Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 88?On how to communicate friendly with a grumpy old man

Luke stood at the door of his cell in a New Jersey barracks.

"General, Victor Creed is being held here. He is very dangerous and highly aggressive."

The young officer behind reminded him.

The way he looked at Luke was quite obvious with admiration.

For many soldiers, Superman is a great legend, the hero who ended the war.

Even recently, Luke has declined many interviews, reduced the number of public appearances, and focused on the work of SHIELD.

But his popularity is still growing day by day, making him an idol among the young people of today.

"It's okay, open the door."

Luke smiled lightly, Wolverine's brother had a bad temper, he already knew this.

The young officer took out the key and opened the iron cell door, letting in the afternoon sunlight.

He held the gun bag on his waist with one hand and stood in front of the young major general to prevent any accidents.

"Victor Creed, from Canada..."

Luke walked into the small, damp and dark cell, and was greeted by a rotten stench and stale air.

He couldn't help but frown slightly, and raised his hands to cover his mouth and nose, blocking out his sense of smell.

A tall man with a beard, a rough face, and a fierce temperament sat in the corner, with heavy shackles on his hands and feet.

Several mice crawled on his shoulders, making "squeaking" sounds.

His eyes swept across the mud-like ground, and he could still see some scraps of flesh and blood.

The short-sleeved top exposed two strong arms, and the dense bullet holes were clearly visible.

"You were accused of killing a high-ranking military officer, so you were sentenced to a thousand hours of shooting. Tell me, how does that feel?"

The tall figure blocked the warm sunlight that squeezed in from the doorway, which made Victor, who had teased the mouse, very unhappy.

He grinned like a beast, showing his white teeth and said, "To be honest, that made me feel a little itchy."

"Really? I heard that you and James Howlett, your brother, are both extremely good soldiers. They participated in the Normandy landing and survived."

Luke continued.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s intelligence work was excellent, and it almost dug out all the details about the mutant nicknamed "Sabertooth Tiger."

To put it simply, he and Wolverine are half-brothers, and their entire childhood experience was an extremely bloody family ethics drama.

Wolverine's father is a Canadian businessman who is considered successful in his career. Unfortunately, he was given a green hat by the gardener.

While he was out attending to business, the gardener at home comforted his employer's empty wife, working during the day and working overtime at night.

The businessman who later learned of the incident fired the gardener and chose to forgive his wife.

Unexpectedly, one night the drunken gardener Logan came to make trouble and accidentally killed the businessman.

After experiencing the pain of losing his father, little James stimulated the abilities in his body and grew sharp claws formed from bones.

He used these sharp claws to pierce the gardener's heart, but he did not expect that the other person was his biological father.

Later, there was the tragic story of the half-brother, the saber-toothed tiger Victor, running away with his panicked younger brother, and the two wandered around.

These mutant brothers have extremely powerful self-healing abilities and age slowly.

In order to find a way to die or a more exciting life, the two served many times.

From the Civil War to World War I and World War II, they have participated in it and are veritable veterans of hundreds of battles.

Due to the long span of time, SHIELD did not investigate in such detail, and part of it was supplemented by Luke combining the plot in his mind.

"That's nothing. I've experienced more thrilling battles."

The saber-toothed tiger Victor curled his lips, looked up at the two silver stars on the opponent's epaulettes, and said with disdain: "General - whose ass did you lick to get to this position? The president? Or the military? Are you a gangster who only knows how to give random orders?"

The ability to heal himself and his long life make Victor, the saber-toothed tiger, look down upon ordinary people.

Judging from his appearance alone, Luke is no more than 25 years old. How many wars can he have participated in?How many dangerous life-and-death situations have you experienced?

He is young and in a high position, and the reason is as simple as thinking about it.

"Be respectful, you cold-blooded beast who murdered your superiors! Major General Cavell is a war hero decorated by the president. I don't know how much better than a ** like you!"

The young officer standing in front of Luke snapped and almost took out his pistol and punched a hole in the head of the saber-toothed tiger Victor.

The name of Superman has long been spread throughout the country.

There is no doubt about Luke's own merit.

I can bear it when my idol is slandered!

"War hero...are you the guy Roosevelt and Churchill said was Superman?"

The saber-tooth tiger Victor squinted his eyes, and then he could fully see the half-dark young face.

"A false name..."


Luke took a step forward, passed the young officer, and raised his right leg expressionlessly.

Before the saber-tooth tiger Victor could react, his head was stepped into the concrete wall, making an obvious hole.

The military boots crushed the twisted face full of anger. No matter how hard the opponent struggled, he could not break away. Instead, Peiran's strength wiped out bloody traces.

"I appreciate those capable talents, and I don't like to talk nonsense."

Luke stood upright and said in a calm tone: "You are a veteran who has witnessed wars and killings. You are a beast adapted to the laws of the jungle. It is inevitable that you will be a little unruly. I can understand this."

"But it's best to distinguish the occasion and the target clearly before showing your claws, Victor."

The young major general pressed his feet against the saber-toothed tiger that was roaring deeply, and the opponent's hard skull seemed to be cracking.

Among his ten fingers, sharp nails comparable to sharp knives tore at the concrete, leaving clear traces to vent the incompetent rage in his heart.

"I will tear open your blood vessels and let you die in mourning..."

The saber-toothed tiger Victor gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Relying on his near-immortal self-healing ability and keen beast intuition, he has always been unbeatable in battles.

As a result, he develops the character traits of being impulsive, irritable, and prone to killing and bloodthirsty.

To put it simply, he is a grumpy old man.

"I'm very good at communicating with guys like you."

Luke raised his lips slightly and released his right foot from the saber-toothed tiger's face.

This irritable old man who was suddenly out of trouble turned over almost subconsciously, raising his two sharp claws high.

Victor was very confident that as long as he was given a second, he could severely tear open the fragile blood vessels in Luke's neck and taste the wonderful feeling of warm blood splattering on his face.

The blood stains on the bearded face have been repaired as before.

This shows how powerful this strong body's self-healing ability is.

"It's too slow."

Luke shook his head. This guy was like an untamed beast. He relied on instinct to fight and fight.

It might be invincible when meeting ordinary soldiers, but it would be extremely clumsy to face a superman who uses Deathstroke's "Physical Master" to increase his proficiency.


The retracted right leg suddenly kicked out, and the air made an explosion!

Like an iron whip, it hit the rising saber-toothed tiger Victor hard.

The heavy body was like a cannonball, directly smashing through the concrete wall behind.

If it weren't for the shackles on its hands and feet, this humanoid beast would probably fly far away.

"Ho ho..."

The saber-tooth tiger Victor spat out a mouthful of bloody spit, and his sternum collapsed as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.

Without its strong vitality and the abnormal effect of the self-healing factor, this mutant would probably die on the spot.

"Don't think that your injuries will heal automatically and you can't be killed just because you can be arrogant. If you dare to show your claws to me next time, I will put you in a box, pour a ton of cement on it, and throw you into the Mariana Trench .”

Luke walked up to the fallen saber-toothed tiger and showed his usual kind smile.

After hearing this warning, the grumpy old man finally calmed down, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

Wouldn't it be worse than death to really be reduced to that point?

"I'm sorry...General! I shouldn't have offended you!"

After struggling for more than ten seconds, Victor, the saber-toothed tiger, squeezed these words out of his throat.

"very good."

Luke nodded with satisfaction and said in approval: "It seems we have reached a consensus, Victor."

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