
The door lock was unlocked, and as Kazumi walked into the house, Lichuan immediately observed the environment inside the house.

The living room is a little messy, but there is no garbage or smell;

The lighting and ventilation are okay. The only drawback is that the space is too small. If you want to train the elves, you have to go to the nearby park.

After all, this is an apartment in the city. It is unlikely that every house has a spacious front and back yard like in Songzao Town. Lichuan can still accept this.

After being led by Kazumi to look at the room, Lichuan formally discussed the rent issue with Kazumi.

When Kazumi offered to rent out a room, Lichuan did not immediately agree.

It's not that I'm worried about some conspiracy with Mei.

In fact, there was nothing more than a little awkwardness between him and Kazumi.

Being asked for help by a strange fellow countryman, it was something that could have been rejected or agreed to, but because he had a letter from his sister, he had to go on this trip. It was inevitable that Kazumi would have some opinions about Lichuan.

If Kazumi hadn't come to 'apologize' today, and if there were no accidents, the two of them would have definitely gone their separate ways in the future.

But since Kazumi came to apologize, even though Lichuan had some doubts about the sincerity of the apology, he still chose to put peace first.

Both parties have their own relationship, and with the bond of Qingmei, the two can start normal interpersonal communication again.

It's just that the two of them were not familiar with each other before, so they still need to pay attention.

Now that I have seen it on site, if the environment is quite satisfactory, the rent issue needs to be carefully discussed.

Looking at Lichuan, who was five or six centimeters shorter than herself, in some strange way, Kazumi finally understood why Kiyomi's letter said Lichuan was more reliable.

After a simple exchange along the way, Li Chuan's words and deeds were completely free of the irritability of his peers. He behaved very calmly, giving people a feeling of reassurance.

In this case, Kazumi also subconsciously crossed out some words to coax the child, and instead talked to Lichuan as an adult.

"I won't hide it from you. The rent for this apartment is yuan per month, and the water and electricity bills are not included."

"Originally, I didn't plan to share the apartment with others, but I feel a little tight lately and I have to think of ways to save money. You just happened to be here, Lichuan, so I immediately thought of this method."

"As for the environment, Lichuan, you have also seen it. You can use the living room and kitchen. But since you have saved your water and electricity bills, I can't give you a lower rent. The two of us will share it equally at . How’s the rent?”

Lichuan had never known the rent price in the Dark City, and what Hemei said sounded like this, but the price obviously did not meet his expectations, and he shook his head repeatedly in an attempt to bargain.

"Tight money? Sister Hemei, don't lie to me. Qingmei told me that you opened a well-known firm in the Dark City. How can you be tight on money?"

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Kazumi's face, and she was a little confused about whether to make her face look fat.

When he graduated from the Ninja Academy and came to Dark City with high spirits, Kazumi never thought that his career would be so difficult.

The apartment rent, which she didn't think was a big deal at the time, has actually had an impact on her quality of life. Even if Lichuan doesn't come, she will still look for a suitable co-tenant.

After hesitating for a while, Kazumi told Lichuan the truth.

He didn't want his relatives to know about his embarrassment, but he could express it to someone who was not familiar with Li Chuan.

When he heard Kazumi talking about how she received one commission in the first two months and earned 1500 yuan, and only received two commissions in the past month, Lichuan decisively decided not to tell her that Takako's mother-in-law offered to buy it at a high price. The matter of Paras, so as not to irritate him...

Kazumi, who told Koikawa the current situation, rolled her eyes, made a pitiful expression, and seized the opportunity to express her worries.

"So, you want me to help you to make Qingmei give up the idea of ​​coming to the Dark City in the near future?"

Seeing Kazumi nodding her head repeatedly, Lichuan touched her chin, and his eyes fell on Kazumi's face, which was very similar to Kiyomi.

"I have no objection to helping my sister maintain a perfect image in front of her, five hundred!"

"What five hundred?" Kazumi, who was delighted that Lichuan agreed to help, didn't react for a while and asked in confusion.

"The monthly rent is five hundred." Lichuan explained.

Kazumi's narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile on her face was still there, but it was less infectious. "You mean to make a deal with this?"

"No, no, no, sister Kazumi, you misunderstood. This is just to continue the bargaining session that I just didn't finish. I will do whatever I promised!" Lichuan, who had been observing the change in Kazumi's expression, quickly explained, but secretly thought in his heart, really'.

Regarding Kazumi's sudden apology, Lichuan always retained some trust. It was not until Kazumi asked for help that Lichuan realized something.

After a little exploration, it is basically certain that the purpose of Hemi's apology and goodwill is for this matter.

This result made Lichuan breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise he would not have dared to live under the same roof with Kazumi.

Looking at Lichuan suspiciously, Kazumi wasn't sure whether Lichuan hadn't expressed himself clearly for a while, but seeing that he didn't seem to be faking it, he had no choice but to give up and concentrate on discussing the rent issue.

Ten minutes later, Kazumi curled her lips and reached out to take the 700 yuan handed over by Li Chuan.

Being forcefully bargained down to the lowest price by Lichuan, Kazumi didn't want to see this kid who was so skilled at haggling.

After handing the spare key to Lichuan, Kazumi began to drive people away, "I still have some of my own things in the guest room that need to be packed away. You can buy some daily necessities first, bedding and pillows~"

Lichuan was a good person, and he was planning to take a tour of the Dark City after confirming his residence.

After asking Kazumi about the location of the most famous elf food store in Dark City, Lichuan quickly ran out the door.

"Danger removed!"

Kazumi breathed a sigh of relief, pulled Li Chuan to the same side, and waited for the reply to find an excuse together. In the short term, there is no need to worry about Kiyomi coming to the Dark City, but...

After looking around the room, the smile on Kazumi's face gradually faded.

There is no need to worry in the short term, but this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. If you want to be completely reassured, you still have to change the status quo to the point where you can speak out.

"Just hold on for another month~ If you still can't make any money, you really need to consider finding a dojo to join..."


Taking the elevator from the seventh floor to the first floor, Lichuan looked back at the building number of the apartment behind him, bought a city map from a newsstand not far away, and groped towards the location Kazumi told him.

Although it is not ruled out that some breeders open stores with unique characteristics and the food they make is more popular with elves, but when he first arrived, Lichuan didn't have much time to inquire, so he had to go straight to the most famous elf food store in the Dark City. go.

To be able to do such a big business, the product may not be the best, but it must be of a certain level. After all, if the product is not good, it will be difficult to stand out from the peers.

After walking around and getting familiar with the road conditions and landmark buildings, Lichuan spent two hours arriving at the target location.

It is completely different from the small shop Lichuan imagined. This elf food store is comparable in size to a supermarket. The shelves are filled with a variety of packaged elf foods. Every few shelves there is a person responsible for explaining and selling. personnel.

Seeing the customers in front of him wandering around the store, Lichuan followed suit and searched for the trumpet bud label among the various elf foods.

In this store, the elf food is placed separately according to the type of elf.

Carikawa walked around for a while, and even saw snake bear, mook bird and other elf labels that were not common in the Kanto area on several shelves. However, the types and quantities of food on the shelves were very small.

But this is natural. The shop owner opens the shop to make money. The more common elves are, the more food made for them will be on the shelves.

After walking around in the store, Lichuan finally saw Xiaoya Ya's cute avatar label.

He walked over quickly, and before Lichuan could take a closer look, a blond young man with a bright smile came up to him next to the shelf.

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