Douluo player

110: temperature of the sun

The simulated soul skills under the blessing of level mental power were so powerful. From the beginning of the game to Xu Sanshi's successful use of Xuan Ming Substitution, the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy was completely unaware of it.

When they saw the ice sculpture that froze Xia Xiaofeng inside, everyone in the Sun Moon Team finally understood the real power of the Shrek Academy captain. It was not the power of ice that could freeze everything, but the group silver enhancement in front of them. Illusions and some previously unexplainable phenomena also have answers. Those are all scenes created by illusion.

Now, let's take a gamble and guess whether the scene in front of you is real or fake.

Regarding the goal of Xuanming replacement, this has also been carefully studied by Wang Yan. The target to be replaced must be more important, and your own martial spirit cannot be too strong. If it is too strong, it cannot be eliminated immediately. Ever since, Xia Xiaofeng, the vice-captain of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, whose cultivation level was only that of Ma Rulong, came into the sight of everyone at Shrek.

The reason is very simple. Xia Xiaofeng's martial spirit is a steamed bun, and he is an auxiliary weapon soul master. His combat effectiveness is mainly achieved by his soul guide, but his own martial spirit's combat effectiveness is not strong. Moreover, Xu Sanshi's Xuan Ming Replacement will produce a short-term dizziness effect on the replacement target after being used successfully.

Therefore, under the cover of Fu Hua's simulated soul skills, Fu Hua, Ling Luochen, and Xu Sanshi quickly moved to the right front of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, and found the right opportunity to change Xia Xiaofeng in front of them. Then Ling Luochen and Fu Hua set up a frozen triple combo, which made Xia Xiaofeng completely zombie before he could react. He would be unable to play at least in the next individual battles and the second, second and third elimination rounds.

The timing of Xu Sanshi's replacement selection was also very clever. When he switched to the formation of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, it happened to be when the opponent had released the second round and was preparing to connect with the third round of soul guidance shells. Just like in the previous games, Xu Sanshi switched over and started the game with an all-out Xuan Mingzhen.

Due to the dense arrangement of the members of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy, the black light produced by Xuan Mingzhen inevitably affected some of the Sun and Moon team members who were preparing to release the soul-guided cannonballs. There were gaps in the second and third rounds of soul-guided cannonballs. .

Of course, Ma Xiaotao, who was attacking from the front, would not miss this opportunity. The blazing phoenix flames turned into wings and flapped violently in the air. Ma Xiaotao's speed instantly accelerated to an extremely terrifying level. Unexpectedly, after flying ten meters, Two streams of flames spurted out from the soles of her feet in an instant, increasing her speed again. In just a blink of an eye, Ma Xiaotao was in front of her opponent.

In most duels between soul masters and soul mentors, distance control is always the most important, and shortening the distance is more beneficial to Ma Xiaotao. During the rapid flight, the fourth soul ring on her body was already shining brightly, and the phoenix flame instantly increased to a dark red level. The evil fire phoenix appeared again. With these members of Team Yueshan, there will be no suspense in this team battle.

However, it is absolutely reasonable for the Sun Moon Team to be listed as the favorite to win this competition. Facing Ma Xiaotao's attack, Lin Xi at the front made a leap. Immediately afterwards, at least three soul tools on his body emitted strong light at the same time.

First, a circle of white light was released from his chest. This circle of white light was like a faint mist. When it appeared, a circle of white light also appeared strangely on Ma Xiaotao, who was approaching at great speed. Ma Xiaotao's powerful pounce actually slightly changed direction along with Lin Xi's jump. It felt as if Ma Xiaotao's body was being sucked in by Lin Xi.

Then Lin Xi's body lit up with a layer of golden light familiar to everyone in Shrek Academy. No, not one layer, but two. First, there was a layer of normal invincible shield golden light, which just blocked Ma Xiaotao's Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike. Immediately afterwards, another larger layer of golden light spread from his body, covering his and Ma Xiaotao's bodies from the outside, instantly blocking the outward emission of Ma Xiaotao's phoenix evil fire. A violent roar erupted in the two layers of invincible shields. In the protective shield between them, strong phoenix flames rose violently, but Ma Xiaotao's inevitable blow was blocked by the fifth-level soul master.

However, Lin Xi would not feel comfortable blocking Ma Xiaotao. Although the invincible shield's defensive power was strong, it still had to absorb a large number of users' soul power before it could be released, especially since he had released three soul tools in succession, all of which were at least level five. , naturally the consumption of soul power is also quite intense, and his face is obviously a little pale.

This combination of soul tools that restricted Ma Xiaotao was inspired by the competition between Star Luo Royal Academy and Shrek Academy. Although they came to participate in the competition this time without bringing this kind of soul guidance device, there is still no problem in modifying a soul guidance device with similar effects based on the existing soul guidance device. They are already excellent soul guidance devices, and the materials they carry are also good. Ready-made, it is no problem to transform a soul guidance device.

Ma Xiaotao's attack was blocked, and something happened on Xu Sanshi's side. Just when he was about to use Xuan Ming Displacement again to replace Mu Ziyan, a cannonball was fired from the barrel on Ma Rulong's shoulder. The cannonball spread quickly, forming a The translucent shield directly enveloped Xu Sanshi's body. The black line bullets replaced by Xuan Ming collapsed and disappeared on the shield. This replacement undoubtedly failed.

This is also a temporarily modified soul tool, called Angel Guardian. It is only a level five soul tool. Its function is to add a shield to the target that lasts for six seconds to protect the target from damage. It is generally used in It is used to rescue students in the actual combat assessment of low-level soul teachers.

Ma Rulong is a loaded version. The shield produced is stronger but the shield lasts for a shorter time. It is just right to limit Xu Sanshi's use of Xuan Ming Substitution.

"Execute the second plan and fight on your own."

Ma Rulong roared, and as he spoke, his head suddenly lit up with a strong black light, and a huge helmet appeared on top of his head. After releasing the martial spirit, his head was obviously much bigger than before. , this is the effect of his own martial spirit Big-Headed Spirit Ape.

The Big-Headed Ape Martial Soul is a full soul power amplifying soul ring, but this martial soul has an advantage, that is, Ma Rulong's own mental power is more than twice as strong as that of a soul master with the same level of cultivation. Although he is not a spiritual soul master like Huo Yuhao, he is very helpful in controlling and using soul tools.

This black helmet has a round ruby ​​in the middle of its forehead. At this moment, a strange light shines on the ruby. Immediately afterwards, a dark red light and shadow shot out from the position of the ruby. Ben Linxi shot in the direction of the invincible shield.

Ma Rulong's reaction was not unpleasant, but he still failed to save Lin Xi because Ma Xiaotao was too strong.

Just two days ago, Ma Xiaotao's cultivation level broke through again, from level to level . The higher the soul master's cultivation level, the greater the gap in soul power between each level. Judging from the total amount of soul power alone, the total amount of soul power of Ma Xiaotao and Mu Ziyan, who was also at level , was even greater than the total amount of soul power of the entire Sun Moon Team combined.

The invincible shield blocked Ma Xiaotao's Phoenix Roaring Strike. However, that blow was also delivered by Ma Xiaotao with all his strength. Within the two invincible shields, the temperature instantly reached an extremely terrifying level.

Lin Xi was still a little complacent in his heart. In his opinion, he blocked the opponent's first attack for the team and bought enough time for his partners. He could definitely be described as taking the most credit. Naturally, Ma Xiaotao won't need him anymore, and he also has other means.

The invincible shield isolated the attack and the temperature. However, at the moment when the invincible shield disappeared, the terrifying high temperature in the two layers of shields suddenly burst out, and a mushroom cloud slowly rose from there.

The physical level of the guy from Team Sun Moon who modified this set of soul tools was obviously not up to standard, or it could be said that Lin Xi used it on the wrong person. In a small space, the air suddenly heats up and the volume of the air expands instantly. What is restricted in the two-layer invincible passport is not Ma Xiaotao, but a time bomb. When the invincible passport disappears, the bomb will detonate.


After a dull explosion, Lin Xi, who had a smile on his face one moment, turned into fly ash the next moment, leaving only a little black smoke that dispersed with the shock wave generated by the explosion.

Ma Xiaotao, who was at the center of the explosion, didn't feel anything but felt like she was pushed hard. The moment the invincible shield disappeared, she just felt a heat energy suddenly spread outward, and then Lin Xi disappeared. At this time, the dark red light and shadow released by Ma Rulong hit the spreading terrifying heat and retreated instantly as if it were alive, revealing his figure.

It was an ape, only about one and a half meters tall, with unusually long arms hanging from the ground. Its dark red hair gave people a crystal-clear look, but its eyes were golden, shining with a strange golden color. . After being forced back by the heat, he jumped rapidly on the spot and screamed, as if he had been burned.

"Lin Xi"

After the explosion shock wave swept across the competition stage, everyone in the Sun Moon Team reacted and couldn't help but exclaimed. They never expected that in such a short period of time, they would lose one person again, and his life would be lost directly. . Even the Heavenly Evil Douluo didn't have time to rescue him, because it happened so suddenly. No one expected that Ma Xiaotao's all-out attack would be so terrifying. Not only did it melt Lin Xi's soul guide, but it also Even his body was evaporated directly, with not even ashes left.

Ma Xiaotao frowned after a brief moment of silence. After all, this was just a competition, and killing people in the competition was definitely not what she wanted. But she couldn't avoid this situation, which she didn't know whether to call a natural disaster or a man-made disaster.

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