Douluo space fighting god

Chapter 69 Dark Silent Wind [Please vote for recommendation]

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing's expressions have improved a lot, but the nightmare-like memory still makes them frightened.

At the same time, Ning Rongrong, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, also understood the principle of working hard to become stronger. Although Feng Ce appeared in time this time, she understood that she would not be so lucky every time.

There are still many desperadoes like Qin Mi in this continent.

Only when you are strong can you protect yourself.

Suddenly, Feng Ce's eyes flashed, he walked towards the black water where Qin Mie was, and picked up a faded token.

The 'Dark Silent Wind' did not completely corrode the token, but erased some of the soul power imprints on it.

The token is now silver, with a skull engraved on it. The skull is wrapped in a pattern of flames, and two words are engraved below -

【Holy Spirit】

"Holy Spirit Order."

Feng Ce guessed so.

Ning Rongrong calmed down and asked curiously: "What is the Holy Spirit Order?"

"It should be something iconic. He may be a member of the Holy Spirit Church."

Feng Ce naturally connected the two things.

Ning Rongrong's eyes showed a look of surprise, and she couldn't help but murmured: "Holy Spirit Cult?"

"People in the Holy Spirit Church do all kinds of evil. They are an evil force in the dark. People in the church are all desperadoes."

Ning Rongrong suddenly realized: "No wonder they were unmoved when they heard the name of Qibao Glazed Sect."

Feng Ce's expression was slightly solemn, and he had a long-term vision.

"This congregation may be considered a small one now, but if it is allowed to develop, it will definitely cause huge harm in the future."

"I can ask my dad to send people to kill them. This lady is really mad at me."

Ning Rongrong said coquettishly.

Feng Ce couldn't help but smile, a little helpless.

"It's easy to say, but we don't even know where their hideout is."

The Holy Spirit Church's thousands of members are scattered across various places, with only a hundred or so people in the headquarters. In the past sixteen years, they have moved to multiple bases. Not to mention Fengce, even his mother doesn't know about it for the time being.

"This... this is indeed a problem."

Ning Rongrong pouted her little mouth in a cute manner.

Zhu Zhuqing on the side felt much better when he saw Ning Rongrong's cute words and actions.

Feng Ce received the Holy Spirit Order into Fengshen Huanyue.

Then I went to the Soul Fighting Arena to play a solo ranked game. Although I was matched with a level soul master, I still won easily and now have five consecutive victories.

Because he and Zhu Zhuqing were at different levels, they couldn't participate in double ranking, but according to this progress, Feng Ce could be promoted to the Bronze Fighting Soul Badge as long as he won five more games in a row.

You can complete system tasks and obtain a ten thousand year soul ring.


Today was a holiday, but the three of them all had the desire to become stronger, so they did not slack off.

On Shrek's playground, the breeze is gentle and the sun is not dry.

Ning Rongrong, who had always liked to be lazy, was actually running circles around the playground for the first time, and there was a lot of sweat on her face that could be easily broken.

She didn't activate her soul skills, but relied on her instinctive physical strength. She didn't want today's experience to happen again, nor did she want to be a burden to everyone.

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing was competing with Feng Ce.

Feng Ce only activated his first soul skill 'Wind Movement' to dodge, while Zhu Zhuqing was responsible for attacking.

What Zhu Zhuqing has to do is to increase his speed to the extreme, and increase his attack power while having speed.

After half an hour of physical fighting.

Zhu Zhuqing was covered in hot sweat, and her tight black clothes always felt a little damp.

She couldn't help but gasp, and her chest heaved slightly. She really tried her best, but Li Fengce was always a little behind.

Feng Ce also gradually felt a bit of pressure, because Zhu Zhuqing's explosive power was approaching perfection with repeated adjustments.

An agility attack type battle soul master needs to possess terrifying explosive power and be able to kill with one strike.

"Can we continue?" Feng Ce asked.

"Come again."

Zhu Zhuqing adjusted his breathing and his eyes were firm.

"Okay, then wait a moment."

Feng Ce had a flash of inspiration and realized that Zhu Zhuqing's attacks were indeed fatal, and he had no choice but to dodge them with all his strength.

But his speed is faster than Zhu Zhuqing. Even if he continues, Zhu Zhuqing probably won't be able to catch him.

In order to avoid Zhu Zhuqing's very spiritual attack, his movements gradually became more subtle.

It can be said that they improve each other.

Feng Ce found a piece of wood from the side, about the size of a brick.

"Now I hold it and you attack it."

If there is a target, Feng Ce doesn't have to worry about being hurt, so he can slow down and put some slack. Sometimes it is also very important to improve the opponent's self-confidence.

"And you, there are still two laps to go. Don't be lazy and keep running!"

Feng Ce glanced at Ning Rongrong, who was squatting on the ground to rest not far away, and reminded him.

Originally, Ning Rongrong was already exhausted, but after hearing these words, it was like a parent urging her, and she gritted her teeth to hold herself up.


Feng Ce touched Fengshen Huanyue and threw the bottle of water over.

The bottle of water fell into Ning Rongrong's arms accurately.

Ning Rongrong caught it with one hand and couldn't help but smile, as if her body was full of strength.

But Feng Ce didn't think much about it. He needed to become stronger and he also needed companions.

He knows very well that no matter how powerful a person is, he cannot take care of every aspect.

"Okay. Let's get started then."

Feng Ce turned his attention to Zhu Zhuqing again.

Zhu Zhuqing's figure shook again, leaving several afterimages wherever he passed.

Feng Ce supported Feng Dong and began to judge the position to dodge.

ten minutes later.

Feng Ce deliberately used a flaw, and Zhu Zhuqing used Netherworld Thrust to smash the piece of wood into pieces.

"Let's rest for ten minutes first. We will continue later. We will train until the sun goes down today."

Feng Ce said and gave Zhu Zhuqing a bottle of water.


Zhu Zhuqing nodded and drank the water carefully.

She didn't have any objections. The other party and she were both twelve years old, not to mention that the other party was already a Soul Master and still worked so hard, so how could she slack off.

Ning Rongrong had also finished her mission and came over.

"Feng Ce, I've finished running as you said, what's next?"

Ning Rongrong was unusually well-behaved. Normally she was a little witch at home.

He didn't think much about Ning Rongrong's next arrangements. After all, what an auxiliary soul master needed was his own physical strength and spell-casting speed.

The more skilled you are in the use of soul skills, the faster you release them, and the ability to protect yourself, the more benefits you can bring to the team.

At this time, a fat man with red hair walked up not far away, and next to him was an ordinary-looking young man.

Today Tang San said he was going to Soto City. In order to repay Feng Ce's ten thousand gold soul coins, he had to make some equipment and sell it.

Ma Hongjun wanted to go to Soto City to have a good time, so they went along together.

But seeing Feng Ce here, Ma Hongjun ran over immediately.

"Brother, what are you doing here?"


"Training?" Ma Hongjun looked at the other two women and smiled immediately, "Brother, I also want to train."

"You're not going to Soto City?"

"What's the point of going to Soto City? Only fools go there. It's better to train hard and become stronger!"

Tang San next to him heard this, his forehead suddenly darkened, and he didn't want to pay attention to him, so he left first.

"If you want to train, just be honest and put away your petty thoughts."

Feng Ce stared at him seriously, his eyes were very sharp.

Ma Hongjun suddenly trembled all over, and suddenly no longer had such obscene thoughts.

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