Undercurrent of Konoha

Chapter 38 Surprised Jiraiya

Heiji's stomach growled with hunger, so he had to light a bonfire, then caught a few small fish and shrimps in the river, tied them with branches, and roasted them on the fire.

After a while, the scent of fish and shrimp gradually spread, penetrated into Heiji's nostrils, and made his mouth water.

"Hahaha...it smells so good...burp——!"

A tall white-haired ninja wandered to the bonfire, his face was red, and his body exuded a strong smell of wine and a faint fragrance of powder.

"Jiraiya-sama...do you want to taste a skewer?"

Heiji felt helpless in his heart. No wonder Jiraiya had been gone for so long. It turned out that he was collecting information through his unique method.

"Hiccup—! No need...next time."

Jiraiya took out a palm-sized plastic water balloon from the bag on his body, threw it to Heiji, and then slowly stretched out his right hand, holding it with five fingers, palm upward.

A large amount of chakra quickly condensed in the palm of the hand, first forming a cyclone, and then the power of the cyclone suddenly increased dozens of times, and actually formed a ball-shaped object in the palm of the hand that shone with dazzling white light and rotated at high speed.

"See clearly! This is the ninjutsu I want to teach you!"

Jiraiya turned around and rushed towards a huge locust tree, pressing the white chakra ball in his right hand on the trunk of the tree.


A huge explosion sounded, and the towering tree with a diameter of more than half a meter was blown apart in half. A black hole the size of a bowl appeared in the center of the trunk. The destructive force had easily penetrated the entire tree.

"Rasengan... This is the legacy of the Fourth Hokage..."

Jiraiya sighed softly, with a hint of loneliness in his eyes and a solemn expression.

"To learn this ninjutsu, you don't need to form seals. You only need to control the chakra in your body to condense in the palm of your hand, and then spin it quickly."

Jiraiya took out another palm-sized water balloon from the bag and held it gently in his hand.

"Watch it——!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the water ball suddenly began to shake violently, with irregular bulges constantly appearing on the surface of the ball.


The water ball exploded with a sound, and the water inside splashed everywhere on the ground.

"This is the first stage. You must first control the rapid flow of chakra until the water ball in your palm bursts."

Jiraiya yawned. Obtaining information just now consumed a lot of energy and energy, and he drank a lot of wine. He needed to take a rest and take a nap.

Taking a deep breath, Heiji held the water ball in his hand and began to use his mind to control the chakra all over his body to gather in the palm of his hand, then control the direction of the flow of chakra and spin it quickly.

The water polo suddenly more than doubled in size, and the water inside flowed even faster.

One minute has passed... Three minutes have passed... Five minutes have passed...

Seeing that the water balloon had been stretched for a long time, the plastic skin had lost its original elasticity, but it did not explode.

"what is the reason behind the scene……"

Heiji's fingers were stiff due to the large consumption of chakra, and his whole body was a little dizzy.

However, after the water balloon was expanded, the ball that was originally filled with water became half full, and it became even more impossible to squeeze the surface of the ball with water.

"There must be some trick to it..."

Heiji carefully recalled the moment when Jiraiya broke the water ball. He didn't stretch the water ball as big as he did when he broke it, but instead continued to produce irregular bulges on the surface of the ball.

Could it be that... instead of controlling the flow of chakra in one direction... but to constantly change the direction of the flow? No rules at all?

Heiji picked up the inflated water balloon, went to the river, and filled it with water.

Because the water polo has become almost as big as a football, Heiji can no longer hold it with his hands and can only hold it horizontally.

Taking another deep breath, Heiji began to control the chakra in his palm to flow rapidly.

This time, Heiji no longer made the chakra flow in one direction, but up and down, left and right.

As expected, bumps of different sizes and shapes appeared on the surface of the water ball, and the entire water ball began to shake violently.


The football-sized water ball suddenly exploded, and the water inside splashed everywhere, covering Heiji's head and face.

"Ah - sneeze!"

Jiraiya had just fallen asleep when he suddenly felt a large amount of cold water being poured on his face. He suddenly woke up and was mostly drunk.

"You broke the water balloon-?! Why is there so much water..."

Jiraiya looked at Heiji, his surprise was palpable.

Heiji explained a little apologetically: "At first, I controlled the chakra to flow in one direction, which inflated the water ball... Then, I filled the water ball with water, and then controlled the chakra to flow in different directions. Directional flow…”

Jiraiya still looked dumbfounded. You must know that this ninjutsu is an extremely difficult ninjutsu with a difficulty level of A. It not only requires powerful chakra to support it, but also requires extremely skilled control of the flow speed of chakra. and direction.

These abilities can be said to be almost impossible for an ordinary genin who looks weak and has no blood advantage.

However, the young man named Heiji in front of him just did it...

And it takes such a short time, which is simply a miraculous existence.

Jiraiya pondered for a moment, then took out a water ball from the bag and threw it to Heiji.

Originally, he was ready to demonstrate it to Heiji several times, so he bought a dozen water polo balls in total, but he didn't expect that Heiji had already learned it after only demonstrating it once.

"Try again...see if you can still break it..."

Heiji glanced at Jiraiya, feeling slightly uneasy. He was also worried that he had accidentally broken the water balloon just now.

This time, Heiji gathered all the chakra in his body into the palm of his hand, and then controlled the chakra to flow rapidly in different directions!


In less than half a second, the water ball exploded violently.

The water inside was filled with a large amount of chakra, splashing everywhere, hitting Heiji's face and body, causing burning pain.

Jiraiya stood in front of Heiji, and naturally he was not spared. Water splashed all over his head and face...

"Okay...the first phase of training is completed...now the second phase begins!"

Jiraiya took out a palm-sized white leather ball from the bag, held it in his palm, and then began to control the concentration and flow of chakra.

A large number of irregular bulges soon appeared on the surface of the ball, and then it exploded with a "bang" sound.

"you try--!"

Heiji took a ball and held it in his palm.

Compared with the previous water polo, the surface of the leather ball is covered with leather, which is many times tougher than the plastic skin of the water polo.

At the same time, the water polo is filled with tangible water, while the rubber ball is hollow with only thin air inside.

Using thin air flow to squeeze through the extremely tough surface of the ball is hundreds of times more difficult than previous water polo training?

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