The rise of new forces of elves

Chapter 28 New Experience Pack

But Lichuan didn't expect that his chicken soup would be so effective.

Just one day later, when he came to the unfinished building area to fight against this group of teenagers again, Ah Le, who had volunteered to be the first to fight today, caught Li Chuan off guard.

He habitually ordered Trumpet Ya to use the vine whip to attack first. Seeing the vine whip approaching Bobo flying in the air instantly, Li Chuan was still wondering why A Le didn't give the order, and A Le's voice rang out.

"Bobo, lightning flashed!"

The sudden burst of speed not only missed Trump's Vine Whip, but also caused a momentary defensive loophole in Trump's Defense - it took some reaction time for the Vine Whip to miss and re-attack.

Taking this opportunity, Bobo, who was flying rapidly, had already crossed the outstretched vine whip and hit the trumpet bud head-on.

Trumpet Ya's light body was immediately knocked away and rolled several times on the ground.

Seeing this, Ah Le couldn't help but grin.

When facing Lichuan yesterday, his waves flashed left and right, but were unable to break through Trumpet Ya's vine whip defense. Finally, in his impatience, a flaw was revealed and he was knocked off by the vine whip.

After listening to Lichuan's words, he went back and thought hard about how to break the vine whip defense, and it worked!

"A late attack?"

Lichuan frowned and looked at Bobo hovering in the air. Without thinking about whether this was shooting himself in the foot, he quickly thought about how to deal with it.

Before that, Lichuan really didn't realize what loopholes there were in the gap between Trumpet Bud's second attack with the vine whip. Unexpectedly, Ale taught him a lesson directly.

As long as the vine whip used by Horn Bud in the distance fails to work, Bobo can complete a harmless attack by using the high speed of the lightning flash.

"Next, we need to pay more attention to training on the speed of the cane whip..."

This idea flashed through his mind, and Lichuan had already figured out a response plan in a short time.

In order to adapt to such things, in addition to having a flexible mind, the accumulation of knowledge is also very necessary.

With the addition of past life memories, many things can be understood by analogy.

For example, in this situation, since there will be loopholes in the simultaneous attack of two vine whips, just like boxing, attack with one hand and defend with the other!

"Trumpet Bud, retract a vine whip to defend yourself, and use only one vine whip to attack!"

Hearing Li Chuan's loud order, Al Le, who was still waiting for Li Chuan to attack again, was stunned. The cracking method he had thought about for so long was now useless?

Bite the bullet, Bobo continued to try a few times with lightning flash, but facing the trumpet bud, the defensive vine whip that was waiting for it not only failed to have the initial effect, but he was almost tied up by the vine whip.

A Le and Bobo, who became more and more anxious as they fought, finally failed to find a way to crack it. Horn Bud seized the opportunity and violently pulled Bobo out of the air and fell to the ground, and was then tightly restrained.

"Ahhh! Lost again!" Ale covered his head and screamed, as if he had been whipped several times by Trumpet Bud.

"I'll give you a suggestion. Take the time to focus on training Bobo's speed. If your Bobo's speed can be faster, I may be the loser today."

In order to thank A Le for discovering the shortcomings of Trumpet Ya, Li Chuan walked up to A Le and gave advice in return.

The trainer's command is based on the elf's own abilities. The elf's own strength is sufficient, so it can seize some opportunities that others think are impossible.

The elf's own abilities are insufficient. If it wants to dodge or miss, the trainer will have too little room to play.

Li Chuan knew very well that the reason why he could defeat A Le and others so easily was not only due to his own command of the battle, but also because of the influence of Xiao Ya.

A highly malleable vine whip skill gives him too many advantages when facing these popular elves.

"I'll do my best!"

A Le nodded heavily, took out the spray to treat bruises from his pocket, carefully spread Bobo's feathers, and applied medicine to Bobo.

Seeing this, Li Chuan stopped disturbing A Le and continued to invite other teenagers to fight.

Half an hour later, Lichuan, who had won five games in a row, looked at the three teenagers in front of him who shook their heads like rattles, and frowned imperceptibly.

Li Chuan estimated that his consecutive battles had shaken the confidence of these three people, causing the three teenagers to become wary when faced with his invitation to fight, and were unwilling to fight him again.

After persuading and encouraging for a while, Lichuan, who still couldn't save these three people, sighed.

It was clear that Trumpet Ya could still fight, but in the end he had no opponent. This kind of thing was really beyond Lichuan's expectations.

Thinking that the eight experience babies suddenly became five, and maybe there would be fewer in the future, Li Chuan couldn't help but think about how to make up for these experience gaps.

After thinking about it, Li Chuan came to Ah Le and asked in a low voice, "A Le, do you know if there are any other trainers nearby who are similar in strength to us?"

"Li Chuan, why did you ask about this?" A Le looked at Li Chuan strangely, and it was difficult to understand what Li Chuan was thinking.

"I want to fight with more different trainers to enrich my fighting experience, but I just moved nearby and I don't know much about these situations, so I thought of asking you to find out."

Li Chuan solemnly made up a plausible reason, which made A Le believe it and think about it carefully.

After a while, Ale shook his head and replied.

"There are quite a few elves around us, but many of them are adults. The elves they have raised for many years should be much stronger than us."

"And among people around our age, we are the only ones who are willing to fight and have time to get together on weekdays."

"That's it~"

Li Chuan couldn't hide the disappointment on his face, but he didn't expect that he had just been defeated by Li Chuan. Ali, who was sitting nearby applying medicine to mosquito tadpoles, interjected, "A Le, have you forgotten the group of people who came out of the orphanage? ?”

A Le curled his lips, with a look of disgust on his face, "Of course I haven't forgotten those bastards! But those guys have such a bad relationship with us, they will definitely not agree to compete with Li Chuan."

"That's right." Little Fatty Ali smacked his lips and agreed with what A Le said, "Given the grievances between the two of us, let alone agreeing to discuss it, even if we don't fight when we meet, we are considered good-tempered!"

He does not mean that.

Although the exchange between A Le and Ali only lasted a few words, Li Chuan probably understood that there were indeed a group of 'experience packets' nearby, but their relationship with A Le and the others was very poor.

Lichuan, who was worried about the lack of experience points, didn't care about this and immediately asked the other group for specific information.

Seeing that Li Chuan was interested, A Le and Ali suddenly talked about the 'grievances' between them and another group of people.

Five minutes later, Lichuan briefly summarized what the two said in his mind.

Compared to the eight-person group of A Le and others, the other group was larger, about a dozen people, all of whom had left the orphanage.

The orphanages in the Dark City will only raise unadopted children until they are twelve years old at most. After the age of twelve, these helpless teenagers can only fend for themselves.

Some of them will work hard to find a job to support themselves, but some will choose to go astray for various reasons.

The group A Le and the two were talking about were the latter.

This group of people always does petty theft. Even if they are caught accidentally, because they are too young, the stolen things are not considered valuable. The police station often just locks them up for a few days, and waits until they are released. Everything is business as usual.

For some reasons, A Le and others had a conflict with this group of people, but the two sides only insulted each other and never really started fighting.

Lichuan strongly suspected that people on both sides were probably worried about the consequences of a fight, so they all chose to follow their hearts...

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