Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 73?Tool Man No. 1, Death Knell

"Speed ​​and strength, not bad!"

Feeling the strong airflow coming towards him, Siegmund dropped the head he was holding and showed a cruel smile.

The palms of the hands were clenched tightly, and the muscle fibers were like tightened steel wires.

Under the terrifying exertion, all the bones in his body made an explosion sound.

A punch blasted out like a heavy cannon!

Luke, who also made a fist gesture, suddenly changed his sharp eyes.

At this time, he possesses Deathstroke's combat awareness and melee combat capabilities - he is the most outstanding tactician and assassin on the set next door.

As a mortal, he is the world's top mercenary who has defeated the Justice League and Teen Titans many times.

Stealing life is as natural to Deathstroke as breathing, and the combat experience he has accumulated is even more abundant.

From superheroes to villains, everything may appear on his solution list.

As long as you give enough money, there is no head that the death knell cannot chop off - this is what the advertising slogan released to the outside world says.

In fact, he still failed a few times.

No matter what, as Deadpool's eldest cousin, Deathstroke can be regarded as the pinnacle level of human physical skills.

In real comparison, only Ms. Siwa, who also had the Taijutsu skill, her two senior brothers, and her daughter could compete head-on.

How terrifying would it be for such a powerful being to have close physical skills accumulated through countless battles?

Luke was quick to answer.

He turned his head to the side and dodged the heavy uppercut with precision.

The strong air flow hit his face and blew his short black hair.

Luke's expression did not change, as if he knew that this punch would not hit him. Taking advantage of the moment when Siegmund withdrew his punch, he hugged the opponent's neck with both hands and pushed forward with force. His knees suddenly hit him and hit him hard. abdomen.

The series of movements were crisp and neat, as if they had been done countless times.

The rich experience from Death Knell told him that there are many internal organs in the abdominal cavity and extremely rich nerve distribution.

As long as a blow is hit here, it will immediately cause severe abdominal pain, making it difficult for the enemy to breathe, causing muscle spasms, and quickly losing the ability to fight.

It turned out just as Luke expected.

Even though Siegmund is a "battleship class" and has extremely amazing physical fitness, he is still in the category of human beings.


A powerful and heavy knee strike caused Siegmund to spit out a mouthful of blood.

He felt like his stomach was churning, his organs were tangled, and his breathing was suffocated.

"It hurts!"

Siegmund leaned forward, his whole body arched like a big lobster, and almost fell to his knees.

As soon as they met him, he was crushed by Luke's fighting consciousness.

"That's not enough!"

A low voice from above sounded in Siegmund's ears.

The hands that hugged his neck tightly pressed down hard.

The fragile neck bones made a "clicking" sound, and a needle-like pain rushed to his brain.

The whole person fell down!


Siegmund's strong body was like a cannonball, slamming into the hard concrete ground.

That face full of arrogance was in direct contact with the soil.

Blood flowed freely from his nostrils and soon covered his entire face.

In less than 20 seconds, this "battleship class" came to a miserable end.

"Asshole! I'm going to twist..."

Siegmund was furious, like a roaring bear.

He was about to turn over and get up, but Luke kicked him back.

"I haven't given you permission to stand up yet."

The joking voice contained a strong sense of humiliation.

Siegmund, who was being teased one-sidedly, almost went crazy.

He held his hands on the ground, and his bulging muscles broke through the German uniform.

He exerted force suddenly and pushed away the foot that was on his back.

Those angry eyes were filled with fiery energy.

Balls of high-temperature halos like lightning are about to erupt.


Before Siegmund could show off his power, a hand as powerful as an iron pincer pressed down on his face.

It was like a sledgehammer hitting the face, beating the "battleship class" until its nose bones were broken and blood flowed profusely.

The uncontrollable terrifying energy surged directly from the fingers, like wisps of dazzling arcs, hitting Luke's palm.

For a while, the sound of "Zizzi" could not be heard.

"I told you I didn't allow you to stand up. Don't you understand?"

Luke's voice was calm, without any emotion.

Even his palm was about to be burned into pitch-black charcoal by the energy attack released by Siegmund.

The terrifying high temperature, coupled with the ball of destruction light that can blast through the tank, quickly peels off the surface skin, and the gushing blood is also evaporated, exposing the white bones.

Such a shocking and serious injury seemed insignificant to Luke, not even worthy of making him frown.

The almost useless hand was still pressing Siegmund's head, like grabbing a basketball. No matter how hard the opponent struggled, he could not escape.

After a few breaths, the charred flesh and blood on his right hand began to squirm, and the necrotic skin grew back.

Although the healing speed is not fast, what is certain is that it will only take about ten minutes for Luke's palm to return to its original state.

"Doesn't this guy feel any pain?"

Siegfried, who had blond hair and was the most arrogant, felt chilled in his heart.

Although they are Aryan supermen, they have experienced the severe pain of human body modification, and their nerves are strong and their will is firm.

But it is also difficult to be as cold as Luke, who can withstand an energy attack head-on and remain indifferent.

The young brigadier general of the Allied Army did not even frown, his eyes remained calm as always.

"Of course I feel it."

Luke raised his right hand, grabbed Siegmund's head firmly, and smashed him into a wall as if he were throwing garbage.

As if he had read through Siegfried's thoughts, he whispered: "The squirming flesh, the sharp pain pulling on the nerves, and the itchy growth on the skin are like a thousand ants crawling. You can't help but think. Go scratch it.”

"The feeling of all this is so clear that I can't ignore it at all, but it feels like I have experienced it countless times without any fluctuations in my heart - even I don't know why."

The calmer the tone, the more numb the scalps of the remaining two Aryan supermen were.

In their hearts, Luke's image has changed from being powerful at the beginning to being silent and stoic with an iron will, even if the mountain collapses before him.

To put it simply, it is getting more and more terrifying!

In fact, Luke is far from calm as he appears.

It was just the fighting consciousness from Deathstroke that made him choose to ignore the pain.

The years he followed his uncle in gangs and learned how to kill made Luke accustomed to the lowliness of life, but he had not yet practiced to the level of facial paralysis of the Terminator - he remained unmoved no matter whether his hands or feet were broken, and he was determined to move towards one goal. go ahead.

Deathstroke has a strong self-healing ability, so in battle, it is inevitable that he will resort to crazy tactics of exchanging injuries for injuries.

He was shot by a machine gun, an arrow penetrated his chest, and his organs were ruptured...

He has experienced all kinds of serious injuries.

Injured, healed, and then injured again - this continuous cycle has tempered Deathstroke's tough nerves.

This steely will, like Adamant's metal, has also been integrated into part of the battle consciousness, reflected in Luke.

"I can redeem a few more in the future. Maybe I can turn Deathstroke's fighting consciousness into my instinct."

With his mind wandering, Luke couldn't help but have the idea of ​​using skill cards to increase his proficiency.

Although the style of the studio next door is a little darker, everyone is talented and speaks well, so they are best used as tools.

"Come on together."

Luke put aside his distracting thoughts, looked at the ruined streets, took a step forward and said, "There isn't much time left for you."

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