Hogwarts' Demolition Wizards

Chapter 12 Causes and Development

At the beginning of the night, Simo's family was having dinner in a private room of a luxurious restaurant, and there were dots of night lights outside the window. .bxwz9.org

Seamo brought the habits of his previous life to the present. He was always used to talking about things while eating. It may be that in his previous life, the impression of chatting with friends at a late-night snack stall was solidified in his memory.

"Seamus, you mean to say that 1 pounds of rubies can be exchanged for 1000 gold coins like this?" Jack seemed quite confused and puzzled. After all, no one wants to make a loss-making business. "This doesn't mean anything at all." The truth is, the price of gold is rising recently, and this gold coin is currently equivalent to about 120 pounds. They can buy it themselves, so why should they trade with you."

"I don't know why, Daisy, do you know the reason for this?" Seamus asked Daisy, hoping to know the reason why the goblin made this deal.

"I probably still remember a little bit. When I was taking History of Magic, Professor Binns' voice was too easy to put people to sleep. I only remember that after the second goblin war, they were forced to sign a contract. They were not allowed to have magic and could only interact with wizards. I can't remember the transaction and the rest clearly, after all, I didn't remember it in class." Daisy couldn't give a complete answer, but she finally knew the reason.

Seamus thought, that is to say, because they can only trade with wizards, they opened Gringotts and only trade with wizards. Even if the only interaction with Muggles is the exchange of pounds for gold Galleons under the leadership of Hogwarts, Gringotts is actually just a trading platform and is only responsible for a transfer, whether it is pounds or gold galleons. Longdu has nothing to do with them.

Couldn't the wizard sell them rubies? To actually need to trade with a little wizard who has not yet gone to school is another problem.

After thinking for a long time, he still had no clue, so he decided to ask Daisy.

"Is there a big demand for rubies among wizards? Or do you see rubies often?"

In order to take care of Daisy, a wizard who had just graduated and left the magic world, Seamo asked in a different way, otherwise he was afraid that the answer would be wrong.

"Basically I have never seen rubies, and I don't know of any magic that requires rubies. At the worst, you can use alchemy to transform rubies, but there are not many people in the UK who know alchemy." Daisy held her chin and said.

"I'm afraid that's the reason. Wizards don't need rubies, but goblins do. And there's another most important reason. British wizards probably don't know how to mine. As Daisy said, there are basically no wizards in the UK. If you know how to do alchemy, you don't need all kinds of minerals." Jack felt suddenly enlightened and found the answer from Daisy's words.

"Indeed, and when the goblins saw the rubies, they all said they were 'natural'. I'm afraid they were transformed by alchemy and were not needed." Seamo also recalled the scene at that time.

This is why the goblins choose to trade with him, and are even willing to give him the soul guardian for free. The fundamental reason is that besides him, the goblins have no choice. Even trading with him was considered a borderline move, because he had not yet reported to Hogwarts, and strictly speaking, he was not yet a member of the wizarding world.

But obviously, the contract did not prevent this, which shows that the contract at that time recognized his identity as a wizard. Because the wizard's contract is far more terrifying than imagined. Once violated, the consequences will be unbearable to anyone. Just like Voldemort, who possesses Horcruxes, can be resurrected even if his body is destroyed after withstanding the Killing Curse.

But if he signs a contract with someone else and the result of violating it is death, then no matter how many Horcruxes he has, he cannot escape the fate of death. The power of the contract basically overrides everything. No matter what kind of curse or counter-curse it is, there is no way to resist the power of the contract.

"Although it's not clear why they need rubies, at present, there is no problem with this transaction, and it is even a huge profit for us. In this case, we only need to exchange the gold coins for pounds. , why do they need to continue to make money?" Jack didn't think about why they needed rubies for the time being, because there were too few clues at the moment and he didn't know the reason at all.

"No, we have to keep making money, neither galleons nor pounds.

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