Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 466: Talk therapy, secret invasion

The Difan Group's building is the most conspicuous landmark building in Xuwu Land.

Standing on the observation deck on the top floor, you can overlook the entire area and have a panoramic view of everything.

Luke Shiran sat down on the sofa and poured a cup of plant drink for Captain Marvel, who had a complicated expression and had not yet fully digested those memories.

"You may not be able to accept the facts for a while, and that's normal."

Like a young psychiatrist, he began to give Carol therapy.

"The human body has a certain emergency mechanism. Once the spirit is strongly stimulated, it will automatically activate. Sometimes not wanting to believe the truth is also one of the protective measures."

Captain Marvel was secretly controlled mentally by the supreme intelligence of the Kree Empire, using efficient brainwashing methods.

Although, Luke used the psychic ability of the super Kryptonian to awaken the past memories hidden deep in Carol's mind.

However, because she has been taught for a long time that the interests of the Kree Empire are above all else, she is always ready to sacrifice for it.

It is equivalent to undergoing a thought transformation operation. It has already become the shape of the supreme wisdom and cannot be restored to its original state immediately.

This requires some time for psychological rehabilitation.

"I know my real name and everything that happened, but... when you get out of that carefully crafted despicable lie and see the real world, you still feel very uncomfortable."

Captain Marvel picked up the cup of plant drink and took a sip.

It tastes bitter, but refreshing.

“Once you’ve been deceived once, it’s hard to trust others again.”

Luke spoke slowly and continued: "For the same reason, the reason why you subconsciously suspect that everything in front of you may be false."

"It's because of Yong-Rogg and the supreme wisdom that caused you great psychological trauma and psychological shadow."

Carol was convinced and nodded.

Whenever she thinks of Yong-Rogg, whom she respects in her heart, he is actually a complete hypocrite.

You can't help but feel some physical discomfort and nausea.

"What are you going to do with them?"

Luke noticed this and took the initiative to change the topic.

"Behind Yon-Rogg is the Kree Empire..."

Carol reminded gently.

After all, she also stayed on the planet Hala for a long time.

He is well aware of the military strength of the Kree Empire.

"That's not important. My men severely punished Ronan the Accuser not long ago. Compared to the governors of the Kree Empire, Yon-Rogg is just a nobody."

Luke waved his hand with a relaxed expression, obviously not taking the Kree Empire seriously.

Frankly speaking, he even hoped to see the Supreme Intelligence become angry and start a war.

In this way, it is out of self-defense.

Superman can destroy the space fleet with his bare hands, break into the planet Hala single-handedly, and then dismantle the computer that integrates the highest intelligence of the Kree into parts.

In theory, of course.

Luke doesn't need any reason for what he does.

But he cares about his reputation and doesn't want to become the next Mad Titan Thanos.

As long as everyone follows the rules, it's no big deal to sit down at the poker table and play.

"Forget it, let's let them go."

Carol still had concerns.

In her inherent knowledge, the Kree Empire's military strength is extremely powerful.

It would be unwise to provoke such a behemoth in order to take revenge on Yon-Rogg.

"This is your private matter, so you have the final say."

Luke nodded in agreement. The word powerful never had to be explained deliberately.

Sooner or later, Carol will understand.

What a terrifying existence a single-level individual is.

A mere Kree Empire is nothing at all.

"What are you going to do next?"

Luke's eyes flashed and he asked a new question.

"I don't know. I only found out a few hours ago that I came from the earth and that the mentor who trained me was actually an insidious liar... The false life shaped by the supreme wisdom was denied, but my original life was also destroyed. "

Carol put down the plant drink in her hand, looked at Superman, bit her lip and asked, "Is there any wine here?"

Luke snapped his fingers and, like magic, pulled out a bottle of Earth whiskey.

“Authentic hometown flavor.”

With a wave of his right hand, the wine cabinet opened automatically and two wine glasses flew out.

"Can you have a drink with me?"

Carol was not in a good state of mind and desperately needed the help of alcohol.

"my pleasure."

Luke is such a gentleman.





Peggy, who was graceful and with the same appearance, stepped on her high heels, opened the door with a bang, and walked into Howard Stark's office.

The huge noise alarmed the staff on the entire floor.

They glanced in the direction of Howard Stark's office for a few times, then put away their curiosity and lowered their heads to do their own things.

"Please tell me, what is going on?"

She slammed a pile of documents on the table with a sharp tone, not giving any face to this old friend who had known her for many years.

"Why did two-thirds of the large amount of funds granted by SHIELD to the four laboratories under your name disappear for no reason? It was not used for any research-related work, but was transferred to other accounts. ."

Paige was furious and asked questions repeatedly.

When she saw this report, she could hardly believe her eyes.

The four laboratories under the direct supervision of Howard Stark had extremely egregious misappropriation of funds.

And after her detailed investigation, she found that more than that, the embezzled funds eventually flowed into an unnamed overseas company.

Continuing to dig deeper, it was obvious that the trading company was just a front, and had private financial transactions and transfer records with many senators in Congress.

Following this line, Peggy even found out about Stark Industries.

She discovered that Howard had recently spent huge sums of money to purchase more than twenty small and medium-sized security companies that were unknown in the industry, despite the strong opposition of the board of directors.

"In the name of SHIELD, you spend money to bribe congressmen, promote the expansion of overseas military bases, and then send researchers to conduct human experiments on those disabled soldiers... Howard, you are committing a crime!"

Paige crossed her arms and glared at Howard Stark who was sitting behind the desk.

After the other party came back from Wakanda, his behavior became a little weird.

Although he looks exactly the same, he feels like a different person.

"This is an agreement reached between me and the White House. Mr. President needs Stark Industries to provide the military with more powerful 'weapons', not missiles or guns, but living super soldiers."

Howard said lightly with a smile on his face.

"Illegal human experiments, as well as integrating those security companies and reorganizing them into a military-industrial enterprise directly responsible for the Pentagon... These are all the intentions of the top."

Paige's beautiful eyebrows knitted together, and she looked at Howard with an even stranger look.

She simply could not imagine that the other party would say these words in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What do you mean by the superior? I am your superior!"

Paige said coldly.

"Times have changed, Carter."

Howard stood up, put his hands on his desk, and said softly: "The White House has long been dissatisfied with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s excessive power and interference. The World Security Council is also intolerable with the huge budget it allocates every year."

"There are no enemies in this world at all! Hydra has long been under the control of SHIELD, and those damn mutants are staying in school, or participating in talent shows or variety shows on TV. "

"World peace, the purpose of our shield has been questioned."

Howard stared at the female commander standing in front of him and said calmly: "I have received some news. If SHIELD continues to maintain an arrogant attitude and ignore the orders of the White House and the World Security Council, it will soon... will be declared disbanded."

"That's why I secretly reached an agreement with Mr. President and even showed favor to the Pentagon, in order to keep SHIELD and consolidate its position."

Paige tried her best to remain patient and listened to Howard's eloquent tirade.

She was silent for a moment, said "take care of yourself", then turned and left.

"Oh, childish woman."

Howard pulled off his tie and sneered.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but there was a hint of green under his normal face.

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