Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 422 Young Kent’s troubles are all caused by kryptonite

After Clark got out of the car, he seemed to be the center of attention and felt the curious eyes of many classmates.

There are not many rich people in the town. Although being a farmer in the United States can definitely be called a good life, it also depends on how much land you own.

For example, Mr. Luke Cavell, the famous big landowner in this town.

He successively purchased several farms and pastures, totaling approximately more than 5000 acres, occupying nearly one-third of the agricultural land in the town.

The farm mainly grows soybeans, wheat and corn.

The ranch raises more than 400 cows and [-] bulls, and also has a company that sells and rents agricultural equipment.

To put it bluntly, most farmers in the town depend on Mr. Cavell for their livelihood.

The Kent family's farm seemed small in comparison.

Moreover, in relatively closed and backward small towns, every household prefers off-road pickup trucks with good loading capacity and large volume. Sports cars are not common.

"Oh my gosh, Clark, do you have a private ride to school now? And it's such a cool Chevy!"

Clark, who was slightly shy, walked quickly into the school gate. A girl with short blond hair patted him on the shoulder and said exaggeratedly.

Her name is Chloe, a "reporter" in school who is obsessed with all kinds of town weird stories, and is one of the few friends of "nerd" Clark.

"I missed the school bus, so Luke was kind enough to let me take a ride."

Clark explained seriously.

Mr. Cavell has always been a celebrity in the town.

Although he doesn't appear often, he only comes back occasionally for vacation.

However, due to frequent news headlines and sufficient exposure, it has long become a topic of conversation for small town residents after dinner.

Of course, most of them focus on those gossips.

"Luke...hehe, my dad calls him Mr. Cavill when he sees him."

Chloe curled her lips and stared at her friend closely, as if she wanted to find something from it.

Her intuition told her that Clark's relationship with the young rich man seemed unusual.

Not to mention, after linking them together, Chloe actually felt that the two of them had some similarities in appearance.

The same tough silhouette, statuesque perfect lines, tall and straight figure...

"He was kind enough to give you a ride... Then did he invite you to play in that huge luxury villa?"

Chloe continued to inquire.

Clark, who was holding a stack of books, nodded. The other party did invite him to come over when he had time... to work out together?

"Then he must have ulterior motives! Otherwise, why would he be so enthusiastic about you, a nerd!"

Chloe snorted softly. You must know that in movies and novels, young, wealthy, handsome rich people are usually villains.

"How is that possible! What do I have that is worthy of what Luke is trying to do?"

Clark shook his head, showing his disbelief.

All the Kent family's assets may not be as much as a fraction of the other party's bank account.

The other party can't just be interested in you, right?

Clark's thinking was also distorted and he made strange associations.

"Hey, look, the goddess of your dreams."

Instead of continuing to argue with Clark on this issue, Chloe bumped the former's arm and reminded him.

"Why don't you go over and say hello?"

Clark followed his gaze and soon noticed a young girl full of youthful spirit.

She has long brown hair, a good face, and exudes a charming temperament.

She was the most beautiful girl in the school and the goddess that he could never forget.


Almost subconsciously, Clark moved towards the other party like a robot.

Chloe, who was lagging behind, smiled evilly, as if expecting a good show to be staged.

"five four three two one!"


Clark, who looked tall and healthy, had not yet reached Lana.

The whole person seemed to have suddenly lost all strength, his legs became weak, and he fell to the ground.

The pile of books he was holding in his hand also spilled out.

The classmates around him burst into laughter, making Clark feel embarrassed when he fell.

There is no doubt that this is very embarrassing.

The future Superman is still just a big boy with strong self-esteem.

He didn't know what to do, let alone how to eliminate the embarrassment.

"Poor Clark."

Chloe let out a sympathetic laugh, and by her count, Clark acted like a baby who hadn't yet learned to walk whenever he was near Lana.

Not to mention walking unsteadily and falling to the ground.

Sometimes, there may even be severe breathing problems.

She calls it "crush syndrome."

"Hey, you okay, Clark?"

Someone picked up the books that fell on the ground and handed them to Clark, who wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Luke? How did you..."

Seeing an acquaintance, Clark temporarily forgot his embarrassing situation and showed a surprised expression.

"Participate in the library's donation ribbon cutting. I just told you, did you forget?"

Luke smiled faintly, and behind him stood the principal, dean of students and other figures.

The strong aura exuded made those students who were watching the joke automatically retreat.

A swarm of people dispersed in an instant.

"My mind is a little... confused, I'm sorry."

Clark dusted himself off, and as Lana left, the feeling of weakness that filled his body seemed to disappear.

"She's a pretty girl. Are you interested in her?"

Luke took the opportunity to return the book, approached and said.

He had a strange expression on his face, as if he had discovered something interesting.

Superman doesn't like anyone, but he has to like the girl wearing the kryptonite necklace.

Yes, this is why Clark suffers from "crush syndrome".

The girl named Lana Blue has a meteorite necklace carved from kryptonite hanging around her neck.

If these two people really get together in the future, not only Clark's legs will become weak, but his third leg may also become weak.

"No, no."

Clark shook his head repeatedly, as if he had been caught peeking at some inappropriate magazine for children, and an inexplicable sense of shame spread throughout his body.

This is how teenagers in the crush stage are always unwilling to admit that they like someone, and think that no one knows the secret.

It's a pity that he is really not good at lying. His red face and evasive eyes make it easy for people to come up with the answer.

"Clark, when I was your age, I had no problem with any young girl."

Luke put on his sunglasses, patted his little cousin's shoulder gently, and said enigmatically: "Do you know why?"

Clark shook his head. How could he, who was single and had zero love experience and never even touched a girl's hand, understand the secrets?

"Not only because I am funny and handsome, but mainly because I drive a sports car from the garage to school every day."

Clark: "..."

He said he had nothing to say.

I am still at an age where I have to take the school bus to school!

"No kidding, see you later, Clark."

Luke put aside his interest in teasing his little cousin, and then walked into the school auditorium surrounded by school leaders.

The future Superman is still troubled by his unrequited love.

But before long, he should be able to learn from his adoptive father Jonathan that he is an alien visitor.

When the time comes, it will be Krypton’s big cousin’s turn to make his debut.

"Kryptonite necklace..."

Luke thought of Clark's crush, Lana, and the necklace she was wearing.

The day the Kryptonian spacecraft crashed, it also brought a catastrophic meteorite rain to this town.

In fact, it was a rain of kryptonite.

Leaving Kryptonite fragments scattered throughout the town.

That thing is not only fatal to Superman, but also harmful to ordinary people.

Long-term exposure can lead to radiation poisoning, cancer, and even a chance of causing mutations in normal people.

It sounds like the superpowers appearing one after another in The Flash due to the explosion of the particle accelerator.

As Superman, Clark will soon enter the beginning stages of superherodom.

"Come on, little cousin."

Luke complained.

He is not interested in fighting criminals. His purpose is to train Clark and collect kryptonite of various colors.

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