The rise of new forces of elves

Chapter 26 First Experience

Since the [View] ability is a passive skill with no special effects, and Trumpet Ya is too familiar with it, Lichuan usually doesn't pay much attention to the information above Trumpeter Ya's head.

But no matter how careless he is, Li Chuan will not fail to know the level of Trumpet Ya after spending all day and night with him.

Lichuan knew very well that just a minute ago, Trumpet Bud's level was Level 10, and in the blink of an eye, it became Level 11.

It’s nothing to upgrade, but it’s been less than half a month since the speaker buds were last upgraded.

And Lichuan remembered that it took almost that long for the trumpet bud to rise from Lv9 to Lv10, with more than thirty Paras providing experience points in between.

The experience gained from battles is less than before, but the speed of upgrading is about the same...

There must be something strange about this!

Li Chuan tapped his index finger on the armrest of the bench and quickly took stock of the differences between the two upgrades.

"The amount of training has increased a bit."

"I bought special elf food."

"Trump buds eat a lot."

"Huh?" Li Chuan's fingers tapping on the armrest suddenly hovered in the air, and a flash of inspiration suddenly came to his mind.

"Is this the function of 'Glutton'? Eat more, digest quickly, and keep exercising, which speeds up the improvement of strength (experience points) to a certain extent?!"

Although there is no way to determine whether this possibility is correct, it is an indisputable fact that the upgrade of trumpet buds is accelerated in this living condition, and the current conditions can be maintained in the future!

"If you spend a little more money every month, you can get the trumpet buds upgraded faster. 'Glutty' is so delicious!"

Staring at the trumpet bud that filled his head, the depression in Lichuan's heart receded like a tide, replaced by deep joy.

"If you add in the experience gained from winning the battle, I'm afraid it will take less than a few months for Trumpet Bud to evolve into a dumbass!" After optimistically estimating the situation, Li Chuan couldn't stop smiling. .


After having breakfast outside, Lichuan returned to the apartment with Trumpet Bud.

Instead of immediately starting to practice calligraphy and recognition like before, Lichuan sat at the table and thought about how to double-accelerate the growth of Trumpet Ya's strength through battles.

There are very few traces of wild elves in the city. If you want to gain battle experience points, the best way is to find other trainers.

It was with this in mind that Lichuan chose to concentrate on training Trumpet Ya for a period of time to give it more skills in dealing with various situations.

After a week, Lichuan had mastered some of the techniques that Lichuan thought of and Xiaoya Ya had mastered. Lichuan, who felt that there was no way to effectively improve Xiaoyaya's actual combat power in a short period of time, naturally turned his attention back to finding someone to fight against. .

Going to fight with a trainer, especially when the primary purpose is to gain fighting experience, is not something that can be done in one go.

The right way is to find a suitable battle group based on your own strength!

For this reason, Lichuan did not go looking for the trainers staying at the Elf Center, even though it would save a lot of time in searching and identifying them.

The trainers who choose to stay at the Elf Center are basically not locals of Dark City, and most of them are trainers who are traveling abroad.

Generally speaking, most of these trainers have a certain level of strength.

Without knowing which elves they have and what their strength is, if they rashly go up and shout, "Please fight me," there is a high probability that Lichuan will leave in despair with defeat.

In order to ensure the success of his plan to gain battle experience, Lichuan set his target on local trainers in Dark City.

To be precise, they are the local teenage boys with elves in Dark City.

These teenagers who have little elves, but because of their childish nature, are greedy for playing and neglect to exercise, their strength is quite limited, so they are just the targets for training.

During this week, although Lichuan allocated a lot of time to study and training, he also took the time to go to the nearby area to learn about the situation, and found such a place...

"Let's go and take a look this afternoon!"


After taking a nap to regain his energy, Lichuan left the residence at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Although it was still unbearably hot outside, there was a large area of ​​shade where Lichuan was going.

From a distance, Lichuan saw several unfinished buildings in his sight.

It is said that there was a problem with the developer's capital chain, and the people immediately ran away, leaving behind these unfinished buildings and hundreds of house buyers who paid reservation fees...

But this has nothing to do with Lichuan. Lichuan came here just because a group of young trainers used this area as their daily base.

Entering the area of ​​the unfinished building, Lichuan heard a burst of enthusiastic shouting.

Following the sound, Lichuan soon discovered the group of teenagers in the area between the two buildings.

At this time, there were two people in the field directing the elves to fight, while the rest were watching from the outside.

Lichuan counted a total of eight teenagers, all boys.

Focusing on the two elves who were confronting each other, the information that only Lichuan could see was clearly visible.

【Bobo Lv16】

【Ratada Lv14】

Both elves had white qualifications. Lichuan paid special attention to the experience bars of the two elves and found that Ratada's experience bar was still green, while Bobo's experience bar had turned orange.

Silently writing down the data of these two cases, Lichuan stood aside and observed the actual command level of the two men.

After looking at it for half a minute, Lichuan was completely relieved.

There were just a few moves back and forth, and he looked very much like himself who could only tell the trumpet bud to use the vine whip.

"Bobo, another wing attack!"

"Ratada, don't be afraid of it, just hit it and hit it!"

After a chess match between opponents, Bobo's side won.

Looking at the Rattata lying on the ground with no obvious injuries, Lichuan felt that the Rattata most likely fell from exhaustion...

When the battle in the field ended, Lichuan immediately said, "Are you elf trainers?"

Hearing the sudden sound, the teenagers present realized that there was one more person.

After looking at each other for a few times, the boy using Bobo took the initiative to take a few steps forward and seemed to be the leader of the group.

The boy looked to be only eleven or twelve years old, his body had not yet entered the growth stage, and he was only about meters tall. He did not have stage fright when facing Lichuan, who was centimeters taller than him, and asked with a vigilant face, "Is something wrong?"

Lichuan smiled slightly and took the initiative to express his kindness, "Because I have been training alone before and I don't know what my own strength is, so I really want to find some powerful trainers to learn from each other."

When dealing with these teenagers, it is obviously easier to communicate with them.

Hearing what Lichuan said as a 'powerful trainer', the vigilance on the leading boy's face disappeared immediately, and he replied with a smile, "We are not very powerful, but if you want to find someone to compete with, we are completely welcome!"

"By the way, I'm Ale, what's your name?"

The surrounding teenagers also gathered around at this time. While introducing themselves, they also kept asking Lichuan various questions.

Sighing inwardly, Lichuan felt as if he had become a transfer student in an elementary school class.

However, in order to smoothly turn these children into his own experience babies, Lichuan still kept his temper and answered various questions one by one in a kind tone.

After nearly ten minutes of communication, Li Chuan also initially integrated into this small group. Taking advantage of the moment when no one spoke, Li Chuan seized the opportunity to request a battle.

The leading boy, Ah Le, looked around at his companions, "Dahe and I just had a fight, and we can't fight for the time being. Which one of you wants to fight Lichuan?"

"I'll do it!" A fat man grabbed this opportunity with a loud voice and invited Lichuan to the battle field that was specially surrounded by bricks.

After walking to the trainer's position, the little fat man reminded him seriously, "My elf is a mosquito tadpole, Lichuan, you have to be careful!"

After looking at the seemingly decent battlefield, and then at the serious little fat man, Lichuan restrained his original casual attitude.

The first trainer duel after coming to this world seems to be pretty good...

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