Douluo player

074: Untitled

"Shrek Academy vs. Yunluo Academy, two-two-three strategy," the referee raised the yellow ball in his hand and announced loudly. His powerful voice spread throughout the audience along with the amplifying soul guide.

"There will be two two-on-two games first, and finally a three-on-three game. If one side wins the first two games, then the third game will be cancelled, and you can get off the stage and prepare."

The referee explained the rules of the game with his extremely exaggerated body language, and then at the end he jumped into the air and did a giant loop, showing two rows of bright teeth and making a very magical smile.

Beibei and the captain of Yunluo Academy, who came to the stage to draw lots, had twitching expressions on their faces. It seemed that they were both shocked by the referee's behavior.

In the audience, several people from Shrek Academy gathered around Wang Yan and listened to Wang Yan's final arrangements.

As for the information of Yunluo Academy's participating players, Wang Yan had already gotten close to it during previous viewings. The only difference between him and Fu Hua directly using the system to peek was that they didn't have the exact soul power level of the other party. Wang Yan told the reserve team the tactics the opponent might use and how to crack it during the meeting.

"In this two-two-three strategy, we have to try to win the game in the first two rounds. In the first game, Xu Sanshi, Caitou and you two will go up. The opponent only has one Soul King-level opponent, and there is a high probability that he will not win the first game. On the field, their remaining main players include two control-type players and four defense-type players. The opponent's first team members should be one of the two control-type players plus a defense-type battle soul master. "

"According to my observation, the red-haired girl among the opponent's two control-type soul masters is more auxiliary in ability, so the one who plays the first game should be the blue-haired girl with the Frost Bear Spirit."

"Both team members appear~"

Just when Wang Yan was about to continue speaking, the referee's melodious voice came from the competition stage, with eight ending sounds in six words. This referee can be considered a talent.

Xu Sanshi and He Caitou nodded, turned and walked towards the competition stage. At the same time that Xu Sanshi and the other two stepped onto the competition stage, the players from the opposite Yunluo Academy also stepped onto the competition stage. As expected by Wang Yan, there was indeed a blue-haired girl among the team members sent by the opponent.

"An Ye Leng, Bai Chen." The two sides gathered in the center of the competition stage, and the two people from Yunluo Academy said in a deep voice.

"Xu Sanshi, He Caitou." Out of politeness, Xu Sanshi and the others responded.

"Both sides retreat and prepare." Whether it is a team battle or an individual battle, it is necessary to keep a distance, so that various soul masters can display their due strength.

"Game start"

At the referee's command, the players on both sides released their martial arts spirits and rushed towards the center of the competition stage.

Bai Chen, the young man who appeared on stage with the blue-haired girl, was there. After hearing the referee's order, he flashed in front of An Ye Leng. Immediately afterwards, his whole body glowed with a dark yellow light, and his body also changed with the release of his martial spirit.

The originally tall body has obviously become more muscular, the surface of the skin has a dark yellow sheen, and the skin has become rough and thick. The biggest change was in his right arm. The muscles in his thick right forearm twisted violently, and a shield actually grew out of his right arm. The shield is also dark yellow, and the layers of horn on it look as thick as tank armor.

Behind Bai Chen, An Yeleng also released her martial spirit. As a beast martial spirit soul master, her body did not change much after releasing her martial spirit. Instead, she turned into a phantom and appeared on her body. forward. At this moment, a three-meter-high deep blue giant bear appeared in front of An Yeleng. The giant bear's whole body exuded a rich ice blue aura.

Fu Hua once learned this knowledge in Shrek Academy. An Yeleng's way of releasing his martial soul is called martial soul mimicry. A soul master starts practicing after awakening his martial soul. If the first soul ring he obtains is in the same form as his own martial soul, he may be able to cultivate into a martial soul mimicry.

Martial spirit mimicry itself does not improve the spirit master much, it is mainly just a different fighting method. Ordinary beast soul masters mainly use martial souls to change the strength of their bodies and highlight a certain aspect of their abilities to fight. But the spirit master who imitates the martial spirit directs his own mimetic martial spirit to fight. Relatively speaking, the load on oneself will be very small, and it will also be easier to be protected by partners. But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it is relatively fragile, and it is necessary to carefully control the mimetic martial spirit to protect itself.

On the other side of the competition stage, Xu Sanshi and He Caitou strode towards the center of the competition stage with a cigar in their mouths. Although the range of He Caitou's soul guide was very far, enough to cover the entire competition stage, in order to ensure Due to the power of the soul guide, he decided to use it only when the two parties were close to a certain distance.

Soon, the distance between the two sides was more than half, and He Caitou took the lead. A six-unit rapid-fire soul cannon appeared on his shoulder, and the white soul cannon shells poured towards Bai Chen.

Bai Chen's progress was suddenly blocked. The first soul ring on An Yeleng's body behind him lit up. A layer of light blue ice shield covered Bai Chen's soul shield. The suppressive force on Bai Chen was suddenly reduced. a lot of.

Immediately afterwards, An Yeleng released her second soul skill, Frozen. The temperature of the competition stage began to drop, and at the same time, a layer of solid ice appeared on the competition stage. After feeling Fu Hua's extreme cold, Xu Sanshi said that these were all trivial, and his forward speed increased instead of decreasing. Under the cover of He Caitou's firepower, Xu Sanshi accelerated and approached the two people from Yunluo Academy.

The first and third soul rings shone at the same time, and Xu Sanshi raised his shield and bumped into Bai Chen's Lingxi Shield. They are both defensive soul masters, and they are also four-ring soul sects. They have a head-on collision without any fancy. "The strength of both sides is a high judgment."

Bai Chen was knocked back a few steps by Xu Sanshi, but Xu Sanshi was as steady as a rock. He even had time to taunt Bai Chen after knocking him away: "Brother, you can't do this. You're not even wearing a condom." Brother’s hard.”

The six-unit rapid-fire soul guidance cannon is a level four soul guidance device. It is famous for its fierce firepower and great power, but its disadvantage is that it consumes too much soul power. So He Caitou's fire support stopped when Xu Sanshi and Bai Chen fought. However, he paused for a moment just to unleash a higher explosion. Amidst the explosion of soul guidance device components, dozens of densely packed gun barrels appeared on his body and took root. Now he is like a fortress. .

Regarding Xu Sanshi's taunt, Bai Chen didn't say anything and directly responded with his strongest soul skill.

The purple thousand-year soul skill shines, and the spirit collision is activated.

The dark yellow light on Bai Chen's body became more solid, and finally a rhinoceros pattern appeared on his shield. Exuding an indomitable and tragic aura, he strode towards Xu Sanshi.

An Yeleng, who was behind Bai Chen, also used her fourth soul skill. A white tornado appeared behind Xu Sanshi and attacked Xu Sanshi from a flank.

"It's good enough, I like it."

Xu Sanshi smiled cheaply, and the shield in his hand became illusive. The fourth soul skill Xuan Ming Replacement was activated. He and An Yeleng directly called for their positions. The one who was flanked was not him but An Ye who looked confused. cold.

Seeing that there was a sudden change of people in front of him, Bai Chen hurriedly withdrew his soul skill, but the sure-kill skill could not be withdrawn at the drop of a hat. Bai Chen who forcibly withdrew his soul skill also suffered a lot of backlash, and his face suddenly turned pale. .

Then he was replaced by Xu Sanshi's big shield behind him, and his face was smeared. Xuanming's power added Xuanming's shock, and the thick shield slapped him on the back of the head. Even if he was a defensive soul master, he couldn't safely eat Xu Sanshi. This blow caused him to fall directly to the ground.

An Yeleng on the other side hurriedly controlled his soul skills to deviate from the trajectory. However, just when Xu Sanshi launched the Xuan Ming Replacement, He Caitou's attack also arrived. A total of sixty-four white lights shot out from the soul guide on He Caitou. It was impossible to block this blow intact. Judging from the destructive aura emanating from the white light, even if there is a mimic martial spirit blocking it, it won't work.

Just when An Yeleng felt desperate, a solid body stood in front of her. It was the referee who looked a little funny.

"Shrek Academy vs. Yunluo Academy, the first two-two-three battle, Shrek Academy wins."

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