Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 436 The education of love, the fist of justice

More than ten kilometers away from the town, in a cave in a dense forest, the archaeological team was carefully studying clusters of green ore "growing" on the rock wall.

"It has relatively strong radioactivity and high energy readings, similar to gamma rays and X-rays, and can penetrate objects and living things..."

An old man with gray hair analyzed this novel mineral with the help of various instruments.

"Fortunately, Mr. Cavell warned us before to use lead containers for collection. Otherwise, long-term exposure may cause damage to the human body."

The archaeological team members and workers carrying instruments poured in from behind. They were all wrapped in a layer of thick clothing similar to protective clothing.

The surface is covered with lead to prevent the radioactive energy of kryptonite from penetrating cells and causing mutations in the human body.

"Heh, I just happen to have some understanding."

Luke waved his hand modestly. He symbolically put on a protective suit and walked into the cave.

Radioactive energy is everywhere, squeezing in like a wave.

If Luke were replaced by his little cousin Clark, within a few seconds, the opponent would be weakened by the kryptonite to the point where it would be difficult to walk.

This is a Kryptonian hell.

Even breathing became a fatal act.

"Professor Bass, according to the agreement we signed, this is a private exploration operation, so all items discovered during the investigation must be owned by Watt Company."

Luke touched the glowing kryptonite with his hand and reminded softly.

"Of course, Mr. Cavell generously funded us, so everything discovered during the period must belong to you, which is reasonable."

Professor Bass withdrew his reluctant and fascinated gaze. These green ores had never been seen before. According to the analysis data obtained by the instrument, their composition did not even appear on the periodic table of elements.

If he could conduct in-depth research, he could write more than a dozen heavyweight papers that would shock the world.

Maybe it can also be used to prove that there is still civilization and life outside the earth.

Sadly, Walt has a big business.

It is impossible for a mere archeology professor at the University of Michigan to compete with a huge group.

Reality is not like a Hollywood movie. It is more difficult for a nobody to overthrow a big shot than to reach the sky? At least the latter can be achieved with the help of spaceships and rockets.

"Can I keep a piece as a souvenir?"

Professor Bass asked cautiously.

"This is probably the most valuable exploration discovery in my archaeological career."

Luke nodded? There was no rejection.

The kryptonite on this set is like the vibranium of the Marvel Universe next door.

It sounds very precious and rare. In fact, it is quite popular. It is almost one in every hand.

In addition to Lex Luthor, who knows how to synthesize kryptonite, and Batman, the kryptonite collector.

Almost all the villains who have faced Superman have used that thing against Clark.

And the effect is remarkable, tried and tested.

"I will ask my men to polish a piece of ore and give it to the professor as a gift."

Luke smiled slightly? Small particles of kryptonite have no effect on ordinary people, otherwise Clark's crush, Lana, would have mutated long ago.

As for whether this generous behavior would cause trouble to his little cousin, that was no longer within his scope of consideration.

Anyway, according to the will of the Almighty Universe, Superman will always be the first guy to go offline in a Justice League team battle? It doesn't matter at all that this tactic is targeted by Kryptonite.

Regardless of whether he is targeted or not, he will not appear on the team battlefield, at least in every major event.

And many villains headed by Lex Luthor can always master a variety of kryptonite weapons, such as gloves and spears.

There are also various methods such as using red sun spotlights, charm magic, mind control... etc.

This results in Superman's combat power being in a state of fluctuation with extremely high upper limit and extremely low lower limit for a long time.

Sometimes even second-rate villains like Swamp Thing and Poison Ivy can easily defeat them.

But sometimes powerful beings like Darkseid and Mandrake are defeated by Superman head-on.

Of course? No matter how the version is updated, Batman will always be a god.

"Most of them are green kryptonite? Are there no other types?"

Luke's super vision is greatly limited in the cave. The radioactive energy formed by a large amount of kryptonite is like a hazy fog, giving people a blurry feeling.

This may be why he didn't discover the location of this cave immediately.

The leaked radioactive energy acted like a perfect protective shield, evading his own search.

If it weren't for the information provided by the unlucky bank gangster, it would be difficult for Luke to find this place.

Wearing protective clothing, he continued to go deeper until he reached the end, and he had no other gains.

Luke shook his head helplessly, a little disappointed. If he couldn't do it, he could just give him a piece of pink kryptonite.

It is said that that thing can change the sexual orientation or gender of Kryptonians.

If this is true, then Luke wouldn't mind having a cousin besides Supergirl Kara.

Or there could be a grand wedding for Superman and Batman, which would be much more exciting than the royal wedding of the gods in Asgard on the set next door.

"I definitely brought the Marvel Universe style here."

Luke smiled and shook the strange thoughts from his head.

In the DC world, thinking about these funny things all day long is not a good sign.

It needs to be a little darker to blend in.

Luke casually gave the staff a few words and turned to leave the cave.

He learned the specific location of the kryptonite cave from the bank gangster who was paralyzed from the lower body earlier than Lex.

After confirming that it was true, the archaeological team was sent directly to conduct further in-depth research.

The formation of kryptonite is actually when the planet was destroyed, a certain substance produced radioactivity in a huge explosion, and finally condensed into an irregular crystal-like mineral.

They fell to Earth along with the spaceship carrying Superman.

The meteorite rain in the small town 17 years ago was a manifestation of the disintegration of a huge piece of kryptonite.

"Lex seems to want to dig out some useful information from that unfortunate guy's mouth."

After walking some distance and flying high into the sky, Luke's thoughts were a little scattered.

The little tricks that Lex thought were secretive were actually caught in his eyes.

Obviously, his godson has become suspicious of his good friend Clark.


Luke was thinking about what he would do if the friendship between Lex and his little cousin capsized.

Suddenly, there was a noise mixed with explosions and screams.

Luke frowned slightly and teleported to the top of the town in an instant.

Surprisingly, he saw Clark walking down the street wearing a Superman uniform.

The red cloak fluttered wildly, and his eyes burst into red light, forming high-temperature beams of light.


A car parked on the side of the road was ignited and exploded, releasing blazing flames.

"How is this going?"

Luke was a little confused. This was probably the first time something out of his control had happened since his arrival.

Young cousin Clark became a source of fear and a criminal who wreaked havoc.

If he didn't know better, Luke might have thought he was on the set of Injustice.

This is very unreasonable!


Luke didn't hesitate, covered the surface with a Superman suit, and landed in front of his little cousin, ready to stop the other party from continuing to destroy.

For superheroes such as Superman and Batman, harming others and taking away lives has always been the beginning of darkness.

This has already been proven by the Batman Knights of the Dark Multiverse.

Although it sounds unreasonable, because in the Marvel universe next door, even Captain America shows no mercy on the battlefield, he is still the spiritual incarnation of absolute justice.

But this kind of boring question can usually only be attributed to the influence of the will of the omnipotent universe, and no serious answer can be obtained.

Superman killed the Joker and formed the Injustice League.

Batman, who killed the Joker, became the Laughing Bat.

——The source of the problem was found.

The culprit is the Joker.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

Luke's voice sounded directly in Clark's brain.

The latter's dark pupils condensed slightly, looking at the familiar figure not far away.

"Kill him! You are the most powerful person in the world!"

"Any stumbling block that stands in front of us must be crushed to pieces!"


The negative personality caused by black kryptonite seems to dominate Clark's mental will.

He hesitated, struggling fiercely in his heart.

But before the two personalities could decide the winner, Luke took a step forward, and cracks appeared on the ground.

He used the powerful recoil force to force himself in front of Clark.


There was a muffled sound.

Like the deafening thunder that exploded in the clear sky, it reverberated and spread far away.

Clark's eyes widened, as if in disbelief.

Then his body was thrown into the air and landed heavily on the ground.

Boom boom boom!

Clark broke through the walls behind him, and his whole body was pressed to the ground by the powerful force, plowing out a deep ravine.

"My eldest cousin actually beat me?"

The normal personality who was briefly awake showed extremely shocked emotions.

Ordinarily speaking, shouldn't Luke try to wake him up, talk about the good old days in an eloquent voice, endure his stormy attacks, and never fight back?

Why did you just do it without giving it a try?

The doubts that ran through my heart were quickly swallowed up by the anger of the negative personality.

Clark put his hands on his body and climbed up from the hard ground.

He shook his head slightly to eliminate the buzzing in his brain.

On the right eye socket, a circle of obvious bruises appeared.

"Kill him! We must take revenge!"

Violent and violent impulses occupied Clark's heart.

He snorted coldly and exerted force on his feet.

Like a strong wind rising from the ground, there was a roar.

The red cloak pulled out the afterimage and rushed straight towards Luke, who was a street away.

"I've said it many times, Clark! Move slowly and do low damage, so don't think about making a fool of yourself!"

Luke curled his lips. His little cousin from Krypton, who had been in the sun for 17 years, posed no threat to him now.

The biological force field suddenly opened, slightly delaying Superman's figure.

Then, he raised his right leg.


Huge vibration!

Like a bomb detonating in the air.

There were violent fluctuations in the air that were visible to the naked eye.

Like the waves rolling out wildly.

Clark, who was forced in front of his eldest cousin, had a swollen face, as if he had gained weight.

Then, he flew backwards faster than when he came in, and there was an extra footprint on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm very experienced in dealing with victims who have been brainwashed and blackened."

Luke showed a kind smile and said calmly: "I used to have a friend named Barnes. Under my effective treatment, he regained himself and restored his original memory."

For some reason, Clark's negative personality was a little scared after hearing such comfort from his eldest cousin.

The opponent's punch and kick had already made him understand that maybe he was not the most powerful person in the world.

"You, don't come here."

Boom, boom, boom...

Luke said as he moved forward, taking steps.

It was like a hammer in Clark's heart that made him feel ginger.

Compared with positive characters, negative personalities have personality traits such as arrogance, arrogance, violence, and a tendency to bully the weak.

Therefore, when encountering an opponent that is too powerful and invincible, it is easier to feel fear and doubt.

"What are you afraid of? As long as you step on me, no one can stop you."

Luke had a teasing smile on his face and deliberately didn't walk very fast.

His eyes were fixed on Clark with a look of indifference.

Invisible pressure enveloped the little cousin. The latter's throat rolled twice, and he shouted with some anger: "If you take one more step, I will kill everyone in this town!"

"Then just go ahead and do it! Don't worry!"

Luke shrugged nonchalantly.

"By the way, my lovely little cousin, you don't think I'm a good person, do you?"

The sarcastic chuckle left Clark, whose body was dominated by a negative personality, speechless and didn't know what to say.

According to the memories stored in his brain, his eldest cousin had indeed never spoken about Chun Chun’s teachings that asked him to save the world and protect mankind.

Compared with his adoptive father Jonathan who likes to say positive quotes, Luke mentioned more about how to fight, how to defeat opponents, how to avoid being hurt...

"Haha, you see, the eldest cousin you admire is actually a selfish villain..."

Clark's negative personality sneered, but after he finished speaking, his expression looked a little strange.

As a bad guy, it seems a bit inconsistent to rebuke others with righteousness.

"You can unleash your desire to kill as much as you want, hurt those innocent people, and then press their blood debt on my head - provided you can do it."

Luke said calmly, but his eyes suddenly became sharp, hitting Clark like a blade, making him shrink his neck subconsciously.


I saw the dark red cloak suddenly fluttering, and the suffocating and terrifying wind pressure swept across the streets on both sides.

The parked car overturned and rolled out, and a large amount of smoke and dust rose into the sky.

There were cracks on the hard ground, and Luke's figure was no longer visible.

Suddenly, Clark felt a strong hand pressing firmly on his face.

He seemed to have been hit head-on by a speeding train. He was under tremendous pressure, and his whole body screamed in pain.


Before the violent voice could be heard, Clark was taken high into the air.


The speed breaks the sound barrier!

"Clark, I don't know what happened, and I don't know what I can do to wake you up immediately."

Luke held his little cousin in his right hand and quickly rushed out of the atmosphere and into outer space.

"So, I can only take more brutal measures."

"Good luck!"

Luke let go of his right hand and kicked his little cousin in the chest.

The force is powerful and there is no mercy.


The opponent was like a falling meteorite, rubbing against the atmosphere and emitting a red tail flame.

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