I ended Mrs. Gao's drug business in Hell's Kitchen."

"What a coincidence, what we have to deal with is Mrs. Gao from the Hand!" Luo Zhijian said happily.

Murdoch was silent for a few seconds and said: "I met Danny Rand once before, when he came to Hell's Kitchen. I saw him fighting with the Hand, and I revealed the story about Madam Gao to him."

"Oh! Danny said the information came from 'a friend in Hell's Kitchen', and it turned out to be you." Liu Zheng remembered that Danny had said this on the road the first day they came to New York, "Then he Why didn’t I recognize you when we met in the court that day?”

"I was wearing a mask and he didn't know who I was."

"Mask? The kind of superhero?" When it came to superheroes, Luo Zhijian immediately became interested.

Murdoch smiled bitterly: "I am not a superhero, at most I am a masked vigilante. Besides, I have given up that identity now and concentrate on being a lawyer."

"Well, that's really a pity." Luo Zhijian was stunned. He didn't expect that someone would actually give up the role of a superhero.

"Actually, there is nothing to regret." Murdoch pointed to the pile of documents on the table and said with a smile, "I have a lot of files to deal with now, from small cases of little value to serious cases that can change people's lives. case, malpractice, unpaid workers' compensation, a good person who needs someone to stand up... I'm already so busy that I don't have the energy to go out at night. Well, I think this is an improvement, and it's also justice, at least It seems like what this city needs more is a competent lawyer, not a dangerous person who goes out in the middle of the night and breaks people's legs."

There is a saying in China: "With a hammer in your hand, everything looks like a nail."The same is true in reality. People often get lost in the power in their hands, and are eventually swallowed up by evil and degenerate into dark forces.But Murdoch resolutely put down the "hammer" in his heart. This determination and determination made Liu Zheng admire him very much.

The three of them were chatting in the office. Time passed quickly. Before long, the sound of high heels could be heard downstairs.

A man and a woman opened the door and walked in.

The leader was a middle-aged woman with a serious face, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled habitually, and she had a coldness about her that was as cold as a giant thousands of miles away.Behind him was a slightly fat young man with a smile on his round face. He didn't look like a lawyer, but he looked a bit like the lucky doll in the New Year paintings.

"Miss Hogarth." Murdoch stood up and greeted the woman. The woman nodded slightly reservedly, walked into the living room, looked around, and sat down on a chair that looked relatively clean.The fat man stepped forward and hugged Murdoch, watching the two of them being intimate.

Behavior, I wonder if he is the so-called "best friend".

After sitting down, the woman glanced at Liu Zheng and Luo Zhijian, and asked, "Are you the person Mr. Murdoch mentioned, Danny Rand's friend?"

"We are, are you?"

"I'm Jerry Hogarth. Founder of the law firm of Hogarth Zhao Banowitz and chief legal counsel of the RAND Group."

Liu Zheng and Luo Zhijian looked at each other and said nothing.

Hogarth, one of the most powerful women in the legal world, could tell what the two young men were thinking at a casual glance, and said: "I know what you are thinking. Danny Rand and I have a very good personal relationship. You can rest assured that I won’t go to Gaomi. Also, like you, I don’t think there is any possibility of him selling drugs.”

"Thank you for your understanding." Liu Zheng thanked him sincerely.

"By the way. You are from China, so the 'Kunlun' and 'Dragon' that Danny mentioned are real?"

Danny brags about being a guardian all day long. Why does he talk about it to everyone? He doesn't know how to keep secrets... Liu Zheng doesn't know how to answer this question so that he doesn't appear so mysterious. He must be able to fool him. It doesn't make sense, the person sitting across from me is a barrister.However, the two of them had indeed never seen Kunlun and Dragon in reality, so they answered truthfully: "I don't know, we have never been to Kunlun."

"Okay, that's the end of the chat, let's talk about Danny." Hogarth did not feel disappointed. After all, this is the 21st century, and the Internet is so developed that anyone can see the dragon. That's abnormal.She quickly regained her composure and started talking about business: "According to the news I just received, Danny has been officially arrested by the DEA. The arrest notice has been sent to the Rand Group, and all senior officials have received it."


bsp; "Ha, their movements are surprisingly fast." Murdoch laughed sarcastically.

The little fat man next to him made suggestions: "Whether the arrest has been approved or not, Danny Rand can be released on parole first, and we will discuss it in the long term."

"There is no possibility of parole. Danny Rand and his companion, Colleen Wynn, are suspected of assaulting a police officer. The Drug Enforcement Administration considers both of them to be armed and dangerous. Colleen Wynn is charged with assault and obstruction of justice. And assisting a fugitive. It's even more impossible for Danny. He is now a billionaire facing federal drug charges and will definitely be labeled a 'flight risk.'" Hogarth shook his head decisively, "Before the trial. , they still have to go to jail for 6 to 12 months, believe me, New York’s criminal justice system sucks, but what I say is the truth.”

"Assault on DEA? Damn it, Comrade Danny is so tough that even the anti-narcotics police dare to attack him, so what's next?"

Luo Zhijian is an English major, and in order to earn credits, he also took an elective course called American Justice.He knows that the DEA department, like the FBI (FBI), is affiliated with the U.S. Department of Justice. Unlike the PD (Police Department) system, which has a relatively high level of security, their characteristics are high efficiency and fast case closure.Moreover, as the department with the primary responsibility for anti-narcotics in the United States, the DEA is extremely dangerous, and a lot of information cannot be disseminated externally. Therefore, the police officers in the department have long been accustomed to holding together for warmth, and the degree of unity is unprecedentedly high.If anyone goes against this kind of department, they will kill you!

"He is in there, so he can only wish for good luck. By the way, this is the document that dea gave me this morning. It involves some information about poisonous pins. I wonder if it will be helpful to you."

Hogarth took out a stack of documents from the leather bag he carried with him and handed it to Liu Zheng.Liu Zheng looked through it and it was all in English, so he handed it over to Luo Zhijian.

Luo Zhijian looked at it for a while and suddenly exclaimed

Said: "Huh? This is the data on the Tablet PC of the Hand!"

Sure enough it was Harold Meacham who did it!Liu Zheng secretly cursed his luck.He was the only person in the room who knew in advance that Harold Meacham was the mastermind, and that the Danny family's plane accident was also the work of this guy, but it would be too abrupt to mention Harold's name directly.Like him, Luo Zhijian knew that Danny later gave the tablet to Meacham, so it was best for Luo Zhijian to tell this matter, which would help him continue to conceal his relationship with the Hand.

Hogarth's eyes narrowed and he asked, "Why, have you seen it?"

Luo Zhijian did not answer the question immediately, but kept looking back and forth at the contents of the file: "No, no, no! A lot of data related to the Rand Group has been tampered with. It must have been done by Harold Meacham. He It's smart to push yourself completely, all because of Danny alone."

"Wait a minute, who were you talking about just now, Harold Meacham? He has been dead for more than ten years, and I attended his funeral. At that time, Ward was only... so tall." Hogarth gestured skillfully For a moment, she expressed great confusion at hearing Harold's name here.

"No, he didn't die, or he did die but was resurrected."

Liu Zheng recounted what Danny had told him about Harold Meacham being resurrected by the Hand using special methods.

Hogarth was extremely surprised, but she rationally did not interrupt to refute, but chose to listen carefully to the end. After all, even creatures from fairy tales such as dragons appeared, and their resurrections did not seem so unbelievable.

Liu Zheng was surprised to find that among everyone present, only Hogarth showed doubts, while the two Murdochs who were listening remained calm, as if this was not the first time they had heard of this kind of thing.

"Uh... Okay. What I mean is, uh, if what you said is true and Harold Meacham was behind all of this, that's really a lot of knowing people but not knowing what's going on." Huo Garth considered the words, "I just... I just want to know why he pretended to be dead for so many years?"

"The Hand will resurrect him in order to control him so that the Rand Group can protect the drug business."

Hogarth spread his hands: "I wish I could say I was surprised, but when I just graduated from college and interned at the Rand Group, I quickly discovered that Harold was not trustworthy, but it was obvious that Wendell The president doesn't think so. ...Well, if you have that tablet, I can find someone to analyze the data inside and prove that the things on the document are forged. Maybe this can clear Danny Rand's innocence."

"I'm afraid you won't get it. That fool Danny gave the computer to Harold...and then Harold betrayed him."

Hogarth, Murdoch, and the little fat man covered their faces with their hands at the same time.

"Let's do it! I won't say much else. In my opinion, you have three options now: First, you can't help with this matter, so why not go back to China as soon as possible. The things here are not that big to you. Relationship, Danny's imprisonment is his own business, and he can still be his billionaire after he is released. Second, maybe you can appeal. We will try our best in court to see if we can get a satisfactory result, but Based on the serious lack of existing evidence, we can only request a court hearing at most." At this point, Hogarth looked at Liu Zheng and fell silent.

"What about the third?"

"Continue to collect evidence, especially the contents of the tablet, to prove Danny's innocence. These documents are electronic and they most likely have backups in other areas. Can you think of anyone else who may have this information? ?"

Liu Zheng was silent, he knew who to go to.


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