Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 78?when the war is over

The aftermath of the end of the war gradually subsided. During this period, many major events occurred that could be recorded in history.

Such as the Yalta Conference.

The leaders of the four countries held a summit meeting at the Yalta Palace to discuss issues such as the formulation of a new post-war world order and the distribution of interests.

In layman's terms, it means dividing the cake.

It is worth mentioning that after seeing Berlin create an Aryan superman to reverse the disadvantage, Neon, which belongs to the Axis camp, also started related plans. They obtained part of Woden's blood from the Holy General as research material and worked overtime. With added technology, 31 "tank-level" soldiers were finally successfully produced.

It's just that the newly created Neon Superman was torn clean by a group of mysterious hands before he could cross the Pacific battlefield and defeat the Allied forces.

After investigation, the other party claimed to be a member of the Divine Spear Bureau.

As a result, one more country participated in the Yalta Conference.

Soon after, two atomic bombs were dropped on the still restless Neon.

One bomb, codenamed "Little Boy," bombed Hiroshima.

One, codenamed "Fat Man," bombed Nagasaki.

Accompanied by a shocking loud noise, the steaming mushroom cloud has become an eternal nightmare for neon people.

After their representatives signed the unconditional surrender on the deck of the USS Missouri, the war that swept the world finally officially came to an end.

The smoke cleared and peace came.

As a rising star in this era, Luke has witnessed the changes and historical innovation.

He first appeared among the Big Four in Yalta as the hero who ended the war, and took photos with heads of state.

At that important meeting to reshuffle the world structure, the atmosphere was subtle and tense.

The Soviet Union's loving father looked at Luke with strong vigilance.

Who knows if this superman will suddenly fall from the sky and smash through the Kremlin.

The loving father made up his mind to vigorously develop the nuclear industry when he returned to deal with possible threats.

As for the British Prime Minister, he greeted Luke with a smile and gave Luke a box of high-end cigars for his collection.

By the way, there was also a strange comment on the side, saying that the United States was stingy with substantive rewards for the real heroes, which really disgusted Roosevelt, who looked very tired.

After the meeting ended, the president, who suffered from cardiovascular disease, made a special trip to explain, hoping that Luke could understand the military's decision.

All in all, it is just writing a lot of bad checks in an attempt to eliminate the other party's dissatisfaction - unfortunately, the president does not know that he does not have long to live.

Originally, he was supposed to die of a cerebral hemorrhage before the end of the war, earlier than the Führer who was about to shoot himself.

Perhaps it was because of the butterfly wings flapping a few times that Mr. President was forced to renew his life for several months.

"Brigadier General Cavell, when I return to Washington, D.C., I will grant you the rank of major general immediately."

The president braced himself and calmed Luke's mood.

From the White House to the military, including Colonel Phillips.

No one believed that the young brigadier really didn't care about being excluded and was really willing to lead the Strategic Science Corps.

You must know that if he sets foot in the Ministry of Defense, he will become the youngest general with real power in the history of the United States in the blink of an eye.

Luke was also helpless about this.

I've obviously shown a very sincere attitude, why don't you believe me?

Later, even Rogers came to comfort Luke and told him not to care too much about status and power.

No matter what, the greatest hero of the Allies has always been Superman.

No one can question this!

"The reputation value has increased again. It seems that this wave of publicity is indeed very useful."

After a few perfunctory words to Mr. President, Luke returned to the room.

With the encouragement of Colonel Phillips, his name spread quickly - although most of them were accompanied by some bizarre, or erotic and clichéd rain stories.

Luke was indeed a little resistant at first. After all, he is a superman and needs to save some face.

But after seeing the sharp increase in reputation value, he could only say one thing -

Really fragrant!

In the next few days, countries were fighting with each other, everyone wanted to get a richer piece of cake.

The Soviet Union said: If I hadn't successfully secured Moscow and shattered the Third Reich's myth of invincibility, you would have surrendered like France.

The United Kingdom stated: I launched a counterattack in El Alamein and reversed the situation on the North African battlefield, and my credit is not small.

The United States said: We have Superman.

The rest: ...

The meeting fell into a brief silence, and then the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom skipped the topic with a tacit understanding.

Luke saw all this.

Unknowingly, he became a powerful weapon comparable to the atomic bomb and had a pivotal strategic position.

It's just a pity that I have no interest in becoming Dr. Manhattan in the Marvel universe and helping the Bald Eagle conquer the world.

After the Yalta Conference, Luke first went to London to reorganize the Strategic Science Corps.

After seeing the Spear Bureau, Hydra and other organizations, the United States urgently needs to establish a similar official organization.

The Strategic Science Corps, which gathers elites from the free world, is naturally the first choice.

There were several unhappy moments during this period, but the Allies were able to maintain a semblance of harmony while fighting against the Axis of Evil.

But after the war ended, turbulent undercurrents began to surface.

No one wants to see the other party grow and develop and surpass themselves.

The Strategic Science Corps not only has various talents, but also accepts the remaining power of Hydra.

Doctors like Dr. Zola and related researchers are all excellent resources.

There is also the Cosmic Rubik's Cube confiscated from Hydra headquarters, which is an even more precious treasure.

Not wanting to sit back and watch Luke pack them away, England tried to interfere.

However, such a move was stopped by the Prime Minister. He felt that there was no need to offend Superman for such a trivial matter.

After all, the other party is a powerful individual who can pose a threat to the country.

"So, in the absence of external pressure, humans seem to have an innate talent for killing each other and internal consumption."

Luke sighed silently.

He is sitting in the Oval Office of the White House, waiting to meet with the president.

Today is the investiture ceremony.

Rank of major general.

Leader of the Strategic Science Corps.

This was the reward from the United States to Luke.

From a third-class private to a major general, this speed of promotion is unlikely to be surpassed by anyone who comes after him.

As history goes, Roosevelt died of a cerebral hemorrhage a few days ago.

The new president was succeeded by Truman.

"Major General Cavell, letting you temporarily lead the Strategic Science Corps is indeed a waste of your talents."

The new president pushed up his glasses and smiled: "It's just that the decision that has been made cannot be changed. I hope you can understand."

"I would like to stay in the Strategic Science Corps. The job here is more suitable for me."

Luke smiled and spoke calmly.

This is the truth.

What he expressed satisfaction with was not the Strategic Science Corps in its development stage, but the future S.H.I.E.L.D., a huge organization directly under the jurisdiction of the World Security Council.

Luke remembers the one-eyed director who assembled a group of superheroes and basically ignored the dictates of the White House and the military.

Not only can he blatantly refuse to answer the president's calls and ignore the senators, he can also bypass the constraints of Congress and the White House and carry out cross-regional law enforcement.

It can be said that SHIELD's responsibilities and powers are completely superior to all intelligence agencies in the United States, and cannot be compared with a mere Department of Defense.

Even if Luke becomes the top manager of the Pentagon, he may not be as prosperous as Director SHIELD in the future!

"Major General Cavell, it's best if you think so."

The new president breathed a sigh of relief. The military's attitude towards this superman was more complicated.

She wanted to win over him, but she was also afraid that Luke would have too much power and would not be able to restrain him in the future.

Fortunately, the young major general did not show any dissatisfaction.

"But I think the name Strategic Science Corps is too difficult to pronounce. Since we are going to reorganize, it is better to change it to a new name."

Luke looked at the stunned new president and said with a smile: "I think SHIELD is very good."

This way, Iron Man will no longer complain about not being able to remember names.

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