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106: The strong Ma Xiaotao

After fighting Ma Xiaotao again for several rounds, Xingluo Royal Academy also discovered a fatal flaw in its own tactics. Even the four of them could not defeat the opponent quickly. What was the next plan?

For now, Star Luo Royal Academy's tactics can be said to be executed perfectly. They separated the three strongest people from Shrek Academy and then concentrated their superior strength to defeat them one by one. However, they seemed to have chosen the wrong opponent at the beginning. This Soul Emperor, who had not performed very well in previous games, did not seem to be that easy to deal with.

Within the Guardian of the Star, the flames released by Ma Xiaotao had completely turned into dark red. The dark red flames pushed her body, rendering her whole body as if she were really a phoenix, an evil fire phoenix.

That's right, what Ma Xiaotao is using now is unreserved evil fire. In the past, whether she was practicing or fighting, she had to suppress the evil aura of the phoenix flame in her body. Only in this way could she not be affected by the evil fire. However, this kind of suppression undoubtedly affected her own cultivation to a certain extent. One is to dedicate part of her strength to suppress it, and the other is that the evil fire is also part of her own strength.

But at this moment, the dark red flame she displayed is the real unrepressed full power, the full power of the evil fire phoenix martial soul.

In a sense, the martial soul ability that Ma Xiaotao displayed at this time has even surpassed the martial soul ability of her ancestor of the first generation of the Shrek Seven Monsters, the evil fire phoenix Ma Hongjun.Because Ma Hongjun's evil fire phoenix finally completely solved the problem of evil energy through Tiancaidibao, and turned into a pure fire phoenix.Although it is more powerful without that evil, it also lacks the blazing and toughness that belongs to evil.

"Defeat her with all your strength" Princess Jiujiu shouted angrily.

At this point, Princess Jiujiu also understands that the strength of Star Luo Royal Academy is not enough to defeat Shrek Academy. In the face of the absolute strength gap, it really cannot be made up by one or two soul tools. The only thing that can be done now is There is a fight to the death, and we must not embarrass the Star Luo Empire in this arena.

Fu Hua looked at the situation outside while studying the soul guide that trapped him. The body of this soul guide is a regular dodecahedron, with bright light shining on each side of the regular pentagon. Looking at this dodecahedron bead, Fu Hua suddenly had a bold idea in his mind. The principle of the Ice Divine Crystal Gloves to block flying objects is to generate ultra-low temperature to cause the flying objects to lose their kinetic energy. Low temperature will also have an effect on the soul power. Then It's better to wait and avoid causing trouble to Sister Xiaotao.

Looking at the dark red phoenix-shaped fireball gradually emerging in the air outside, Fu Hua decisively followed his heart.

Ma Xiaotao's sixth soul skill, Phoenix Meteor Shower, appeared in its entirety for the first time in the continent-wide senior soul master soul fighting competition. Dozens of dark red firebirds with a wingspan of more than half a meter hovered in a small space. The heat and evil aura contained in the flames can only be understood by those who have faced it.

The temperature of the air inside the Star Guardian is gradually rising. It has soared to a terrifying temperature, and it is still rising.

"Dark Hurricane"

This is the fifth soul skill of Dark Demon Tiger Soul Master Huang Heyun, and it is also his strongest attack. Under the amplification of the three partners, this dark hurricane is like a substance. As soon as it appears, the air on the competition stage is filled with excitement. There is a general feeling of being dissolved. Wherever the hurricane passed, a deep ravine was immediately left on the competition stage. At the same time, there was a strong suction force in this hurricane, which would absorb and crush the Phoenix Meteor Shower flying towards us.

And with the coordination of the Fire Elemental Soul King Yichen, a hurricane of flames was formed and counterattacked in the direction of Ma Xiaotao.

After launching this attack, the blood vessels emerging on the surface of Huang Heyun's body turned blue and purple, and his own endurance was close to the limit. If he tried to use soul skills again, he would probably explode and die. Dugu Shangshan, who was standing behind him, had to remove his palms from his body, and he took over Huang Heyun's position, but the previous four-in-one also It becomes the Trinity.

Facing the opponent's fatal blow, Ma Xiaotao did not choose to fight head-on. The huge flame wings suddenly flapped, and Ma Xiaotao's body suddenly accelerated while being pulled by the powerful hurricane.

The phoenix fire wings waved rapidly. Although Ma Xiaotao could not break away from the suction force, a strange scene appeared. It was not that she was sucked into the dark hurricane, but that the dark hurricane was sucked by her and accelerated towards Ma Xiaotao. .

Just when the dark hurricane approached Ma Xiaotao, blazing flames spurted out from both of her feet at the same time. The dark hurricane that had already approached him was ejected by these two dark red flames as rich as magma, and it suddenly became extremely powerful. sluggish, and Ma Xiaotao used the jet force of the soul bone skill in her legs to increase her speed suddenly, drawing an arc in the air, and actually passed the pursuit of the dark hurricane and went straight to Dugu Shang. The three good people flew away.

In mid-air, her fifth soul ring shone brightly, and the phoenix flames released from her body suddenly turned into circles of halo around her. The flame halos swept back one by one. Ma Xiaotao let out a sharp shout and accelerated again. At the same time, the figure also disappeared in the dark red flames, truly transformed into a fire phoenix, and arrived in front of Princess Jiujiu in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the number one defensive Soul King Holy Wing next to Princess Jiujiu finally took action. A pair of wings opened in front of him, the soul rings on his body shone quickly, and the wings quickly turned into iron gray.

The three members of Trinity couldn't keep up with Ma Xiaotao's speed. When Ma Xiaotao hit the ground with flames from the air, they had just turned around. What's more terrible was that they couldn't use invincibility due to the situation of Trinity. Protective.



The sound of broken gems and violent roars sounded one after another, and dark red flames ravaged half of the playing field.

"How is this possible?" Princess Jiujiu couldn't help but exclaimed. How could the Star Guardian, which claimed to have the peak defensive power of the sixth ring at any point, be broken so easily? Although there was a Soul Emperor besides the Star Guardian, it was impossible for it to be like this. It was about to break. He had just released his sixth soul skill. Mu Ziyan shouldn't be able to release it once in a short time.

Princess Jiujiu did not see what happened outside the Star Guardian due to the impact of her vision, but the audience could see it clearly. What the audience saw was that Mu Ziyan once again used his sixth soul skill, the golden light blade, to strike heavily on the Star Guardian. Then the eighteen stars on the Star Guardian were instantly extinguished, and dark red flames erupted from the small space. It burst out and produced a violent roar. When the Star Guard was shattered, four figures rose into the sky at the same time.

Sure enough, if empiricism is not necessary, who can guarantee that the content previously observed is the truth?

Ma Xiaotao's previous Phoenix Meteor Shower not only bombed the opponent, but also weakened the defense of the Star Guardian from the inside out. Otherwise, the temperature in the Star Guardian would not have risen so fast. In addition, with Mu Ziyan, Beibei exploded. The golden holy dragon's all-out attack finally broke through the star's guardianship through the combination of internal and external forces.

As the Nine-Transformation Soul Transformation Instrument of the four people was broken, they were collectively rescued from the field by the Heavenly Evil Douluo. This also proved that the Star Luo Royal Academy's tactics had completely failed.

At this time, only Princess Jiujiu and the defensive Soul King Holy Wing were left on the field, and Shrek's side had not yet lost anyone. After a few clicks, Fu Hua also escaped from the absolute defense soul guidance device. The absolute low temperature indeed had a great impact on the operation of the soul guidance device. Fu Hua borrowed the Ice Divine Crystal Gloves to be of partial use. After freezing to zero, this soul guide was successfully scrapped. The absolute defense soul guide was shattered, which further broke Princess Jiujiu's inner defense.

Facing the gradually pressing ice mist and the Shrek people who were slowly walking toward her, Princess Jiujiu just snorted, then turned around and jumped off the stage, announcing the end of the team battle.

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