Douluo player

103: Untitled

After Emperor Xingluo personally checked the lottery numbers, he announced the results to the people. When the people of the Star Luo Empire heard that their team was going to face Shrek Academy, bursts of exclamations kept coming from the audience. They were both excited and excited that their country's team was going to face Shrek Academy. It was also a pity that Xingluo Royal Academy lost and could not enter the finals.

On the surface, Fu Hua has drawn a lottery for Shrek Academy. According to Wang Yan's analysis yesterday, Star Luo National Academy should be the weakest among the four academies.

The competition rules of the semi-finals and finals follow the rules of the previous knockout rounds, which are also divided into two days, with team battles and individual knockout rounds. The difference is that you must win both games to qualify. If both sides win one game each, then you must use two, two, and three battles to play extra games. In other words, winning a team battle is no longer enough. There is no advantage at all.

The difference between the semi-finals and the finals is that the semi-finals are not completed in one day, and the final finals, team battles, individual knockouts, and two-two-three tactics will be carried out in one go. At that time, the competition is not only about strength, but also for continuous combat power and endurance , but also a contest of willpower.

"I wish the four teams can exert their full strength in the next game. The draw is over, please prepare individually. Today's first team battle will be between Shrek Academy and Star Luo National Academy, and the second one will be between Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy vs. Diao Academy." After the lottery was completed, Star Luo Emperor Xu Jiawei said to the four people in front of him with a smile.

As soon as Fu Hua returned to the rest area, Wang Yan was the first to greet him and asked in a low voice, "Fu Hua, what do you think of the strength of the imperial princess?"

At this time, everyone gathered around, and the semi-finals were about to begin.Unknown variables suddenly appear on the opponent, which is definitely not a good thing for their Shrek team, which is not composed of all selected players.

"The strength is not bad, the soul power level is about level ." Fu Hua thought for a while and said.

"That's good, but this can't paralyze the careless. Everything will go according to plan." As he said, Wang Yan took a deep breath and stretched out his right hand, "Children, I said that in the previous games, you have already exceeded your quota. It’s up to you whether today’s battle will continue the glory or end it here. As the leader of the team, I have done everything I can. Now, I can only pray for you in the audience. No matter you win, Defeat, you are all Shrek's heroes. Be careful of Princess Jiujiu, if I guess correctly, her martial spirit should be Star Crown, a top auxiliary martial spirit."

One right hand after another rested on his palm, and Ma Xiaotao was the last to place it. She looked at Wang Yan seriously and said in a deep voice, "Teacher Wang, I know you are stimulating the inner fighting spirit of the three of us. Don't worry, as members of Shrek Academy, our determination to defend the academy will never be less than anyone else's. .Shrek’s glory, even if we burn it with our lives, we will not let its light go out.”

"We must win" everyone shouted at the same time. Burning fighting spirit, burning instantly

Then Wang Yan explained the information he knew about the Star Crown Martial Spirit as quickly as possible.

"Shrek Academy, Star Luo Royal Academy, the team battle members are on the field." The person in charge of refereeing today's team battle was none other than the Heavenly Evil Douluo from before. And Emperor Xingluo had returned to the imperial city under the protection of the other three titled Douluo, and climbed to the top of the city to watch the battle.

Fu Hua was still at the front, followed closely by Ma Xiaotao, Mu Ziyan, Ling Luochen, Beibei, Xu Sanshi and Huo Yuhao. The two teams entered the competition stage at the same time.

The semi-finals have not yet started, and the players of both sides are watching each other, and the strong smell of gunpowder has already permeated.

Princess Jiujiu's bright blue eyes exude a faint golden luster, and if you look carefully, you will feel as vast as the sea.

Fu Hua still had the same iceberg face, with no emotion in his dark blue eyes.

Tiansha Douluo's eyes swept over the Shrek team, with a hint of surprise on his face, but he quickly returned to normal and said coldly, "Both sides retreat, no one is allowed to release their martial spirits before I announce the start of the game." .”

The players on both sides retreated at the same time, but their eyes were always on each other. However, during the retreat, the formation changed rapidly.

On the Shrek Academy side, Mu Ziyan was still in the front. Beibei and Ma Xiaotao were lined up on both sides of Mu Ziyan, forming a formation of three major attack systems. Fu Hua, Xu Sanshi, Ling Luochen and Huo Yuhao lined up in a row, following closely behind the three of them.

Over at Xingluo National Academy, there is also a somewhat strange formation. Six of them stood in a triangle, with one person in front, then two, and three, with Princess Jiujiu standing at the back.

Xu Sanshi looked at the princess with a smile on his face, looked at her, and then at himself.From time to time, there was a smile with a bit of a naughty taste on his face.

The powerful effect of his Xuanming Displacement is already known to everyone, but even if they know it, there is no good way to deal with it. Just when they faced Zhengtian Academy for the second time in the last game, Shrek Academy used the same tactic again. As soon as Xu Sanshi came up, he launched the Xuan Ming Replacement without hesitation, and forcibly replaced Ye Wuqing into his own formation.

Then Ye Qingwu was ravaged by several vicious guys. Not every participating team had expensive disposable soul tools like the Invincible Shield. And Xu Sanshi, this wretched guy, after switching his opponents, released a Xuanming Zhen. After slightly delaying the other opponents, he jumped off the stage without waiting for the opponents to attack him.

Without Ye Wuqing, the Zhengtian team had no chance, and the rest of the game became one-sided.

Seeing how Xu Sanshi was about to make a move, Princess Jiujiu couldn't help but frown slightly. Obviously, she was also a little afraid of Xuanming Displacement, a weird but extremely practical combat soul skill.

"The match begins." Just as the two sides were paying close attention to the opponent's situation, Tian Fiend Douluo shouted loudly, and a golden light flashed across the center of the stage, and this mighty Titled Douluo disappeared without a trace.

Both sides reacted extremely quickly, and they all released their martial souls immediately.

Huo Yuhao's mental detection opened immediately, and at the same time he looked at Princess Jiujiu opposite. He was also very curious as to what the martial spirit of Her Royal Highness the Princess was. Wang Yan didn't have time to explain it to them in detail just now. He just said that Her Royal Highness the Princess was an auxiliary fighting spirit master.

A golden light shines from Princess Jiujiu's forehead. It is a rhombus-shaped golden gemstone. After the golden rhombus-shaped gemstone appeared, it immediately burst out with bright golden light, and then it separated from her forehead, floating upwards slowly surrounded by golden light. The magnificent crown just appeared above her head, and then slowly fell to land on her head.

This crown seems to be made up of countless stars, all of which are light gold. Starting from the diamond-shaped gem, it quickly shrinks back. There are a total of eighteen larger stars on the crown protruding upward to form a circle. Nice tip.

Xingguan, this is Princess Jiujiu's martial spirit.

Two yellow, two purple, and one black, five soul rings appeared on the princess at the same time.

The other six people in front of Princess Jiujiu, who were the opponents that Wang Yan had introduced in detail to everyone at Shrek Academy, all released their respective martial spirits. These six people were all at the Soul King level.

Xu Sanshi's martial spirit had been released. As if he was afraid that others wouldn't know about it, he looked up to the sky and shouted, "Xuanming Displacement."

I saw that the black light of the Xuanming turtle shield in his hand was pointing in the direction of Princess Jiujiu. At this moment, the star crown on Princess Jiujiu's head shone brightly, the third soul ring on her body lit up, and a strong golden light pillar shot into the sky.

The inside of this golden light pillar is completely in the shape of golden mist, with dots of starlight hovering and rising in it. It looks extremely strange. For now, it is impossible to judge the effect of this soul skill.

Shrek Academy had already launched the charge immediately, with Mu Ziyan taking the lead, followed closely by Ma Xiaotao and Beibei. An ice scythe has condensed in Fu Hua's hand, and Ling Luochen's ice staff has also been summoned.

Ling Luochen raised the ice staff high above her head, and at the same time, the fourth soul ring on her body shone, and the top of the ice staff suddenly emitted a rich ice mist, covering Fu Hua, Xu Sanshi, herself and Huo Yuhao. Moreover, this piece of ice mist is still blooming to both sides at an alarming speed, forming an arc that vaguely surrounds everyone in the Star Luo Royal Academy.


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