Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 412 The final moment, restarting the universe

Midtown, apartment.

The legendary magical treadmill that can take speedsters through time and space, and even through various parallel universes, is actually no different from the equipment commonly found in gyms.

At least Luke couldn't see anything special about it.

Except for the running belt, which is made of special anti-friction material, the other parts are ordinary.

These days, Barry spends more energy on coordinate readings, space-time anchors and the like.

"You can use this to return to the time and space of the main universe?"

Luke looked at the Flash who was warming up with suspicion.

He didn't want Barry to run ahead or behind.

If you are unlucky, you will fall directly into the future metal event and face Barbatos and the Laughing Bat.

Or later on, appearing in Kingdom Come, Justice Society of America and the like.

That would be too bad!

"of course."

Barry nodded affirmatively. This was not the first time he had used the cosmic treadmill.

When it comes to traveling through time and space, apart from Reverse Flash, no one should be more professional than me.

"Trust me, Luke, you'll see another Clark soon."

There were only him and his Kryptonian cousin in the apartment. Batman Thomas Wayne did not show up. The other party just reminded them that they should remember the letter that was properly delivered to Bruce.

The thin Kal-El was sent away and stayed happily at the home of Flash's mother, waiting for dinner.

The truth behind this distortion of time and space is too cruel.

After careful consideration, Luke and Barry chose to hide it.

"Then let's get started."

Luke touched his chest, where there was a photo of him and Diana.

This is the only trace of his coming to this world.

As long as the Flash breaks through the time barrier again and returns to the time and space of the main universe.

Everything here will come to nothing and collapse.

"We'll see you again."

The corner of Luke's mouth raised. He and the proud Amazon princess had already said their final goodbyes.

Barry nodded and looked out the window with eyes full of nostalgia and reluctance.

"Goodbye, mother."

Compared with Luke and Diana's affectionate farewell, The Flash's inner feelings are more complicated and the choices he faces are more cruel.

The Kryptonian cousin and Wonder Woman can still see each other in the main time and space, but Barry's mother will never come back, and her fate is firmly fixed at the moment she was murdered by the Reverse Flash.

"Do you need to say goodbye again?"

Luke saw the sad look on Barry's face and couldn't help but pat him on the shoulder.

"Don't think too much when running. The more you hesitate, the slower you will go."

The Flash shook his head. This was a mistake he made and it was up to him to correct it.

"Thank you, Luke, but...this responsibility belongs to me."

After making an inner decision to abandon unnecessary emotions, Barry turned on the power of the cosmic treadmill and started running hard.

Threads of tiny electric lights seemed to be connected to some illusory space, forming a substantial force field that enveloped the entire apartment.

Luke felt the strong surge of the Speed ​​Force, like a surging wave, constantly releasing energy.

Soon, the rapidly expanding divine speed force field enveloped him, and together with the two figures in the apartment, they escaped from this wrong time and space that should not exist.


"Ah! This is... I saw three timelines, why?!"

Barry broke through the barrier of time and opened a wormhole like a rolling cloud.

However, his eyes showed three different time and spaces.

It's like a fork in the road!

"This is the reality that once existed."

Luke did not fall into doubt. The three timelines were one of the distorted and collapsed flash point, one of the former main time and space, and one of the 52 new parallel universes in the future.

"Barry, don't hesitate, follow your heart! Just focus on yourself and you will return to the right time and space!"

The firm and powerful voice reached the Flash's ears clearly.

He was certain in his heart that he would continue to accelerate and move crazily along the "channel" where the past and the future, history and reality run parallel!

The fleeting glimpses kept flashing back, and they were all kinds of memory fragments.

next moment!

Barry saw himself!

The one who opened the wormhole, prepared to change the established facts and save his mother!

The self who caused all these mistakes and countless tragedies!

"I understand how you feel, but you have to stop, you have to... stop!"

All the energy of the Speed ​​Force burst out, supporting the Flash to accelerate again and break through the limit.

He grabbed hold of "himself" and threw him to the ground.

Flashpoint, rewrite this!


The invisible loud noise echoed endlessly, as if the long river of time and space collapsed and disintegrated, triggering endless chain reactions.

Earth, multiverse, superheroes, Justice League...

The trajectory of fate keeps changing, as if being moved by a pair of invisible hands.


The surge of energy from the Speed ​​Force impacted Luke, and he was separated from the flying Flash and entered a completely different time stream.



"Barry, what's wrong with you?"

The Flash, whose consciousness fell into darkness, suddenly woke up and saw the dark face of his adoptive father Joe.

"Are you too tired recently? If you can't hold on any longer, go home and rest early."

A friendly and familiar voice sounded in Barry's ears. Everything seemed so far away, so trance-like, like a dream.

"Come on, we've been working on this case for eighteen hours, and sometimes it's not a good thing to be too nervous."

Joe comforted.

Barry lowered his head to look at the information at hand. The words "Rogue Gang" and "Captain Cold" were vaguely visible on it.

"Joe, do you know Superman?"

he asked hesitantly.

"Of course, who doesn't know about Superman in Metropolis! He was on the front page of the Daily Planet last month because he saved a plane crash!"

Joe looked at Barry with a strange expression, not understanding why the other party asked this.

"Nowadays, there are all kinds of superheroes and super criminals emerging in endlessly. The world is changing so fast that our police are no longer useful."

Hearing Joe's ramble, Barry clenched his fists excitedly.

He succeeded!

This is the correct time and space of the main universe!

"But Luke, where is he?"

After calming down, Barry frowned, as if he was remembering something.

He touched the pocket of his coat, where there was a letter that spanned time and space.

The "gift" that Dr. Wayne gave him is still there, but where is his cousin from Krypton?



"Here are the ten years that you stole?"

Luke didn't make it to the main universe, or more accurately, someone stopped him.

A naked man with blue skin and no clothes.

"You know...a lot."

The naked man sat cross-legged in the air, his eyes indifferent, without any emotion.

Behind him is a huge palace like a clock, with mechanical gears meshing and rotating, full of absolute mathematical coordination and ultimate perfection.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

The blue-skinned naked man stared at Luke calmly, no one could see his inner thoughts.

"Luke Cavill, Superman's eldest cousin...are you satisfied with this answer, Doctor Manhattan?"

Luke worked hard to contain every subtle mental fluctuation to prevent the other party from sensing his mind and reading his thoughts.

"You're not Kryptonian."

The man called "Dr. Manhattan" shook his head and said.

"You are someone who came to this universe from...somewhere else, just like me."

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