Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 473 Prove yourself and release news

It is not easy to prove that you are who you are.

Skrulls can not only change their appearance at will, achieving a camouflage effect that is difficult to distinguish between fake and real.

Moreover, some of the elite warriors can also be copied together with their memories to achieve a perfect replacement identity.

Unless the Skrull died on the spot and his true colors were revealed.

Otherwise, with modern means such as fingerprints, irises, and DNA, it would be difficult to verify who is the real person.

In the comic book event of Secret Invasion, the superheroes suffered a big loss and fell into an endless chain of suspicion.

No one can guarantee that the friends and partners standing in front of them are really the same people.

Suspicion and suspicion will destroy the sense of trust established by fighting side by side and through life and death, and completely destroy the possibility of team combat.

What if someone gives you a despicable backstab at a critical moment in the battle?

Such thoughts deepen the rift between the Avengers and the street heroes.

What was supposed to be a coordinated effort to fight against foreign enemies turned into a massive brawl.


Luke wanted to say something private that only the two of them knew, but before he could speak, the female commander of SHIELD stepped on her high heels and sprinted towards him.

The automatic pistol with the empty magazine smashed over and hit his chest with a snap, like a Lego toy, without the slightest lethality.

But Luke glanced at the pointed high heels that he stepped on hard, and felt a chill in his heart.

It's not a fear of injury, but a man's instinctive reaction.

Women's nails and high heels are known as the two biggest killers.

Luke took a step back and turned sideways to avoid the murderous Paige.

His right hand stretched out and tightly grasped the slender waist full of explosive power.

The latter kept struggling, but facing Superman's body of steel, any degree of resistance was meaningless.

Even if she was injected with the strengthening medicine prepared by the infinite formula, her physical fitness and cell aging rate were different from ordinary people.

"I don't know how to explain it. Because Skrulls can change their appearance, copy their memories, and even imitate abilities..."

Luke paused and said seriously: "But I think this issue can be left to your judgment. Follow your inner thoughts and trust your own feelings."

The men and women who were close to each other looked at each other, and subtle emotions were transmitted to each other through the windows of the soul.

Paige's eyes were dazed, and her heart was beating hard, as if she had been hit by something.

"Can you fly?"


"Where's the heat vision?"

"I will too."

"Then our first time..."

"My office, you were lying on that table..."

"I'm asking about the scene when we first met!"

"Uh, Brooklyn, at the door of my house. Brown military uniform, big breasts..."

Letting go of Paige, who had doubts in her heart, Luke answered questions while demonstrating various abilities.

The corners of the former's eyes twitched. This speaking style was very similar to that bastard man who left his job and went on a trip.

"Then where did you go while you were gone?"

The female commander of SHIELD crossed her arms and asked coldly.

"I told you before I left that I was going on a long trip."

Luke smiled. He did not hide anything deliberately and told Peggy about the concepts of single universe boxes and multiverse worlds.

As for the five creation gods of the universe, and the game of existence at a higher level, the various stories that happened on the set next door are briefly mentioned.

Some are beyond the scope of understanding and cognitive ability, and not everyone can calmly accept the fact that he is a comic or movie character like Deadpool.

Professor Charles in a certain time and space once used his psychic ability to read Deadpool's mind, and then... that bald head became torn apart like an exploding watermelon.

"Really you?"

Paige lowered her guard, and as an excellent female agent, her sensibility took over.

"Of course. I said it won't take too long - even though it does seem like a long time has passed based on human time scale, but no matter what, I'm back."

Luke was also helpless. If Dr. Manhattan hadn't interfered and exiled himself to the Watcher world, there would have been such a long delay.

"The Skrulls have launched an attack? Are you so nervous?"

Peggy already believed 80.00% of it. Her tone was a little more friendly and she said softly: "There is a Skrull pretending to be Howard and sneaking into S.H.I.E.L.D."

"We didn't notice it at first until some time ago..."

The female commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. recounted what had happened recently. Just in the middle of her speech, the office door was suddenly pushed open.

Two young girls dressed as secretaries burst in with guns in both hands.

Having mistakenly thought that Luke was a Skrull in disguise, Paige quickly called the "Nightingale" under her hand.

They are ostensibly civilian employees of the Secretariat, but are actually from the Red Room, Leviathan's spy agency.

Those qualified and outstanding girls will be assigned to various departments of SHIELD to serve as eyes and nails.

"never mind……"

Seeing Nightingale coming, Peggy waved her hand and subconsciously stood in front of Luke.

But the latter's eyes narrowed slightly, and the blazing light penetrated the two charming and lovely people without mercy.

The high-temperature energy penetrated the chest, evaporating the blood, leaving only a hideous hole.

"You are!"

Paige was shocked and turned her head to look at Luke.


Superman pointed at the two corpses lying on the ground. Their figures and faces had changed.

The skin is light green and has a pair of pointed ears, which is different from normal humans.

"It is very likely that they have penetrated into every department of SHIELD and are preparing to initiate a change, such as using the White House or other external forces to overthrow the original management and conduct a comprehensive reshuffle."

Luke guessed.

These words made Paige's heart tighten, but she glanced at Superman later and put away the unnecessary worry.

"Now that everyone is back, the work of dealing with the Skrulls will naturally be left to Mr. Director."

The female commander of SHIELD said with a chuckle.

For no reason, she felt a long-lost sense of relief.

There are responsibilities and all kinds of heavy things that once weighed on my shoulders.

With Luke's appearance, it all seemed to dissipate.

"Let me think."

Luke thought for a moment, and it was too troublesome to find out the Skrull Empire advance troops hidden in SHIELD and human society one by one.

He likes things to be done in an efficient way, preferably in one go.

"Let's hold a press conference."

Luke said this after a moment.

He has this confidence that when the Skrulls learn that Superman has returned, they will definitely surrender without a fight.

There are no secrets in the galaxy.

The conflict that occurred in the ignorant land has long been spread.

Even if the news about this group of Skrulls is lagging behind, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to Superman's existence.

"The press conference... okay, I'll organize it."

Paige nodded, and then asked casually: "Where did you talk about just now? By the way, you brought another woman back?"

The smile on Luke's lips faltered slightly, indicating that he was sad.

What is it again?

He has always maintained his integrity and stayed away from women.

Occasionally, it is a helpless act to violate the principle several times.

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