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061: White Tiger Duke

The western border of the Star Luo Empire, the Mingdou Mountains.

This is the darkest moment before dawn. There is no light from the stars and moon in the sky, and you can't see your fingers in the wild.

A white meteor appeared in the northeast of the sky. The meteor left a white tail flame in the sky, splitting the dark sky like a sharp sword. After the meteor flew past, a thunderous sound gradually came from the sky. Come.

The white meteor gradually slowed down and fell straight to the ground. Suddenly, the meteor tree expanded rapidly and spread into a huge white platform, with more than a dozen black shadows falling faintly on it. The white platform slowly landed, and a sound of vomiting could be heard one after another.

The white light faded, and a dozen figures staggered around, either squatting on the ground or holding on to tree trunks. At least more than half of them were vomiting.

"Look at your potential." The old voice remembered, and a silhouette with messy hair in the darkness picked up the wine gourd and took a sip.

This dark figure is Mr. Xuan, and those retching on the side are naturally members of the Shrek Supervisory Team.

Several people from the reserve team squatted on the ground and vomited profusely. The regular team members also retched and turned pale. Fu Hua vomited particularly violently. She suffered from extremely severe motion sickness. Even after time travel and transformation, this problem still existed.

In the past two hours, Xuan Lao led Shrek and everyone at a speed of kilometers per hour, flying over a distance of nearly three thousand kilometers, while fighter jets on Earth could fly at a speed without using afterburners. But it’s about kilometers per hour.

Relying on the soul guide on his back and carrying more than a dozen encumbrances, Mr. Xuan flew at a speed exceeding the speed of sound for nearly two hours. At this time, he looked like a normal person, which showed Mr. Xuan's great strength.

"Xiao Daizi." Elder Xuan called lazily.


"The noise we fell just now was a bit loud. The distance between here and the Star Luo Empire's Western Group Army is only 50 miles. Their people will be here soon. It's up to you to handle this matter. Hey, you are not in good health as you get older. That's great, let me go and take a nap first." After Mr. Xuan finished his explanation, he muttered a few words and disappeared from everyone's sight with three steps.

Not long after, someone came from the sky. The tail flames of flying soul guides streaked across the sky and flew accurately towards here. Dai Yueheng made a mark on his head, and a stream of light and shadow fell from the sky. Looking at the tail flame of the soul guide, there were thirty one people in total.

"Who are you, and what is the purpose of using flying soul guides to approach our army." The leading old man said in a deep voice, and together with the team behind him, they released their martial spirits. The leading old man was a seven-ringed soul saint, and behind him The teams are all from the fourth ring to the top, and there are many fifth-ring soul king-level soul masters among them.

Under the light of the soul ring, Fu Hua saw that each person's chest had a white tiger head pattern that was shining with light fluorescence. The tiger head was very large, covering half of the leather armor on the chest. This was the White Tiger Duke's white tiger. The symbol of the Guards.

Since he is a White Tiger personal guard, it is quite reasonable for Dai Yueheng to receive him. After Dai Yueheng came forward to negotiate for a few words, the leading old man sent one of his soul kings back to the military camp to report the news. Everyone in Shrek rested where they were for a while, and then went to the military camp with the old man to meet the White Tiger Duke.

After resting, the group took off again, and slowly flew towards the military camp under the leadership of the White Tiger guards.

When they took off again, the sky was already bright, and the warm sunlight shone on everyone, dyeing them golden. In the distance, a large military camp gradually appeared in Fu Hua's field of vision. These military camps were all built on mountains. In the relatively gentle area to the west of the military camp, Fu Hua saw a huge city wall there. The city wall gradually extended into the distance along the Mingdou Mountains until it disappeared from Fu Hua's sight.

When they flew over the military camp, the team did not land. The leading old man raised his hand and a signal flew out, forming a tiger head pattern in the air.

Fu Hua noticed that many of the anti-aircraft weapons in the camp reacted when they flew over, and they gradually put them away after the old man sent the signal. There seemed to be a chilling atmosphere in the entire camp. This was an evil atmosphere that the army only had during war. It was early in the morning, and many soldiers had already begun to drill. They were not only neat, but also majestic and murderous.

The military camp was very large. After flying for about a quarter of an hour, a large cowhide tent appeared in everyone's sight in the distance.

Compared with other tents, this big cowhide tent is much larger. The big tent is hexagonal and made entirely of dark brown cooked cowhide. There were not many guards around, only two teams of about thirty White Tiger guards patrolling.

What attracted people's attention was a figure in front of the camp. Although it was difficult to see clearly from a distance, Fu Hua felt a shocking aura from that person.

The man seemed to be practicing boxing without releasing his martial spirit. His movements were simple and concise, but with every punch, there was bound to be a dull explosion in the air.

The old man flying at the front slowed down and led everyone down slowly.

As if he felt their arrival, the man slowly closed his fists and stood up, taking a long breath, and a roar like a tiger roared. In an instant, within a few hundred meters of the big cowhide tent, there was a strong wind, and it was really like a tiger. Like a tiger.

After landing, the old man walked quickly to the man, bowed slightly and said: "Marshal, the eldest young master and the people from Shrek Academy are here."

At this time, the tall man had turned around and could see the whole picture. Her long blond hair hangs naturally around her head. She looks to be in her thirties, with regular features, deep-set eye sockets, and twin shining pupils in each of her azure eyes. His face looked a little thin, but his whole person had a metallic texture. Especially his eyes, when he first glanced over, were like a sharp blade, causing everyone in Shrek Academy to stop unconsciously. However, his gaze soon softened.

Dai Yueheng quickly walked out of the team, came to Duke White Tiger's side, and bowed respectfully.


After Dai Yueheng said these two words, Fu Hua noticed that Huo Yuhao's expression suddenly changed, showing a feeling of deep anger. At the same time, Fu Hua glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Wang Dong next to him grabbing his vitals. Huo Yuhao suddenly became normal. Seeing the interaction between the two of them, Fu Hua felt a chill in his heart and turned his head away from looking at the two of them.

Dai Yueheng on the other side stood up and whispered a few words in Duke White Tiger's ear. The White Tiger Duke nodded when he heard this, and strode forward to the Shrek crowd: "Welcome Teacher Wang Yan and all the top students from Shrek."

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