Superman of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 15 Mission accomplished, new goal

"Duggan! Did you see it? He lifted the Ford-modified military off-road vehicle with both hands!"

"I have eyes, you don't need to tell me! And he also twisted my beloved Winchester into a twist!"

"Can any of you explain why my tactical dagger can't break through his skin?"

"Is this guy really human?"


An hour later, the Howling Commandos who followed Luke to the Fort Drum Army Base in Jefferson County, New York, witnessed the most unbelievable and horrific scene in their lives.

As they say, the members of the Howling Commandos are all veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles and have special skills.

Trenches burying countless flesh and blood, barbed wire hanging with fragments of flesh and blood...

They had survived that kind of hell, had seen the most brutal executioners, and had also played the role of butchers.

Roaring cannons, machine guns spitting flames, tanks like steel monsters...

It can be said that I have never seen such a big scene!


The powerful power Luke showed in front of the Howling Commandos completely shattered the inherent understanding they had established over the past few decades!

Before this, Dugan and his team members had never thought that someone could lift a military off-road vehicle of more than ten tons like a barbell!

This is still a human being! ?

"Don't look at me like a monster."

Luke's face was calm and his breathing was even.

There was no clue that he had just completed a whole set of warm-up exercises using an off-road vehicle.

"I am just an ordinary soldier who longs for peace and a peaceful life."

Absorbing stellar energy in the past few days has made Luke's physique reach a new level again.

Like Superman, he may not be able to lift a plane of hundreds of tons, but lifting an off-road vehicle of more than ten tons is not a problem.

However, in this era where super soldiers can run rampant, people's ability to accept it is not as strong as that of later generations.

Imaginations about superpowers, aliens, and cosmic images are limited to science fiction novels.

Therefore, the members of the Howling Commandos were simply stunned by Luke's performance!

"You are obviously a monster, okay!"

Dugan, nicknamed "Dum Bomb", glanced at the twisted Winchester and the military off-road vehicle that was firmly in place, and swallowed the words silently.

"Cavill...sir, you are the legendary super soldier in the military, right?"

After a while, Dinu-Manelli, who was called a genius of disguise and a master of combat by Colonel Phillips, said.

After witnessing Luke's inhuman strength, the members of the Howling Commandos - at least Manelli himself - no longer had any objections to the young captain leading them.

Although he didn't know yet whether Luke had the basic qualities of a commander.

But the combat capability that can crush the Nazi army is enough to answer all doubts.

"No wonder Colonel Phillips asked him to lead the Howling Commandos."

Manelli was immediately relieved, and his inner dissatisfaction instantly dissipated.

"Super soldier?"

When Dugan heard this word, his eyes changed when he looked at Luke.

He had heard about this plan.

It is said that it is one of the military's research projects on human body enhancement.

"Yes, Steve Rogers and I both received serum injections from the Strategic Science Corps and became super soldiers."

Luke answered seriously.

Although he has nothing to do with super soldiers, this does not prevent him from using this excuse as a shield.

I wonder if people will suspect that Rogers and Luke have been injected with a fake serum in the future when they discover that the gap in ability between Rogers and Luke is getting wider and wider.

"Okay, sir, I'm sorry for what happened earlier."

Dugan shrugged, no longer his previous defensive indifference.

After seeing Luke's true strength and learning the identity of the super soldier, he no longer worried about whether the other party would hinder the team. Instead, he had strong doubts about "I can really be his teammate."

With Dugan's rich experience, he felt that if Luke was thrown on the battlefield, those Nazi soldiers would definitely cry for their fathers and mothers!

Hitler, who was far away in Berlin, might not even be able to sleep peacefully!

[Side mission: Howling Commandos, the first step of a war hero! (completed)】

[Requirements: Join and be recognized by more than three team members. (Achieved)]

[Reward: Scarecrow’s fear gas x10. (gained)】

When Luke received the message that the mission was completed, he treated the veterans as expected. The fastest way to gain their recognition was to show extraordinary ability.

【Reputation value detected! 】

【Open the mall! 】

Luke remained calm and immediately opened the character panel.

The above information has been updated, and a reputation value of fifty points is floating around - the provider is probably a member of the Howling Commandos.

"It seems that as long as respect, worship, and admiration are generated, reputation value can be generated..."

Luke reasoned.

He opened the mall, and just as he imagined, it was full of items, not much different from games.

There are all kinds of fun props, such as "Clark Kent's glasses."

The description below is "As long as you put it on, you can form an absolute disguise that is impossible to be discovered, and you will look like a tall and strong sunshine reporter."

Another example is "Batman's Escape Technique", which is specifically described as "when any target turns its back to you, activate this item and it will disappear from the opponent's sight."

There are also some skill cards for hero characters, such as "Physical Master" - from Deathstroke, which has the effect of being proficient in various types of firearms and cold weapons, and can defeat enemies several times more powerful than oneself through hand-to-hand combat alone.

Another example is the "expert of deception" - from the famous exorcist Constantine. The content is described as "having superb speaking skills that can persuade (deceive) even devils and angels."

And so on, to name a few.

These require reputation points to redeem.

"It's interesting!"

Luke's eyes lit up slightly. He was particularly interested in the "Forgiveness Hat Issuer" skill card in the mall - from Nightwing Dick Grayson.

The specific effect is "for women who have a fixed relationship, especially women who are superheroes by profession, your charm will be [-]% released."

How did you get this weird ability?

After quickly browsing the items in the mall, Luke regained his calm expression.

He cleared his throat, looked at the Howling Commandos and said, "I believe you all know that Colonel Phillips sent me to lead this team to prepare for a raid plan!"

"I can't tell you what the specific content is yet. But the team's final destination is Italy. I have prepared the pass and the appropriate identity."

"So you can think of this mission as a secret operation of pretending to be a smuggler, bypassing the blockade of the maritime patrol fleet, and sneaking into Sicily, Italy."

The members of the Howling Commandos looked at each other. Most of their previous missions were to attack Axis transport convoys or assassinate a high-level general.

I'm really not familiar with things like lurking and disguise.

However, after listening, the members headed by Damtan Dugan still said in unison: "All actions will follow your instructions, sir!"

"Okay, I believe that after this mission, the names of the Howling Commandos, and your names, will appear on the table of the White House!"

Luke promised.

He is not writing a blank check, if the mission planned by Colonel Phillips can be completed.

Then, Luke's name is likely to spread throughout the Allies.

The reputation points that can be harvested by then can be exchanged for a bunch of skill cards, or even unlock new templates!

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