Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 43 Successful Triumph, Welcome Back

The next day, noon.

"Brigadier General Luke Cavill and Captain Steve Rogers disappeared in the third area behind enemy lines. The reconnaissance team conducted a careful search and found no clues."

The telegraph operator reported the received news to Colonel Phillips, who was pacing anxiously.

The latter's face was ashen and he said nothing.

The wrinkles on his face were bunched up, and his eyes were filled with anger.

The radio operator standing in front of him was trembling, fearing that innocent people would be affected and become the target of the colonel's anger.

"Continue to let people start the search!"

Colonel Phillips slapped his hand hard on the table and said through gritted teeth.

If Luke is still not found within the next twelve hours, the military will have to put him on the death list.

Once this news spreads, it will undoubtedly cause a devastating blow to the morale of the Allied forces on the front line.

The war hero and legend who was still working hard to publicize his deeds a while ago suddenly died in the hands of Hydra...

How to explain this?

I'm afraid that by then, not only the president will be furious, but the Allies will also be held accountable.

"This is too bad!"

Colonel Phillips sighed heavily.

He originally thought that Luke would have a longer-term development and a broader future.

But who could have expected that a rising star would completely fall before it could shine!

Even though Luke had created an astonishing miracle of conquering Italy, facing a Hydra base with as many as 600 people, as well as those giant tanks and energy guns, the possibility of survival was still very low.

"The last reconnaissance plane is back..."

Carter hurried into the makeshift barracks tent with a stack of blurry black-and-white photos.

"Still nothing was found! There was an astonishing explosion in Hydra's base. The nearby buildings collapsed and collapsed, and it also caused a wildfire... Fortunately, it did not spread."

When Colonel Phillips saw this British female agent, he became very angry and said coldly: "What's the use of talking about this, Agent Carter! We have lost a general! The Allies have lost a hero!"

"If you could inform me in time, notify the Allied Forces Command, and stop Luke's willful behavior! Maybe none of this will happen!"

"The military can't do anything to Howard Stark. He is a famous young rich man in New York and the largest weapons sponsor of the Allies! But you are nothing!"

"Agent Carter, I hope you will think clearly about the consequences of your actions in the future... By the way, you will not have any future. When the Allied Forces Command learns this news, it will definitely cause trouble for the Strategic Science Corps. By then, we will all be finished together. !”

A storm of reprimands erupted from the barracks tent.

Colonel Phillips glared at the female agent in front of him and lowered his voice: "I have said many times, don't let personal feelings affect your work. This is the first lesson to be a good agent!"

"I didn't, sir!"

Carter bit his lip and shook his head.

"Don't deny it in a hurry. I haven't even said who it is, Luke, Rogers, or that playboy Howard Stark... Agent Carter, can you tell me who made you lose your mind and risk going to the police?" The risk of a court martial to help him?”

Colonel Phillips kept sneering, and then added, "I have said before that women should not participate in the war! Damn the British!"

Faced with the discriminatory words from his immediate boss, Carter took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling, but remained silent.

Just when Colonel Phillips was about to inform the Allied headquarters of the news, the noisy sounds outside reached the barracks tent where the atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

Faintly, applause and cheers can also be heard.

"what happened?"

Phillips walked out of the barracks tent angrily, followed by Carter.

In front of the camp, soldiers were crowded and standing in two lines.

On the tree-lined road not far away, two familiar figures appeared.

Luke and Rogers!

Allied Superman, and Captain America!

Behind them were a group of captured Allied soldiers!

Farther away, there was a giant tank rumbling towards them, which seemed to be captured trophies.

"They're back!"

The soldiers were in high spirits, looking at the captured soldiers holding energy guns in their hands with envious eyes, their chests raised and their heads raised.

They were like victors returning in triumph, high-spirited and extremely proud.

"How is this going?"

Colonel Phillips asked in surprise as he walked out of the barracks tent.

Not only did those captured soldiers return safely, but they also brought back Hydra's secret weapon!

This is a big win!

A victory for the Strategic Science Corps!

"It must be Superman! He led everyone to defeat Hydra and rescued those compatriots!"

A soldier guessed excitedly.

The others nodded again and again.

The propaganda of the Allies these days has already made Luke's legendary image deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Everyone who returned to the camp was treated like a hero.

The impatient guy has already begun to inquire about what happened and how the captured soldiers escaped from Hydra.

Colonel Phillips, who had lost his temper just now, even came out to greet the team in person - of course, he was mainly concerned about Luke's safety.

This young brigadier general, only 20 years old, is now a legend among the Allied Powers, a propaganda model launched by the military, and the idol of countless contemporary soldiers.

If Luke really had an accident and died on the front line, it would definitely cause a huge shock within the Allied Forces!

Therefore, when he asked to rush to the front line, many senior officials disagreed.

Even President Roosevelt, who proposed that Luke return to the battlefield, preferred that the young brigadier general stay behind to serve as a propaganda tool and stabilize people's hearts.

How could Luke, who just wanted to lay a solid foundation, accumulate qualifications, and gain reputation points, accept this seemingly tempting suggestion.

Completely defeat Hydra and lead the Allies to true victory.

As long as this is done, no one can criticize his achievements.

"You've done wonders again, Luke!"

Colonel Phillips looked excited when he saw Luke returning in triumph.

As for Rogers on the side, he ignored it intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, the Allies only need one hero!

Just like in the eyes of the world, there is always only one sun!

"Someone is injured and they need medical treatment. Also, Colonel, I was too reckless in this rescue operation. I will take the initiative to declare this to the Allied Forces Command."

Luke accepted the compliment calmly.

After taking care of the four enhanced warriors, he and Rogers rushed directly to the Red Skull's command room.

As a result, the latter had already taken a plane and escaped with the Cosmic Cube and Dr. Zola.

In addition, Hydra's base is about to explode, making it difficult to continue tracking.

As a result, Luke could only return to the camp with a group of captured soldiers and a depressed Rogers.

Those giant tanks and energy guns stolen from the military factory became their trophies.

"Mr. President sitting in the White House would never have thought that he would receive your good news so soon!"

Colonel Phillips had a smile on his face, completely losing his previous anger.

With just two people, they completely destroyed Hydra's secret base, taking away two military factories and the [-] Nazi defenders inside.

What an amazing achievement!

Intuition told Colonel Phillips that Luke could do much more than that!

When this war is over, he will receive even higher honors!

The youngest major general in the history of the United States?

Or even an admiral?

For the first time, Phillips felt that his imagination was so barren.

"This is a great victory for the Strategic Science Corps! I'll celebrate for you later!"

Colonel Phillips glanced at Carter beside him and said with a smile.

In terms of military rank and position, Luke is the highest commander of the camp.

He had the authority to make any decision except against direct instructions from Allied Command.

But the young brigadier general did not succeed immediately and immediately turned his back on others and put on airs.

On the contrary, whether he is dealing with his former friend Rogers or his former boss Colonel Phillips, Luke maintains an approachable and cordial attitude.

Reduce your aggressiveness and let those military bosses who are dissatisfied with you relax their vigilance.

This is what he really thinks in his heart.

"Is there anything you want to say to me?"

Luke saw Carter standing in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Welcome back."

The cold and charming female agent was silent for a long time before saying this.

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