Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 470: Too polite, I can only take a few hundred million points

"As much as you have?"

"That's right!"

"I can take whatever you want?"

"Of course!"

"Your Majesty the King, then I won't be polite."

"Don't be polite! Distinguished guest, Wakandans are always generous and enthusiastic. The more you take, the happier we will be!"


A smile appeared on Luke's lips, and he couldn't help but rub the Black Panther's head vigorously.

Feeling the smooth fur that he had carefully taken care of, being rubbed here and there by that nasty big hand.

The Leopard God Buster felt sad and looked at the King of Wakanda with even more angry eyes.

The latter's heart was shocked again, as if a heavy mountain was pressing on his shoulders.

"Have you not done enough?"

T'Chaka was confused. He had already given away Wakanda's most precious resources, and he still couldn't satisfy the Panther God?

You must know that there may not be much vibranium exported and circulated in the international market every year.

"Okay, distinguished guest, I think it might be tiring for you to carry it yourself. How about just loading it into a car?"

In order to please the Leopard God, T'Chaka gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and made huge concessions.

A carload of vibranium!

If this hits the international market, it will definitely attract a large number of buyers to buy it at a high price.

The wealth earned is enough to provide for food and clothing for the rest of life.

"A car? Forget it, Your Majesty the King, I'm still used to doing it myself to have enough food and clothing."

Luke quickly shook his head in rejection.

What a joke!

A carload of vibranium?

To send beggars away!

"Ah, this..."

T'Chaka was stunned for a moment, thinking that the other party was a little ignorant.

Isn't it easier and more cost-effective to move a truck full of vibranium than it is for you to move it alone?

The King of Wakanda has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

He didn't know that the young man standing in front of him could push an aircraft carrier with his hands a long time ago.

Now you can even pull planets and drag celestial bodies.

It simply cannot be judged by normal human standards!

"It seems that during my absence, everyone has gradually forgotten about Superman and no longer pays attention to him."

Luke sighed silently. If it had been before, King T'Chaka would have recognized his identity immediately.

Then he obediently offered the vibranium with both hands. How could there be so many bad things?

"Since your distinguished guest insists on doing this, I won't force it."

T'Chaka suddenly felt that the pressure brought by the Leopard God had disappeared, so he relaxed and said.

"Then it's settled."

Glancing at the proud and cheerful King of Wakanda, Luke couldn't help but feel guilty for deceiving the stupid son of a landlord.

He originally wanted to figure it out slowly and reveal his identity later.

This was used to convince T'Chaka to abandon his closed and conservative strategy, switch to active external exchanges, and become SHIELD's trading partner.

However, Luke didn't expect T'Chaka to take the bait so easily.

Take the initiative to deliver vibranium to your door and let yourself have sex for nothing.

"I didn't want to do this originally, but he gave me too much!"

I saw that the king of Wakanda was still chatting and improving the favorability of the panther god Buster.

Luke sighed inaudibly. This kind of leeks that thrive and harvest automatically is really a rare occurrence in a hundred years.

"You must cherish it! You can't cut it all at once, pay attention to sustainable development!"

he thought so.



Half an hour later, Luke arrived at the palace of Wakanda.

He put the drunk Carol down and continued to stroke the panther, who was enjoying it with his eyes narrowed.

The leopard god Buster has become numb. He has figured out that since he can't resist, he will embrace his fate.

Besides, it’s not like any dimensional demon can be fucked around by the Supreme Mage.

Like Mephisto, Dormammu and the like, they are more likely to be beaten.

"Dear guest, when do you plan to go to the warehouse to select vibranium?"

King T'Chaka waved and asked the leader of the trading tribe to come forward.

"If you have any requests, you can ask Elder Azuda. Wakanda will definitely satisfy you!"

The story of the apparition of the panther god Buster quickly spread throughout the cities of Wakanda.

The believers were very excited and wanted to have a glimpse of the god and then worship devoutly.

The leaders of each tribe discussed whether to hold a more grand and formal ceremony.

As for the two outsiders, no one cared.

Because for the Wakandans, troubles that can be solved with vibranium are not troubles.

Hello everyone, our official account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, as long as you pay attention, you can receive them.The last benefit at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity.Public number [book friend base camp]

"I think it's better to choose a different day than to hit it, so I might as well get it done today."

Luke smiled and touched Buster, the panther god. He didn't plan to stay in Wakanda for long.

After getting enough vibranium, he can leave. Regarding the secret invasion of the Skrulls and various issues with SHIELD, he is still waiting to deal with them.

"No problem, Elder Azunda, you can take this distinguished guest to carry the vibranium."

The king was preoccupied with how to consolidate the authority of the royal family through the appearance of the Leopard God, and did not care much about vibranium.

"Give him as much as he can take. Don't be stingy! We Wakandans are never stingy!"

Upon hearing this, Elder Azunda glanced at the tall, erect and slender Luke, and nodded slightly.

So what if the opponent is a Hercules? There are many vibranium veins underground in Wakanda.

Not to mention taking it by hand, even if it is mined with the help of various machines, it will be inexhaustible.

"Dear guest, please come with me."

Elder Azuda walked in front, acting as a guide.

"There is smelted and processed vibranium in the warehouse. You can use it as you wish."

Luke's eyes moved and he asked casually: "Is this the way to the warehouse?"

"Yes, in addition to the shares of vibranium mined in Wakanda that are given to other tribes, there is also the part that is supplied to the outside world. The rest either goes into the factory or is sent to the warehouse."

Luke seemed to be enlightened and nodded.

Then, he said as if unintentionally: "Can I go to the underground mine and have a look?"

Elder Azuda frowned slightly, feeling puzzled.

Why go to the mine?

There are raw stones that have not yet been processed, and their value is definitely not as high as the vibranium processed in the warehouse.

"The mine is an important area and is not open to the outside world..."

Elder Azuda subconsciously wanted to refuse.

Luke smiled lightly and grabbed the black panther in his arms.

The Leopard God Buster, who was in pain, quickly opened his eyes and glared at Elder Azunda.

Before the latter could finish speaking, the whole person fell into a powerful pressure.

He looked at the deep pupils shining with golden light and sensed the emotions conveyed by the Leopard God.

"Promise him!"

Elder Azuda wiped his cold sweat, retracted his words of rejection, and said: "Of course, that is only for ordinary people. You are the most distinguished guest of Wakanda, and you can go wherever you want."

This black panther is indeed the god we worship!

Elder Azunda was still skeptical at first, but now he is completely convinced.

But, why does the Leopard God Buster favor an outsider so much?

Let the other person keep touching you like a pet.

Elder Azunda, who had this thought flashing through his mind, shook his head vigorously to get rid of the disrespectful thought towards the gods.

I must have thought wrong!

He said so comfortingly.

Not long after, Elder Azunda took Luke to the underground mine.

After generations of efforts by the Wakandans, a complex and complete transportation network has been built.

Dozens of trains were speeding past on the spider web-like track.

"Further down, there is the core of the vein."

Elder Azunda explained.

"Dear guest, if you like rough stones, you can choose a few pieces at will, and I will have them packed and put in the car."

Luke raised his head and scanned the huge space.

He put down the black panther in his arms and said with a smile, "I'll do it myself."

"Don't you need help?"

Elder Azunda asked.

"I can just take [-] million points, no help is needed."

Luke smiled gently back.

The biological force field slowly opened.

Like invisible ripples, it swept across quickly and enveloped this underground mountain range that was as huge as a giant dragon.



"Something is bad!"

The black guard burst into the king's chamber, looking panicked and stammering: "Your Majesty! The vibranium... ore vein... has been moved away!"

Seeing the chaos under his hands, T'Chaka was very displeased and shouted angrily: "Is the sky falling or an earthquake? Look at you, you panic at the slightest thing. It's so shameful! How can you be a good royal family? Guards? To maintain the royal face?"

The black guard took a few breaths and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, that...guest, he emptied the vibranium!"

T'Chaka didn't seem to understand the meaning and laughed: "It's just a little vibranium, why be nervous! Let him move, even if the warehouse is emptied, it doesn't matter!"

The black guard's throat rolled, he swallowed hard, and said again: "It's not a warehouse, it's a whole vein of minerals!"

"What did you say?"

T'Chaka was stunned for a moment, he heard clearly this time.

"That man lifted up the mine... Your Majesty, hurry up and take a look in the courtyard!"

T'Chaka's expression was frozen, as if he didn't want to believe it.

He hurriedly ran, no longer caring about royal etiquette and grace, and rushed to the empty courtyard.

The place was crowded with guards and maids, all with their heads raised.

As if seeing some kind of surprising sight, his mouth opened wide and his eyes shook.

T'Chaka couldn't help but look up and saw a huge shadow in the sky not far away, like a giant dragon flying into the sky.

That's... a vein of vibranium!

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