The black and gray pillow was thrown into the air, and Lichuan shouted, "Tie it up!"

With a swishing sound, two vine whips shot up from below, quickly wrapped around the pillow and tightened it, forcibly twisting the pillow into a twist.

"Drop it off!"

Two vine whips raised the pillow high into the air, and a second later threw it heavily to the ground.

"Take it out!"

When the pillow fell halfway, Li Chuan's voice sounded again.

A vine whip in mid-air quickly lowered its height and struck the pillow just before it hit the ground, sending it flying away.

Looking at the pillow that had been turned over countless times and covered with a lot of dust, Lichuan gave the final order.

"Roll it back!"

Two vine whips twisted and jumped out like snakes, rolled up the troubled pillow, and brought it back to Xiao Ya.

Only then did Trumpet Ya put away the vine whip, twisted its head back 360 degrees, looked at Lichuan in a cute manner, and screamed "Hiss, sssss, sssss," with its big pink round mouth.

"Well done!" Lichuan applauded Xiaoya Ya sincerely.

After bringing Trumpet Bud into the room yesterday, Lichuan played a pillow tossing game with it.

Not only is it gradually increasing the trumpet bud's acceptance of its own orders, but it is also exploring the power of the vine whip in depth.

After a day and a half, Lichuan conducted a comprehensive inspection and determined that the use of trumpet bud's vine whip was admirable.

Although there are still areas waiting for improvement such as the speed of the vine whip is not enough, the strength of the vine whip is insufficient, etc., but these are aspects that require long-term training to achieve results, and obviously cannot be confused with Trumpet Ya's performance today.

For Trumpet Ya, who could only use the cane whip in summer eight times before yesterday, being able to start using the cane whip flexibly is definitely a sign of a sudden increase in strength!

At least, Li Chuan felt that if he had another fight with Xiaoya, whether he could win or not would depend on whether Xiaoya would panic during the battle.

And once he encounters a foreign enemy, with him as a trainer nearby giving orders from the perspective of a bystander, even if Trumpet Ya has little combat experience, he can probably give it a try.

Since he was planning to go into the mountains tonight to earn some living expenses, Lichuan, who had no previous experience in going into the mountains at night, was even more careful.

After getting the trumpet buds to work, Lichuan dug out an old schoolbag at home and packed some deworming and detoxifying medicines, as well as biscuits to satisfy his hunger at night, and then forced himself to take a nap.

When the sun set in the west, Lichuan woke up and took care of himself briefly. He picked up the old schoolbag placed beside the bed and also brought an ax for chopping firewood at home for self-defense.

However, Carikawa did not go into the mountain immediately, but walked towards Qingmei's house. He had to get some Poké Balls.

Not long after, Lichuan arrived at the Chinese medicine store.

Li Chuan opened the door curtain and walked into the room, and immediately saw Qingmei leaning on the edge of the counter with a smile on her face.

The changing light of the door curtain also attracted Qingmei's attention. She turned around and saw Lichuan standing at the door. Qingmei smiled and said, "Lichuan, I was just wondering if you forgot to get the Poké Ball, and you came here~"

Looking in a good mood?

Lichuan stepped forward and was about to ask when he noticed someone else sitting at the counter.

He has an old appearance and a stern smile, which makes him feel inaccessible.

He immediately suppressed the words that came to his lips and took the initiative to say hello to Takako's mother-in-law.

After slightly tilting her head in response to Lichuan's greeting, Granny Takako took the lead and asked, "Can you command your elf now?"

Lichuan was a little confused. In the memory of his predecessor, Takako's mother-in-law had always been difficult to contact. Polite greetings were usually the only communication between the two. Why did he take the initiative to speak today?

Confused, Lichuan still answered honestly, "Drumpet Ya is quite obedient."

After the cloudy eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts glanced back and forth on Lichuan's face several times, Grandma Takako nodded again, "That's good."

But in a blink of an eye, his tone became stern, "You have to remember to only move around in the nearby mountains and don't go too far, otherwise I won't take any of the Paras you catch!"

Takako's mother-in-law didn't say anything anymore, stood up and walked to the inner room, leaving Qingmei looking at Lichuan with an apologetic look, "Lichuan, don't worry, grandma is actually a very nice person..."

"I know." Lichuan replied with a smile.

After asking about the situation, he gave a stern warning, and then turned around and left. How could Lichuan not guess what Takako's mother-in-law meant? She was waiting here specifically to emphasize the importance of safety to herself.

"It would be best if you could understand Lichuan~" Qingmei glanced at Lichuan gratefully, then turned around and walked into the counter, taking out the ten pokeballs prepared in advance.

"Lichuan, you put it away first. I'll get it for you when you're done using it."

He took off his schoolbag and unzipped the chain. Since his left hand was beaten so hard by the trumpet bud the day before yesterday, and it still ached a little, Lichuan had no choice but to grab the shrunken Poké Ball with one hand, put most of it into the bag, and left it. Put the next two in your pocket.

When Li Chuan first came to this world, he turned around with the only Poké Ball owned by his predecessor, trying to find out the secret of how big or small the Poké Ball could be, and how it contained space.

But obviously, apart from getting the Poké Ball dirty, Carikawa, who had limited knowledge, had nothing to gain, so he had to study the fool-proof usage of the Poké Ball so that he could use it...

Putting his bag back on his back, Lichuan finally had the opportunity to ask Qingmei the question he had wanted to ask since he entered the house.

"Qingmei, you seem to be in a good mood?"

"Have you noticed?" Qingmei blinked and took the initiative to introduce the situation without waiting for Lichuan to ask.

"To tell you the truth, a total of 11 Paras were delivered to the store yesterday. Today, with one more person, there are 16 Paras. When you come to trade tomorrow, Lichuan, this number will surely be even higher. many."

"According to this situation, as long as the number of Paras collected in the next two days is more than 15, I will decide to continue to acquire Paras."

"The total acquisition target is currently expected to be 300."

Although the pharmaceutical factory's order only required 500 mushrooms, considering that some paras might have missing mushrooms on their backs, Takako's mother-in-law set a goal of purchasing 300 paras, and Qingmei just went by this number.

"This is indeed a good thing!"

Compared with the deadline of trading in two days, Lichuan is naturally happy to see the extension of time.

A Paras costs 600 yuan, and if you catch three of them in one night, you get 1800 yuan. This daily income directly crushes the normal income of most people.

It's a pity that this kind of income is only quick money for a short period of time. I don't know when I will encounter such an opportunity next time.

Lichuan thought a little greedily.

After laughing at himself and thanking Qingmei for giving him the opportunity to hit the "Ten Thousand Yuan Household" achievement in a short period of time, Lichuan hurried to the mountains.


Entering the mountains again, Lichuan's mentality was completely different.

The mountains and forests that I thought I needed to be careful about every step of the way now seem to have a somewhat familiar feel.

"So, strength is the most courageous!"

He took out the trumpet bud with a smile, and after thinking for a moment, Lichuan stretched out his right hand in front of the trumpet bud.

A minute later, Lichuan started again.

Trumpet Bud's slender body was wrapped around Li Chuan's right arm twice, and its cute face was pressed against Li Chuan's right shoulder. Its small eyes were full of surprise. After all, this was the first time it had grown so tall. See the world from perspective.

However, this novelty only lasted for a while. Trumpet Bud soon focused on the small insects flying in the air. From time to time, he loosened the coil around Lichuan's arm and swallowed the passing flying insects in one gulp. insect.

Some bugs may look inconspicuous, but when someone bites them, the consequences are no joke.

In addition, the sky was getting dark, and the forest was full of darkness. Lichuan was worried that it might be too late to release the trumpet buds if the situation really happened, so he simply took it upon himself.

The light of the flashlight shone forward, ignoring the various juggling performances of the trumpet bud on his arm. Carikawa carefully thought about the information Qingmei said about Paras.

Unlike the gregarious nature of its evolved Paras, Paras is always solitary.

Unlike Paras, who have the habit of not completely sucking up the nutrients from the big trees and letting the trees die before moving to another place, although Paras always burrow into the ground and bite through the roots of the trees to absorb nutrients, they do not Will do it so well.

Paras often crawl out of the ground at night, look for another large, vibrant tree, and then burrow back into the ground.

"In other words, it's purely a matter of luck~"

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