Douluo space fighting god

Chapter 76: Fist to the outside world [Please vote for recommendation]

After a while, everyone calmed down and stopped asking Feng Ce about his third soul skill.

Feng Ce’s third soul skill ‘Dark Silent Wind’ has two attacks.

The first section [Darkness] can drive a dark wind to put the enemy into a state of fear, and those with weak spirits will become insane and confused.

The second section [Silent Wind] can only be activated when the enemy is in a state of darkness, and it is extremely lethal.

This soul skill is a bit sinister, and Feng Ce does not intend to use it on his companions.


Yu Xiaogang cleared his throat, "Feng Ce, now you lead them to start training. You decide the specific training intensity first. There is a bamboo basket I prepared for you at the entrance of the courtyard."

Afterwards, the seven team members, led by Feng Ce, ran towards the entrance of the college.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the backs of everyone and relaxed a little.

Suddenly, there was a burst of unhurried footsteps behind Yu Xiaogang, and a deep voice sounded.

"Xiao Gang, how was your training today?" Flanders walked over with a cigar in his mouth.

Yu Xiaogang turned around and saw that he was an old friend. With a flash of his eyes, he asked: "Fland, this student of yours really surprises me. Have you accepted him as your apprentice?"

When Flanders heard this, he scratched his head a little. This was definitely a trick. Although he didn't take Feng Ce as his apprentice, he couldn't answer now.

"Well, accept it. Didn't you hear that Ma Hongjun calls him senior brother?"

Flanders smiled slyly and couldn't help but admire his foresight.

"So that's how it is, no wonder."

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but look regretful, slightly envious, and said.

"You, this apprentice, will definitely shine in the Douluo Continent in the future."

Flender's face was filled with glory when he heard this. He knew that his brother Yu Xiaogang was a bit mean and would never praise others easily.

If he can say this, it must be deeply satisfying to him.

Flanders looked disapproving.

"I know, everyone says so."


Yu Xiaogang said he didn't want to pay attention to him and said nothing.

"I'm going to cook."


At the entrance of the college, there are eight diabolo baskets, all with straps. It is obvious that Yu Xiaogang has already prepared them in advance.

Feng Ce faced everyone and said.

"We are now running with heavy weights and running two laps around Soto City. Each lap is about kilometers, and the total is kilometers. Can we do it?"


Everyone's eyes were firm, they all wanted to become stronger, and they had no objection to Feng Ce's training orders.

After that, everyone loaded their own bamboo baskets with stones, with Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Feng Ce the most.

Ma Hongjun's weight is about the same as Oscar's, Zhu Zhuqing's weight is a little less but still weighs more than ten pounds, and Ning Rongrong's weight is the least.

With the bamboo basket on his back, Dai Mubai took the lead and was bound to be the most handsome boy in the crowd. Tang San didn't bother to follow behind and rushed forward.

Others were running slowly behind.

"This is a long-distance marathon. There is no need to run fast. We adjust our breathing and move forward at a steady pace."

Feng Ce was carrying an almost full bamboo basket, and he found that he was struggling. He couldn't do it like Dai Mubai and the others, like wild horses running wild, but he knew how to conduct this kind of training correctly.

A brave start can easily lead to lack of stamina.

Tang San and Dai Mubai in front ran for a distance, chasing each other, you were Feng'er and I was Sha.

They were indistinguishable, and after running for a while they were out of breath. Looking back, they saw that the people behind were all moving at an even speed and breathing evenly.

They followed in the footsteps of the large army.

Entering Soto City, Soto City was very lively, and Ma Hongjun couldn't help but stare at the beautiful women on the roadside.

"Ma Hongjun, have you forgotten what Feng Ce said? You must restrain yourself!" Oscar, who was beside him, immediately reminded him.

Ma Hongjun reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

When Ning Rongrong passed by the clothing store, she couldn't help but take another look, but when she thought of Feng Ce's words, she withdrew her gaze again.

Restraint is the quality that a soul master should have.

Although the burdens they carried were not heavy, during the long journey and with the passage of physical strength, the stones, which were not heavy, felt like a big mountain on their bodies.

Their bodies became heavier and heavier, and within less than a circle, they already felt that the sky was getting dark before their eyes.

The first lap was more than twenty kilometers in total. By the time they returned to the gate of Shrek Academy, it was already noon.

At the entrance of the college, Yu Xiaogang prepared some bread and salt water in bottles for them to take with them on the road.

On the second lap, they no longer cared about the bustling scene of Soto City. Instead, they looked intently ahead and ran hard.

Drink some salt water when you are thirsty, and bite some bread when you are hungry.

Once you have restraint, the rest of the journey will be a test of your willpower.

When they arrived at Soto City again, Ning Rongrong's speed slowed down a lot and he gradually couldn't keep up with everyone. Feng Ce stopped and called out to everyone.

"Wait a minute, Ning Rongrong seems to have fallen behind."

Everyone looked back and saw that Ning Rongrong had completely separated from the team for more than meters. At this time, she was pale and exhausted.

"We are a unit, advancing and retreating together."

After finishing speaking, Feng Ce trotted back. Seeing this, everyone gritted their teeth and followed.

Feng Ce was actually dying, but he still managed to survive by gradually adjusting his breathing rate. He was the backbone of the team, so how could he be the first to fall?

"Come on, get up." Feng Ce held out his hand and took Ning Rongrong.

"Give me the stone." Feng Ce said forcefully.

Ning Rongrong glanced at Feng Ce. Although Feng Ce was sweating profusely, he looked exhausted.

But those eyes were extremely determined, as if they had unbreakable faith.

Everyone rushed over. When they heard what Feng Ce said, Dai Mubai stood up on his own initiative.

"Fengce, let me do it."

Feng Ce glanced at Dai Mubai and saw that the other person was indeed in a better condition than him. He was not pretentious or forced.

"it is good."

Ning Rongrong felt as light as a swallow after the weight was removed. After drinking some salt water, she gradually adjusted and revived with full blood.


In the afternoon, the sun recedes slightly.

Only ten kilometers away from Shrek Academy, everyone's breathing became difficult, and their lungs were as hot as burning. Every step they took would leave a clear water mark on the ground, which was the sweat flowing on their bodies.

"Brother, I can't do it anymore, I really can't do it anymore." Ma Hongjun's body was completely weak and he couldn't stand firmly. He staggered and almost fell down.

He rested on his knees, panting heavily. His fat face had turned pale, and every breath became extremely difficult.

"It's... a man... can't... say... no." Dai Mubai also panted and said intermittently.

"Hugh... take a rest."

Feng Ce suggested, he wasn't much better, his voice was trembling, he just found a stone and sat down, his lips were a little pale.

Everyone stopped one after another. At this moment, everyone was speechless.

Zhu Zhuqing stopped in front of Feng Ce. She wanted to ask him if something was okay.

But she was so exhausted that she couldn't even take care of herself anymore. Not only could I not speak, but I couldn't stop breathing and my chest was heaving.

The tight black clothes were soaked with sweat and outlined amazing curves. She opened the zipper on her chest, revealing a deep ravine just for breathing.

This scene can make all men's blood boil, but it's a pity that they are not as lucky as Feng Ce.

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