Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 468 Drunk Flying, Leopard God Festival

One of the few benefits of becoming a Supreme Mage is probably convenient transportation.

No more spending money on air tickets and waiting in line for trains.

To use Stephen Strange's classic saying, "Go wherever you want to go"!

Luke snapped his fingers, and magic sparks pulsed, outlining a circular portal.

With one step, you can run from the land of ignorance to New York on Earth.

"What kind of magic show is this?"

Carol, who was so drunk that her cheeks were flushed, opened her eyes wide, like a curious baby.

Through the transmission channel, she seemed to see Times Square in New York.

There is heavy traffic and huge crowds of people there.

The latest pop music and the most popular celebrities and idols are rotated on the billboards.

"It's magic, Ms. Danvers."

Luke corrected with a smile.

It has been a long time since he left this universe and the earth.

The time when I agreed to the five gods and smuggled to another set.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had just been established not long ago, and the Cold War had not yet officially begun.

But now Captain Marvel has appeared, and the timeline has been advanced to around 1990.

I guess that guy Howard may even have a son.

Is there finally a role for Iron Man?

Luke felt excited inside.

He couldn't wait to see Tony Stark kidnapped by the Ten Rings and then run to the rescue himself to increase his favorability.

Then he punched Obadiah Stane and kicked Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen.

Coulson on the left, Black Widow on the right, go to Midtown High School to find Spider-Man...

Luke has waited too long for the correct process for this set of novice tasks.

What about Superman?What about the single universe level?

If you want to increase your popularity, you still have to add drama!

There is no future in spending all day immersing yourself in comic stories.

" the wardrobe in The Chronicles of Narnia? Can it take me back to Earth?"

Carol stood up unsteadily, and a flash of magic sparks attracted her attention.

Looking at Captain Marvel's drunken appearance, the corner of Luke's mouth twitched.

He had a bad premonition that this trip back to earth to visit relatives should be postponed for a few days.

"I remember your hometown is in Massachusetts..."

Luke outlined the specific location in his mind and replaced the coordinates of the spatial passage from Times Square in New York to the location of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

"I want to go to New York, Washington, doesn't matter, it doesn't matter where I go!"

Perhaps because of the influence of alcohol, Carol was not reserved at all and pulled Luke, who was casting the spell, directly into the transmission channel.

She needs a quick trip.


When the two stepped into the other end of the space, they were enveloped by a strong sense of weightlessness.

They did not step on solid ground, spinning and falling like discharged cannonballs.

"Never go out with a drunk! This is a lesson!"

Luke quickly controlled the balance of his body. The moment the biological force field opened, his whole body was suspended steadily in the sky.

But Carol was not so lucky. She was swept out by the strong air current and fell into the thick clouds stacked like mountains.

"here it is……"

Luke didn't worry about the other person's safety.

Not to mention Captain Marvel has the ability to fly.

If he fell to his death from a high altitude because he was drunk...this would be too embarrassing for a superhero.

It may become the first example of a drunken flying accident in history and be recorded in history!

"Africa actually came here."

Super vision shrouded the past like radar, overlooking the vast land.

Then Luke found himself within the confines of the Ethiopian plateau.

Looking hard, he could also see the huge rift valley that ran through East Africa.

"Could she be really drunk and fall to death?"

Luke's sight penetrated the clouds and found Carol falling straight down, with no intention of braking.

The space under his feet stagnated slightly, and he appeared next to Captain Marvel in an instant.

He carried the unconscious drunk man with one hand and landed on the ground through space teleportation.

Fortunately, Carol had been a female pilot.

She just held her stomach, feeling a little uncomfortable, and did not vomit it directly.

"It was the day I became disillusioned with female superheroes."

Luke muttered, but soon realized something was wrong.

He and Captain Marvel appeared on a rock platform, with water from a waterfall pouring down.

Surrounded by indigenous black people dressed in a primitive tribal style, they all looked at me with strange eyes.

"...Interfering with the festival of Leopard God Buster!"

Luke probably understood what the old black man who looked like a priest, Aba Aba, was saying.

The place where he stood happened to be an altar made of pure white stones, with various fruits, animal teeth and skulls placed on it.

"Outsiders! Execute outsiders!"

It seems that because the ceremony was interrupted and their beliefs were desecrated, the group of indigenous black people became excited and shouted loudly.

The old black man who looked like a priest raised his hand to suppress the boiling voice.

He looked at His Majesty the King in formal attire and asked for instructions: "How should they deal with it?"

T'Chaka frowned, and of course he would not be very happy if the ceremony to sacrifice the panther god Buster was suddenly interrupted.

But what he was more worried about was that Wakanda's existence might be exposed, and the way the man and woman appeared was too strange.

"Let the guards take them down and then secretly send them across the border."

T'Chaka had no intention of executing the two intruders.

Although Wakanda retains many of the habits and customs of primitive tribes.

But since he succeeded to the throne, he has always promoted civilization and education, and abandoned many barbaric things.

The guards holding vibranium spears were alert and gradually approached.

All this seemed quite ridiculous in Luke's eyes.

Buster, the panther god?

The corners of his mouth curled up, and his right hand was filled with pure white light.

He directly tore open the door of the dimension, lifted a black leopard by the scruff of thin air, and said, "Is this the god you worship?"

The sudden turn of events stunned the Wakandans.

In their opinion, the man and woman appeared without any warning.

Then, like a magic trick, a black panther with smooth fur and human eyes appeared.

It happens to be the Leopard God Festival again, and the meaning of this is worth pondering.

"Leopard God!"

The black priest spoke up first, breaking the silence.

He knelt down tremblingly, like a devout believer.

Buster, the panther god, is Wakanda's main belief.

Like ape gods, lion gods, etc.

There are also tribes who secretly worship him, but their number is not large.

And in fact, these animal gods were not created out of pure imagination.

They can all be classified into the category of dimensional demon gods, inhabiting a special dimensional world and enjoying the worship of mortals.

"High Priest, is this... really the Leopard God?"

King T'Chaka was a little skeptical. He had only entered the Land of the Ancestors once.

That was when he inherited the name "Black Panther" and swallowed the heart-shaped herb.

In his vague memory, T'Chaka vaguely saw a black panther that was very similar to the one on Luke's hand.

It crouched on the towering tree, looking down at itself with arrogant and indifferent eyes.

"There is absolutely no mistake! The Leopard God has a green gem on his forehead, and he is full of wisdom and can understand human speech."

The black priest said affirmatively.

King T'Chaka couldn't help but glance over.

I found that the forehead of the black panther was shining with emeralds, and its yellow pupils showed a human color, which seemed to be expressing some kind of emotion.

This is really the Leopard God!

"Superman of the Marvel Universe"

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