Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 480 The Court of Life, above Mars

Luke didn't know that Nick Fury, who had clearly escaped the disaster, still reached out to the element-devouring beast he raised.

He snapped his fingers, and pure white light enveloped him.

Almost instantly, the two broke through one universe box after another and reached the end of the multiverse.

This experience was amazing. Barry opened his eyes wide and looked down at the sparkling bubbles.

Each world presents gorgeous scenery that makes people immersed in it.

It feels completely different from the feeling of breaking through the speed of light, creating a space-time wormhole, and traveling through the past.

But before the Flash could recover, the magnificent beam of light containing infinite power threw him to another place.

"Hello, Barry Allen."

The androgynous bald mage said with a smile.

Barry looked around and found that he was in a temple-like building.

He scratched his head and asked, "Where's Luke?"

"He has one more conversation he must have before he leaves for your world."

The bald mage invited the Flash to sit down and handed him a cup of hot tea, looking very enthusiastic.

This is Kama Taj from who knows which parallel world. The Ancient One from Universe 1024 is looking out the window.

Silently sighing, a great game spanning two multiverses is finally about to begin.



"It's you... To be honest, I prefer Ms. Death, Mr. Eternity, or Uncle Galactus."

Luke stood in the void, with the Milky Way swirling beneath his feet.

"They are easier to deal with and more interesting to talk to."

What appeared in front of Superman was a golden figure as huge as a celestial body.

It's like stretching across the multiverse, extremely huge.

Compared with those planets, they are like tiny grains of sand.

A majestic voice like thunder rumbled down——

"You are the one who started this game, you should know what to do."

That one stood tall against the sky and the earth, like the golden shadow of a giant.

There are three faces, representing Justice, Necessity and Revenge.

He has a very famous name, Court of Life.

He is the manager of the multiverse beyond the five creation gods.

Like other backgrounds, the Living Tribunal has a high level of authority and only appears infrequently.

"Are you going to teach me how to do things?"

Luke's eyes flickered and he said calmly: "Neither the five creation gods nor you are the referee. At best, they can only be regarded as higher-level participants."

"So, don't try to manipulate others."

During the long days of relaxing vacation, he only indulged in sex.

Occasionally engage in multi-person sports and hold theme parties.

By the way, complete the piled-up tasks and increase Superman's reputation.

It's like gathering up Hydra and getting a Kryptonian spaceship.

Leave it to Howard Stark and SHIELD to reverse engineer and analyze the technology.

Find Hyperion and Lan Qi, two "Marvel Superman" who have never fought against each other.

We had a friendly sparring session and after beating them to the ground, we got two chances to win a lottery.

Silver Superman, Superboy Prime.

Two relatively powerful templates allowed Luke to break through from the single universe to the multiverse in one fell swoop.

This is the reason why he can be so calm and treat the five creation gods and the Tribunal of Life.

Although most of these times, the multi-faceted bigwigs who acted as the background board have a lot of unconventional black history.

The worst of them is the Planetary Devourer, which has been reduced to a cosmic-level combat unit.

As administrators under the Almighty Universe, they actually have quite high authority and are the embodiment of rules.

Compared with sentinels, opponents who can be dealt with with fists in sword fighting are a little more troublesome to deal with.

"I'm just a reminder, not a warning."

The Life Tribunal said in a deep voice.

"What kind of result will the collision of two multiverses lead to? This is a future that none of us can predict. We need to be cautious and cautious."

Luke curled his lips and did not take the Life Tribunal's "reminder" to heart.

He has his own plans and ideas, and no one can force him.

Maybe the existence of the Almighty Universe has come up with a new idea and wants to let two superheroes from the multiverse engage in a century-old war, or maybe it's for other reasons.

All in all, the two studios will have an unprecedented and huge collaboration.

The five creation gods and the life court are the managers of the multiverse.

I hope Luke can win more chips for himself, or even win the game directly.

"All the details have been finalized long ago, and I know what I have to do."

Luke waved his hand. He didn't like chatting with boring guys, and the Living Tribunal happened to be the most boring existence in the multiverse.

"The direction of this game is not up to me."

The reason why the five creation gods and the Life Tribunal let Luke sneak into the set next door.

The purpose is to obtain more intelligence and create greater impact.

But he didn't do that, or rather, he didn't do what those multiverse managers wanted.

Being from the Marvel Universe doesn't mean you have to be an enemy of another studio.

He is Superman's older cousin and has a close relationship with Wonder Woman.

What's more, major events that have not yet happened in the DC universe, such as death metal, contain opportunities to join the omnipotent universe.

For all intents and purposes, Luke is not entirely on the side of the Living Tribunal.

Isn't it good to jump left and right and be a neutral person?

"Magical Superman, Destroyer, Super Kryptonian, Mechanical Superman, Silver Superman, Superboy-Prime..."

Luke's eyes moved slightly and he sighed in his heart.

With the blessing of numerous Superman templates, he has broken through the single universe level and become the multiverse level, enough to stand side by side with the Life Tribunal.

But if you want to go further, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Even the golden superman based in the five-dimensional world is essentially standing at the pinnacle of the multiverse, not entering the omnipotent universe, and jumping out of the framework of the "story".

If we say, among the many superman templates.

The only thing that can qualify as the omnipotent cosmic level may be the consciousness body, the thinking machine superman, which is a collection of 52 parallel universe supermen.

Mandrak, the great demon who devoured the parallel universe, said he was second only to God.

But Luke couldn't place all his hopes on drawing the template for the thinking machine Superman.

He thinks this game is a good opportunity.

If the two multiverses merge into one, can they escape the fate of the past and future written by those beings in the omnipotent universe?

"I'm in a hurry, let's chat next time when we have time."

Luke pretended to glance at his watch and disappeared from the sight of the Life Court.

next moment!

One hand picked up Barry, who was drinking tea.


Luke greeted Ancient One.

"Supreme Mage, let's have tea together again when we have the chance."

Ancient Yi smiled gently, raised his glass and said, "It's a pity that I can't go to another similar multiverse. When you come back, you can talk more about things there."

Luke nodded, pulled Barry and disappeared into Kama Taj.

They turned into swift streams of light, breaking through the boundaries of the multiverse.

The huge wall with no visible edge still stands, and the tenth metal in the body bursts out with bright light, penetrating the obstruction and interference of the power of origin.

"here is?"

Barry opened his eyes, recovering from the uncomfortable feeling similar to motion sickness.

"Mars, the starting point of this journey."

Luke replied.

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